YSaC, Vol. 1495: Max in his first book, wrote about, wrote about…

2013 April 19
by dan

Large Max Sign

Its a long story.
Its free Come and Get it today or I’m tossing it out.
calls only. I’m moving and not checking e-mails.

Hey boys and girls – are you ready for a long story?

Once, there was a sign named Max. Max was the son of a wealthy count who was very ill. Max went to a party given by Anna Scherer, who was a very good friend of the mother of the queen. Max has a friend named Andre, who was a real prince!

Andre lived in a tiny room in with his friend Raz, who also has a video game where he goes inside people’s minds. Andre decided he needed to get rid of the mean old pawn-broker. He has a funny drunk friend named Simon.

Simon likes to go to bed early and every night his mother would read him a good night story. He also likes having cake with his aunt Leonie. Later he goes for a walk past the house of his friend Mr. Swan.

Mr. Swan was the most popular animal on the farm, and he taught all the other animals to read and write. Then he built a windmill. However, a funny man named Don came and knocked the windmill over. Then he sailed off to try and catch a big white whale named Moby. Then Moby made a record with Gwen.

Gwen had four other sisters, including her youngest sister Lydia, and her oldest sister Jane. Jane fell in love with a man named Mr. Bingly, who was in charge of painting sheep red. Some of the sheep went back to the farm, which was now being run by a pig named Napoleon.

Napoleon brought many many people to meet Max’s friends, and unfortunately Andre got hurt and had to go to a place called Yaroslavl. What a silly name for a place! Meanwhile, Mr. Swan and Dean decided to drive to San Francisco, where Remi and Lee Ann got him a job as a night watchman. He was sad, because he didn’t get to meet Night Owl OR Doctor Manhattan, because they were on the day shift.

Meanwhile, Dagny and Jimmy went for a ride on a choo-choo!

I think that’s enough story for now, don’t you, boys and girls?

23 Responses leave one →
  1. 2013 April 19
    Ralph permalink

    Does Sparky come with the sign?

    Adores: 1
  2. 2013 April 19

    Poor Mad Max Headroom.

    Adores: 4
    • 2013 April 19
      Dan permalink

      I loved the sequel – “Mad Max Headroom With A View to a Kill A Mockingbird Lane: The Subtitle.”

      Adores: 10
      • 2013 April 19
        Windrose permalink

        I saw it with subtitles.

        Adores: 1
        • 2013 April 19
          DigitalAxis permalink

          I saw it in a double feature with “The Unbearable Lightness of Being John Malkovich”

          Adores: 5
      • 2013 April 19
        mudslicker permalink

        OOOoooohhhhhhhhh…….THAT Max!!!

        I thought it was then that Max said, “Let the wild rumpus start!”

        Adores: 1
  3. 2013 April 19

    Free if you come inside and listen to my story. $7.95 otherwise (plus [location] sales tax unless you have a dealer number).

    Adores: 2
  4. 2013 April 19

    The story I want to hear is why Max is not allowed to move with you.

    Adores: 4
    • 2013 April 19

      I bet it was that incident with the quart of blueberry-mango yogurt, unicycles, a ginger named Tess, and three duck feathers.

      Adores: 3
  5. 2013 April 19
    Ralph permalink

    “I’m moving and not checking e-mails.” Sparky is going Where the Wild Things Are?

    Adores: 3
  6. 2013 April 19
    limelolly permalink


    All long stories end up being the same song and dance.

    Adores: 6
  7. 2013 April 19
    Demon Duck of Doom permalink

    Come and listen to a story ’bout a sign named Max
    He never checked his emails or sent messages or FAX
    Then one day when he was out and fancy free
    He met a sign named Office and they formed a company

    Selling FAX paper, that is, computers, memo pads…

    Well, first thing you know old Max is working hard
    His partner is a tyrant, never seems to get tired
    Folks said “Max, you were better off alone”
    So he packed up his stapler and went lookin’ for a home

    A new one, that is, on Craigslist, preferably with a swimming pool….

    Adores: 6
  8. 2013 April 19
    DigitalAxis permalink

    Wait, I thought Andre was a giant…

    Adores: 3
  9. 2013 April 19
    MissMommyNiceNice permalink

    This is by far the best literary reference mashup EVER. Bravo.

    Adores: 0
  10. 2013 April 19
    CapnMac permalink

    Max? No, M-O-N-T-O-Y-A, Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, and you are now about to die!

    Adores: 5
  11. 2013 April 19
    Windrose permalink

    The sign is no doubt infested with jiggers.

    Adores: 1
    • 2013 April 19
      funky "ass-noodles" monkey permalink

      *ahem* Excuse me, they prefer to be called “Jigro Americans”, thank you very much.

      Come on, people!

      Adores: 3
      • 2013 April 19
        MissMommyNiceNice permalink

        Chiggers? Anyone?

        Adores: 1
  12. 2013 April 19
    MissMommyNiceNice permalink

    Perhaps we should roar our terrible roars and roll our terrible eyes and gnash our terrible teeth?

    Adores: 1
  13. 2013 April 20

    Ducky, I’m only going to say this once! Punchity Punch Punch!

    Good Morning, Litterary Fiends!

    Adores: 0

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