YSaC, Vol. 1590: When pigs swim.

2013 August 30

Swinin pool

i have a swining pool only pool not have filters and i have a vanity 2 doors and other irons For Free if you are interesting you ned take evething send a mesaje if you are interesting and i let you now my adres thanks For looking

Am I interesting? I’m not sure. Most people THINK they’re interesting. But if I wrote my autobiography, would anyone want to read it? I’ve traveled to some interesting places in my life, but that doesn’t necessarily make ME interesting. In a way, this raises the larger metaphysical question of what makes anyone interesting. After all, every human being is unique, but since we are all unique in one way or another, in a sense, that means that none of us are. After all, in a world where everyone is unique, the only way to be truly different would be to be NOT unique. Of course, that wouldn’t be possible, because being the most typical person in the world is in itself a form of uniqueness.

In short, I’m just not sure if I’m interesting enough for your swining pool. Plus, I’m trying to keep Kosher.

Thanks for the post, Kim!

32 Responses leave one →
  1. 2013 August 30

    If you don’t want Ned’s mesaje, I’ll take it. My back and shoulders are killing me.

    Adores: 4
    • 2013 August 30
      nojazzhere permalink

      My mesaje to you I are interesting in a subdued or understated way. I are not gregarious or extremely knowledgeable re: swining pool and I can’t take EVERYTHING unless you can let me know your andres (the Giant) For Free……besides, how do you know I am looking????? I am hiding behind Bango…….Will someone (probably female, ’cause they like to do this) please clean up lounge over Labor Day weekend??? It’s a disgrace!!!!!!!!

      Adores: 6
  2. 2013 August 30
    Rebecca permalink

    He swims with unfiltered pigs.

    He is Ned. The most interesting man in the world.

    Adores: 12
  3. 2013 August 30
    camille permalink

    My stars, if an interesting monster can’t have an interesting Swining Pool. 2 door vanity, and other irons, then I don’t know what things are coming to.

    Adores: 13
    • 2013 August 30
      limelolly permalink

      “Let’s dip your little piddies in the water”

      Adores: 7
      • 2013 August 30

        Another day of animation nostalgia, this time animal-on-giant-red-fuzzy-thing-from-another-planet violence. Love that little rabbit.

        Adores: 1
  4. 2013 August 30
    Brer Fox permalink

    I’d like to join your swining pool I’ll take September 2nd at 8:45 am with a litter of 8 You should at least have one filter on this pool to filter out minors you know because gambling might currupt the little beggars and I haz a vanity about my fur door so I don’t think I’ll be nedding your doors and I’m pretty sure I’m interesting because I like Free because I don’t want to have to pay for not being interesting and I already do the evething and have my own accounts but you are never supposed to let anybody have your accounts so it’s better if you just delete mesaje and adres so I won’t try to look up you and no thanks on the irons because I’m not into bondage

    Adores: 3
    • 2013 August 30
      zero.nada.none. permalink

      ….”because I’m not into bondage”
      …..well, I am….prefer Sean Connery, but like Daniel Craig, too…..
      Not into Roger (THE SAINT) Moore……

      Adores: 6
      • 2013 August 30

        To nobody’s surprise, I noticed you didn’t mention that George guy, and I’ll let Timothy’s absence slide, but Pierce doesn’t do it for you? Interesting.

        Adores: 2
  5. 2013 August 30
    KatyCat permalink

    With a mighty effort (and a second cup of tea), I overlooked the speeling issues to decode what I believe is the speakers intent. And I notice that he never calls it a kiddie pool or a wading pool. So I’m picturing a proper, cement-lined, sunk-in pool. Possibly ripped out of the ground and sitting awkwardly in the back yard, possibly still needing to be dug up (u pik up, I cn’t diliveer). And thrown haphazardly inside the cement pool there are several twisted bits of metal (or golf clubs, or anti-wrinkle devices), two French doors, and a stray piece of furniture.

    Adores: 4
    • 2013 August 30
      KatyCat permalink

      Aaand now I have a Christmas song stuck in my head. :/

      Adores: 4
      • 2013 August 30

        On the first day of Beesmas, my sparkie gave to me! Everybody!

        Adores: 5
        • 2013 August 30
          Kaziganthi permalink

          A 2 door vanity in a swining pool,

          On the second day of Beesmas my true love gave to meee-

          -Your turn-

          Adores: 3
        • 2013 August 30
          KatyCat permalink

          Two Chester Drawers and a 2 door vanity in a swining pool.

          On the third day of Beesmas, my sparkie gave to me…

          Adores: 3
        • 2013 August 30

          Three Lousey Ponchos, Two Cherster Drawers, and a 2 door vanity in a swining pool!

          On the fourth day of Beesmas my sparkie gave to meeeeeee:

          Adores: 3
        • 2013 August 30
          camille permalink

          Four Bedazzled Deer Hooves, Three Lousey Ponchos, Two Cherster Drawers, and a 2 door vanity in a swining pool!

          On the fifth day of Beesmas, my sparkie gave to me:

          Adores: 3
        • 2013 August 30
          KatyCat permalink


          Four Bedazzled Deer Hooves, Three Lousey Ponchos Two Chester Drawers, and a 2 door vanity in a swining pool!

          On the sixth day of Beesmas, my sparkie gave to me…

          Adores: 3
      • 2013 August 30
        MissMommyNiceNice permalink

        Six mystery snails!

        Adores: 2
        • 2013 August 30
          andy permalink

          On the seventh day of Beesmas, my Sparkie gave to me … Seven Minty Shells! Six mystery snails, FIIIIVE ROOFER! ROOFER!s Four Bedazzled Deer Hooves, Three Lousey Ponchos, Two Chester Drawers, and a 2 door vanity in a swining pool!

          Adores: 3
        • 2013 August 31

          On the eighth day of Beesmas, my Sparkie gave to me:

          Eight fixee bikees, Seven Minty Shells! Six mystery snails, FIIIIVE ROOFER! ROOFER!s Four Bedazzled Deer Hooves, Three Lousey Ponchos, Two Chester Drawers, and a 2 door vanity in a swining pool!

          Come on folks, only four more to go!!!

          Adores: 1
        • 2013 August 31
          andy permalink

          On the ninth day of Beesmas, my Sparkie gave to me … Nine NAPLONENE Oil Paintings!

          Eight fixee bikees, Seven Minty Shells! Six mystery snails, FIIIIVE ROOFER! ROOFER!s Four Bedazzled Deer Hooves, Three Lousey Ponchos, Two Chester Drawers, and a 2 door vanity in a swining pool!

          Adores: 2
    • 2013 August 30
      CapnMac permalink

      [pool trivia corey]It is possible to so build a pool that, with certain geologic conditions, particularly ground water, a concrete pool will float out of its hole in the ground.

      This is not good for things like pipes and electrical connections, which generally presume a fixed state & location for the pool.

      It’s also exceedingly difficult to repair–especially if the pool is only a few inches out of kilter; it mostly needs the whole pool demolished to get to the problem.

      Adores: 3
  6. 2013 August 30

    I can’t believe it’s mid day across Amurica and we only have 10 or so comments. Sigh. Everyone else got to go out of town, probably. Camping in the Aderondacks or the High Sierras or Great Lakes region or something fun like that. Here I am, stuck in So. Cal with lots of sunshine and three days off. Sigh. Poor me! I never get duck al’orange, either!

    Adores: 3
    • 2013 August 30
      Kaziganthi permalink

      Not me, I’m working, today, tomorrow, Sunday, and Monday. Ah well, those of you who can, enjoy it.

      Adores: 1
      • 2013 August 30
        One Moving Violation permalink

        Me too Kazi, I’m about to embark on another 14.5 hr shift in the No Phone Zone. But I do really feel like I’m somebody when all these businesses close down just so they can party. I will be working though, the only time I get off is when I have too many hours for the week already.

        Adores: 1
  7. 2013 August 30
    CapnMac permalink

    l am not Ned (but, Winter Is Coming).

    I do not measje (religious reasons).

    Ergo, I am not swinishly interesting.

    Contrapos, I have lived out the Chinese curse of living in “interesting” times (sigh).

    Happy Labour Day!

    Adores: 3
  8. 2013 August 30
    tigprincess permalink

    As a Brit can you explain to me why Labor Day (your bad spelling) is a holiday? Surely it should be a bright working day??

    Adores: 1
    • 2013 August 31

      Uh, well, it’s because, uh, well, see, we work hard every other day! Yeah, that’s it.

      Adores: 0
    • 2013 August 31
      One Moving Violation permalink

      That was the day my mother went into labor. But as a Brit, I wouldn’t expect you to know who she is. The rest of you though, need to pay her homage.

      Adores: 0
    • 2013 August 31
      CapnMac permalink

      It’s really Labour, as in Internationale Trades-Unionist celebration day.
      One may read into that such political biases as one wishes (or as one’s ideology requires or directs).

      In the observation of this “federalized” (meaning regulated into a mandatory Monday vacation day) is as divorced of its true meaning as our Memorial Day. That latter being meant to be a solemn day of remembrance of those who gave their lives in military service to the United States (recently expanded to include all First Responders).

      Sadly, the hoi polloi merely observe the one as the beginning of the summer holiday season, and the other as its end.

      What the sparkii make of that is beyond sapient understanding–probably on the order of salmon tartare with jugged hare and rat tart without so much Spam in it.

      Adores: 0
  9. 2013 August 30
    Ralph permalink

    Sillies, this is not a pool for swine; it’s a pool for swiners — people who like to trade partners. They tend to have a lot of irons in the fire, and not much vanity. Philtres help, however.

    Adores: 2
  10. 2013 August 31

    TC, resistance is futile. You have been asnarkilated. Punchity Punch Punch!

    Good Morning, Schweinehunds!

    Adores: 0

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