YSaC, Vol 546: Here she comes now, sayin’ Monet, Monet!

2010 January 14

Tobacco gas mask looooookkkkk – $100

My buddy has a motorized gasmask made for aspestice removeing
he learned that upon hooking any tobacoo pipe to the end of it’s mouth price ur whole face is ingulfed in a thicket of smoke!!!
After weeks of lung damage he is now ready to get some of his money back he want 100$$ but I could talk him down to Manet even 75$$ or something
if u kno what’s up hit me up
pce my fellow tree lovers!!

A motorized gas mask? A little research reveals that such a thing does exist, but is generally referred to as a powered respirator. Motorized sounds more like you can drive it around. Which, admittedly, is pretty cool. So which Manet should we give him for it?

“The Fifer”?


“Monet Painting in his Floating Studio”?


He can’t have “Le Bar aux Folies-Bergère” unless I can get “Olympia” in change.
546a 546d

Thanks for the link, Ralph!

168 Responses leave one →
  1. 2010 January 14
    Lola permalink

    “After weeks of lung damage” …
    It’s the years of brain damage that seem most apparent here.

    Also, the phrase “talk him down to Manet” makes me wonder where he is now. What’s above Manet? Monet? Kandinsky? Emin? El Greco? Damian Hirst? A mezzanine?

    Adores: 14
    • 2010 January 14
      Meredith permalink

      For me, nothing tops a velvet Elvis. Blacklight sensitive colors, of course!

      Adores: 7
      • 2010 January 14
        MsDolfinn permalink

        I don’t know. I’m thinking a lovely Not.A.Lion print might put me over the edge.

        Adores: 8
        • 2010 January 14
          Lara permalink

          Is Not.A.Lion above Manet then? Perhaps in Craigslist world.

          Adores: 2
    • 2010 January 14
      tacomagic permalink

      “Weeks of lung damage” is clearly a selling point here!

      It’s like the car I bought: “Explodes occasionally”

      Or the toaster: “Burnt house down, still sorta works”

      My TV: “Tired of all the cancer it’s given the family”

      That Sex doll: “Crabs at no extra cost”

      Let me know when I’ve gone too far here people…

      Adores: 28
      • 2010 January 14
        Lola permalink

        Just wondering why you capitalized Sex. Is that a brand name of doll?

        Adores: 3
        • 2010 January 14
          tacomagic permalink

          My right pinky has a mind of it’s own. It likes to Spontaneously capitalize things. It’s mad, MAD I tell you. Save yourself, iT’s nOT ToO LATE!

          Adores: 14
        • 2010 January 14
          mudslicker permalink

          Anthropomorphizing rocks!!!

          Adores: 4
        • 2010 January 14
          MsDolfinn permalink

          BTW Spontaneous Capitalization would make a good band name.

          Adores: 8
      • 2010 January 14

        Too far? I may be new, but I’ve noticed that there is a fine line concealed within a very large, grey area, surrounded by fog. I doubt that you could go too far without falling Wylie-Coyote style off of the large cliff that the regulars have hidden in there. I’ll be watching for the pina colada umbrella and ‘help me’ sign on your way down.

        Adores: 12
      • 2010 January 15
        jackie31337 permalink

        It’s kind of ironic, considering that the point of a powered respirator is to prevent lung damage (and eventual cancer when working with “aspestice”).

        Btw, “aspestice” is so wildly misspelled that my browser’s spell-checker was unable to decipher it into “asbestos”. It’s kind of like the old complaint about using a dictionary to look up correct spellings: if you don’t know how to spell it, how are you supposed to find it in the dictionary?

        Adores: 4
      • 2010 May 31
        this.self.thing permalink

        I tAkE CarE oF tHe PlAcE wHiLe ThE mAsTeR iS aWay.

        Adores: 1
        • 2014 January 18
          Innana permalink


          Adores: 0
  2. 2010 January 14
    Caro permalink

    “Motorized sounds more like you can drive it around. Which, admittedly, is pretty cool.”

    Perhaps yesterday’s desperate parent could trade some rare cereal for it, if it’s a good running gas mask.

    (Yes, I’m back. Miss me?)

    Adores: 12
    • 2010 January 14
      arallyn permalink

      I don’t know if I’ve met you, but hey welcome back! I was on here a LOT the past couple months but the past two weeks I’ve been moving and bonding with my new cat. <3

      As for the listing, I don't know ANYONE with that much of a love for tobacco. The ganga is the ooooonly thing I can think of that it would be used here.

      Or maybe crack! Wait…is that even possible? I know people smoke crack, but does it produce enough smoke to fill a mask? INQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW.

      Adores: 1
      • 2010 January 14

        Crack? No. Meth? Yes.

        Not that I’d know from personal experience, or anything. Just long nights surfing Youtube. You know, there is a video on Youtube for just about anything you can possibly think of. 😀

        Adores: 0
    • 2010 January 14
      arallyn permalink

      I definitely posted a reply to this earlier, but the vortex of the internets must have eaten it. Anyway, welcome back and all that, I’m just getting back into the site myself…after a week of moving and bonding with my new cat

      Adores: 1
      • 2010 January 14

        It got flagged as spam. I don’t know why — maybe the references to drugs! (Because, you know, there aren’t any other references to drugs in any of the other comments. I don’t know.)

        Anyway, I’ve unflagged it.

        Adores: 0
        • 2010 January 14
          sarajean80 permalink

          I’m surprised it didn’t flag the repeated mentions of porn.

          Adores: 0
    • 2010 January 14

      Motorized gas mask – Thinly veiled description of a powered hookah. And at a good price too……..

      Adores: 2
  3. 2010 January 14

    When I hear motorized gas mask getting “tobacco” smoke piped into it, I’m transported to a steampunk world. Well, kind of an idiotic, stoner steampunk world.

    Adores: 11
    • 2010 January 14
      Lola permalink


      Adores: 16
      • 2010 January 14

        Bingo. I think you just created an art/fiction genre.

        Adores: 3
        • 2010 January 14
          Lola permalink

          Actually what this reminds me of is that Denis Leary bit where he says “Drugs don’t lead to violence, they lead to carpentry. Anything could be a bong! This guy’s head – it could be a bong!” That’s not an exact quote, but it’s the main point of it.

          So now of course I’m imagining a couple of guys making a giant bong out of an antique potbellied stove, with tin piping …

          Adores: 10
        • 2010 January 14

          I’m kindof thinking that making a bong out of someone’s head would surely involve violence. As long as it’s the right person, I’m down.

          Adores: 5
        • 2010 January 14
          arallyn permalink


          Effin hell. Teens are idiots. (our teens here notwithstanding…even though the Igor has gone AWOL for a while)

          Adores: 1
        • 2010 January 14

          I’m thinking that Lola would love this. It is my offering to the YSAC Gods for my earlier transgression.

          Adores: 4
        • 2010 January 14
          sweetbiscuit21 permalink

          Arallyn, OMG.

          “A psychiatrist has diagnosed Buckalew with mental health issues.”

          Can Windrose please give this guy an “understatement of the century” award.

          Adores: 3
        • 2010 January 14
          Windrose permalink

          Lola, Steamslacker is a great name for a band!

          Arallyn, SweetB, Here’s a pretty red Understatement of the Century Award for “A psychiatrist” and an Oy! at no extra charge.

          HHNF, Please define a Modern Victorian house for me. *pauses while mind boggles” Okay, carry on.

          Adores: 1
        • 2010 January 14

          ‘Modern’ Victorians are famous and the majority up in Port Townsend, Wa. You build it, new with creepy secret passageways and old, crappy looking stuff! Those are the best houses. they look like gian dollhouses. Just much, much, much more expensive.

          Adores: 1
    • 2010 January 14
      Lara permalink

      Damn! That would be awesome if you are a stoner. Of course if you had a bad trip and looked in the mirror you would probably scare the shit out of yourself.

      Adores: 9
    • 2010 January 14
      Kanye West permalink

      Yo Manet, I’m really stoned for you, I’mma let you finish, but Marilyn Manson had the greatest steampunk gas mask bong of all time. Of all time!

      Adores: 6
      • 2010 January 14

        I just might agree with Kanye. Yes, Hell is frozen over.

        Adores: 3
        • 2010 January 14
          Kanye West permalink

          Yo HHNF, I appreciate that, I almost vomited when I was looking through Marilyn Manson pics to find this picture.

          Adores: 6
      • 2010 January 14
        Windrose permalink

        Kanye, you deserve a card punch. Really, you do. All that and more.

        Adores: 1
        • 2010 January 14
          Kanye West permalink

          Thank you so much! I always dreamed about what it would be like to get my card punched — but I never thought it would have happened, ah… I rap so thank you so much for giving me a chance to get a You Don’t Suck at Commenting ca–

          Adores: 2
        • 2010 January 14
          Kanye West permalink

          Yo Kanye, I’m really happy for you, I’mma let you finish, but sarajean had one of the best acceptance speeches of all time. One of the best acceptance speeches of all time!

          Adores: 10
        • 2010 January 14

          By the way Kanye, I don’t hate black people.

          I hate kittens.

          Adores: 9
        • 2010 January 14
          Kanye West permalink

          George S. Bush!

          Adores: 0
  4. 2010 January 14
    screamer permalink

    I don’t know; it’s the aspestice removal that has me wondering. Where is it? Where is it removed from? Is it already in my body and has to be driven out by the motorized gas mask?

    And I’m having difficulty picturing someone wearing a gas mask and smoking a pipe at the same time. How does one do that? And why is it referred to as a tobacco gasmask in the headline but a motorized one in the body?

    So many questions; so little brainpower on the advertiser’s part to answer them.

    Adores: 4
    • 2010 January 14
      PrincessLuceval permalink

      Just gotta try asbestos you can.

      Adores: 26
    • 2010 January 14
      Windrose permalink

      *hands screamer a nice cuppa and a soft teddy bear* There, there. We are all your friends here. One unsolvable question at a time, there’s a dear.

      Adores: 1
      • 2010 January 14
        screamer permalink

        Thanks, I needed that!

        Adores: 1
  5. 2010 January 14
    mudslicker permalink

    And just when my head was just getting better from yesterday’s submission but here goes:

    mouth price ur whole face is ingulfed in a thicket of smoke!!!

    1. If the thicket is ingulfed [sic] in smoke, get your face out of it for crissakes and call Smokey the Bear!!! Mouth price? Really?

    2. I’d only consider a Monet if the haystacks were on fire and engulfed in a thicket of smoke.

    3. The only Manet I would barter with would be Le déjeuner sur l’herbe. Those people look like they were smoking something in a motorized gas mask and then the females decided to play Girls Gone Wild at the picnic. That one guy looks like Joe Francis, right?

    Adores: 4
    • 2010 January 14

      Yeah, “l’herbe” fits with this post.

      Adores: 8
  6. 2010 January 14
    Meredith permalink

    File this under, “99.9% chance of ending in jail time”. No way these guys can keep their stupid mouths from running off when some one calls to ask about the “tobacoo” mask.

    Adores: 9
    • 2010 January 14
      Andrea permalink

      Nope, this guy’s not gonna get caught, he went all stealth mode with the ‘My buddy’ disguise, and no one ever sees through that one!

      Adores: 16
      • 2010 January 14
        Lara permalink

        What are you talking about? That works all the time! If only Nixon had said his buddy was responsible for the bugging he would have served out his second term and been hailed as a great president.

        Adores: 7
        • 2010 January 14
          Ed Snyder permalink

          Martha Stewart: A buddy of mine invested in ImClone.

          Bill Clinton: A buddy of mine had sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.

          Pete Rose: My buddy bet on baseball games.

          Rod Blagojevich: A buddy tried to sell a US Senate seat.

          George Ryan: A buddy of mine sold licenses to truck drivers for bribes.

          Kanye West: Imma let you finish, but my buddy is the biggest idiot to take the mic away from an awardee of all time. Of all time!

          [I could go on and on]

          Adores: 22
      • 2010 January 14
        tacomagic permalink

        For some reason all I can picture right now is the “My Buddy” doll from the late 80s early 90s.

        I’m also imagining a stoner with a “My Buddy” and blaming him for all the bongs the cops just found:

        “No dude, those are totally his. I keep telling him he needs to lay off that stuff but he just keeps bringing it in the house. Then he leaves his shit everywhere and I have to clean the place up. I think you should give him some jail time or somethin’ so he’ll knock it off.”

        “Nice try, but he’s a doll.”

        “No man, he’s just wasted.”

        Adores: 18
        • 2010 January 14
          Maureen permalink

          “He’s a doll.”

          “wooah, dude, I didn’t know cops could be, like, queer. No offense, man, ’cause that’s cool with me, but he’s straight, dude.”

          Adores: 7
        • 2010 January 15
          jackie31337 permalink

          Oh no, now I have the horrible jingle from the My Buddy commercial (and the Kid Sister doll commercial too!) stuck in my head. Thank you ever so much.

          Adores: 4
    • 2010 January 14
      Colleen in MA permalink

      My thoughts exactly!

      Adores: 2
  7. 2010 January 14
    Iakona permalink

    The whole tobacco thing is a ruse. This device is strictly for smoking marijuana. He’s scared of getting in trouble but still wants to sell it for $100… Come to think of it, I’d love to get lung damage after a few weeks, but I won’t spend more than $50!

    Adores: 2
    • 2010 January 14

      But….he says it’s for tobacco smoking! Just like the store where I used to live, called “Highway 420″….they also sold a wide assortment of pipes, that were strictly intended for tobacco use only. XD

      They also sold glass stems that were only meant as protective covers for ballpoint pens. And glass stems with bubbles on the end & little flowers inside of them that were only supposed to be for burning oil incense. *wide-eyed look of innocence* *nods head*

      Perfectly innocent little store with a wide selection of tobacco-smoking pipes and other novelties. And I am sure that the person selling the gas mask simply enjoys inhaling enough nicotine in one sitting to kill a horse. Nothing illegal going on here. Nope, not at all.

      (Note sarcasm. Also, in case anyone’s interested- you can go on Youtube and find a ton of videos of people using gas mask contraptions to smoke weed. LOL.)

      Adores: 3
      • 2010 January 14
        Lara permalink

        We have several of those stores around campus including “Puff and Stuff” and “The Joint” which don’t actually sell any tobacco but have plenty of glass pipes and bongs for “tobacco” use. They also have porn and sex toys. Apparently it all goes together. Before Salvia was outlawed here, they used to sell that. They will actually throw you out of the store if you mention smoking anything that is not tobacco. Of course that was a problem when they sold Salvia.

        Adores: 4
        • 2010 January 14
          Lola permalink

          There was one of those where I used to live. I have never smoked but liked visiting it for the sheer randomness of their products – the usual head shop stuff (best incense selection in town) but also shea butter products, caffeinated mints, every kind of tarot deck, fake tatts, various hippiesh clothes and shawls, and kitsch stuff like the “Friday the 13th” lunchbox (metal, oldschool style). The strangest story I ever heard about that place was a friend’s coworker who ran into their boss in there … purchasing a pipe for her son.

          Adores: 2
        • 2010 January 14
          arallyn permalink

          Madison had quite a few shops like that, but the craziest place I’ve ever been to is Eugene, OR. They have those shops on every corner! And salvia was sold openly when I was there. I don’t know if it’s outlawed in Oregon yet…in WI it’s actually pretty hard to cultivate well, but pot grows like wildflowers, so we’re mostly about pot out here.

          The place I stayed in Vienna was a bit sketchy, too. The block across the street from the hotel we were in was [porn shop][head shop][strip club][strip club][head shop advertising sex toys] etc etc….but yeah that was Europe. They’re weird over there 😛

          Adores: 3
        • 2010 January 14
          sarajean80 permalink

          Living in an area with numerous colleges (three big ones and a couple of smaller ones) there are a number of those shops around. My favorite for sheer stupidity is the one that also sold hydroponic supplies along with the ‘tobacco’ pipes.

          Adores: 1
        • 2010 January 14
          Caro permalink

          Madison? The Pipefitter, circa 1972. ‘Ere. Don’t bogart. (Cripes, I’m so glad I’ve devoted my remaining brain cells to remembering head shop names and lingo from bygone eras.)

          Adores: 0
        • 2010 January 14
          arallyn permalink

          Pipefitter is still on State Street, natch…it’s moved around a few times and most recently moved to a much bigger store. It has a lot more sex stuff in there now, and no kids under 16 are allowed in these days. I remember going in there several times when I was 12. Fascinating stuff for a kid :K

          Adores: 0
    • 2010 January 14
      Andrea permalink

      This is more a response to Lola’s coworker/friend/pipe/son story, but for some reason her reply button is missing, so this’ll have to do.

      Our local bong shop was also a porn shop, and one time my bf and I caught our male boy’s gym teacher looking at gay porn. We had already graduated by then, but he was still the gym teacher at the highschool. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with gay teachers, and being gay doesn’t automatically make you a pedophile or anything, but a lot of high school seniors are/look like men, and according to my bf, this gym teacher was always lingering around when they were showering. Creepy.

      Adores: 1
      • 2010 January 14
        Lara permalink

        I had a creepy gym teacher when I was a kid who always had the girls sit on his lap. Yuck!

        Adores: 2
        • 2010 January 14
          Lola permalink

          Just threw up a little bit in my mouth, there. 🙁

          Adores: 1
        • 2010 January 14
          mudslicker permalink

          At least you weren’t wearing a helmet Lola.

          Adores: 2
        • 2010 January 14
          TIE Pilot permalink

          Tell me about it.

          Adores: 12
        • 2010 January 14
          Jane permalink

          I had a gym teacher who gave extra credit and better grades to girls in swim class who used bikinis. He had this creepy beard thing going, too…

          Adores: 3
    • 2010 January 14
      Jane permalink

      I live in the state with “personal use” laws and where stores sell bongs. Not pipes, bongs.

      Yes, by the way, we’re the state who produced Palin.

      Coincidence? I think not!

      Adores: 2
      • 2010 January 14
        Windrose permalink

        Jane, when you say, “produced Palin.” It gives me a horrible feeling that the production line is still in operation. How can we shut it down before unspeakable harm is done?

        Adores: 8
        • 2010 January 14

          Scratch-n-Sniff stickers at the bottom of a swimming pool.

          Adores: 9
        • 2010 January 14

          Heh, heh, that’s funny.

          Adores: 5
        • 2010 January 15
          Jane permalink

          I have no clue, Windrose, but if you find out, tell me. I’m a fan of Graham’s suggestion, but I don’t think she’d risk getting her hair wet and having it deflate.

          Maybe tell her the presidency is at the other end of a rope bridge dangling precariously over a molten pool of lava in a volcano about to explode any moment?

          Adores: 3
        • 2010 January 15
          Windrose permalink

          Or, possibly, a wolf pack needs culling on the other side of that same bridge. 8)

          Adores: 1
        • 2010 January 16

          Wolf pack? Cullen? Be careful what you say, Twihards are everywhere.

          Adores: 3
    • 2010 January 15
      Ryan permalink

      Marijuana smokers need to come up with a truly obtuse code if they want to avoid getting flagged; just spazzing out about loving trees is not gonna work.

      Adores: 2
  8. 2010 January 14
    Lara permalink

    I love Manet! He is not allowed to have a Manet when I don’t have one and I actually have an IQ. Actually the word “ingulfed” is the one that got me thinking. Which gulf is he in and can we hold him under the water for an extended amount of time? And that ending “pce my fellow tree lovers!!” just made me laugh hysterically cause I was pondering a new industry of tree porn. And is making love to a tree taboo like bestiality? How would you pick up a tree? “Hey baby, you have beautiful foliage. What do you say you take that bark off and you and me make a sapling?” Of course the tree is probably a larch. Also PCE stands for Personal Consumption Expenditures. So this guy is saying “Personal Consumption Expenditures my fellow tree lovers!!” which seems a little out of character. I’m thinking his fellow tree lovers’ personal consumption expenditures primarily consist of visits to the tree surgeon and awls for making strategically placed holes. I am not going into detail about what the holes are for. I’ve already had my coffee today and I’m like this. Its going to be an interesting day.

    Adores: 4
    • 2010 January 14
      mudslicker permalink

      Shoot ’em down, turn around, come on Monet!

      I say yeah…


      Adores: 8
      • 2010 January 14
        Lara permalink

        I love “Olympia.” I saw it in person at Musee D’Orsay back in 2000 and standing in front of it is just really moving. Monet is ok, but I will take Manet any day.

        Oh and “You so fine Monet Monet, You so fine Monet Monet, You so fine Monet Monet, well I feel alright, Monet Monet, I said Yeah”

        Adores: 2
      • 2010 January 14

        Wake me, Shake me
        Monet, Monet
        Shot gun, Get it done
        Come on, Monet

        This is such a groove!

        Adores: 2
        • 2010 January 14
          Ed Snyder permalink

          No mention of selling the Renoir and the TV set, though.

          Adores: 0
        • 2010 January 14
          Lola permalink

          “Don’t wanna be around when this gets out.” [to complete lyric reference]

          Adores: 0
        • 2010 January 14
          Bianchi Sound permalink

          I’m sure there’s somewhere in the world where the Renoir and the TV set sell you, don’t you think?

          Adores: 1
        • 2010 January 14
          Ed Snyder permalink


          Adores: 4
    • 2010 January 14
      Lola permalink

      “Smoking trees” is a euphemism for smoking Not Tobacco (see various comments above).

      As for actually loving trees – trees were and still are sacred in some cultures (e.g., Druids/oaks, Jains/temple trees). Men have married trees (cf. Frazier’s The Golden Bough) in Asian countries.
      Here’s a blurb on that from Britannica: http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/604014/tree-marriage

      Adores: 1
      • 2010 January 14
        Lara permalink

        Once again you have enlightened me Lola. I obviously don’t know much about “not tobacco” use. Or even tobacco use for that matter. And I knew tree lovers didn’t mean what I was saying, I was just being silly. I am aware of the druid aspect but I did not know some men had married trees. That is very interesting. Maybe this guy is married to his tree and is speaking to his friends who are married to trees. That sounds like a dull dinner party. Did you know that some men were in love with the Mona Lisa? They would bring her poems, notes, and even left flowers under her at the Louvre back in the early 1900’s when they could actually get close to it. When she was stolen in 1911, the Parisian papers said that she had fled with a lover.

        Adores: 2
        • 2010 January 14
          Lola permalink

          I’m a librarian/researcher. I do a really specific type of reference most of the time, but I’ve run across a lot of weirdness and while my brain sometimes can’t remember which request I’m supposed to do next at work, it has a great ability to cough up random things like this that I read at least five years ago.

          I’m totally laughing about “That sounds like a dull dinner party.” Indeed.

          Adores: 4
        • 2010 January 14
          Lara permalink

          I am actually in the midst of getting my MLIS. Its a pleasure to meet you Lola. I love how librarians (and library students like me) store random information in their heads but regularly forget important things like what their own phone number is. Did you know Stonewall Jackson’s arm has its own grave miles from his grave? It was amputated in the field and buried and then he was transported and died. This is something I bring up to break the ice at parties or on a date. No wonder I don’t have a boyfriend.

          Adores: 5
        • 2010 January 14
          Lola permalink

          Lara (and anyone else, too), if you haven’t already, check out the link at the side to Awful Library Books. 🙂

          We now return to our regularly scheduled thread.

          Adores: 1
        • 2010 January 14
          arallyn permalink

          I love love love Librarians and library students! I know SO EFFIN MANY random facts, and they’re the only ones that can best me at trivial knowledge! I love trivial science facts the most; things I don’t need for my job or schooling, but I know anyway, and can gross people out with 😀

          I’ve broken the ice at parties by telling people where red dye in a lot of food comes from (crushed Cochineal beetles) and the legal limits for insects and rot in foodstuffs (which are fine for you, except in things that can grow fungi that produce mycotoxins).

          Adores: 2
        • 2010 January 14
          Windrose permalink

          Attention Library Fans: http://www.unshelved.com/

          These two guys, one of whom is/was a librarian, create this awesome web comic, and on the weekends, they run a Book Club segment where they have a book review. I think they are scaling back on the daily posts, or something like that. Anyway, funny strips and good books . And fun to talk to at Comic Con.

          Adores: 1
      • 2010 January 14
        Lola permalink

        Yeah, I know that’s weird. (This was supposed to go above the other replies, right after the Britannica reference.)

        Adores: 1
      • 2010 January 14

        Sometimes a dude is chasing a nymph and she spontaneously turns into a tree. Then he glances around and, seeing the coast is clear…

        Adores: 13
  9. 2010 January 14
    Lara permalink

    Tree Porn already exists! Don’t worry, no humans are involved in the sexy tree poses.



    Adores: 1
    • 2010 January 14

      Rule 34.

      Adores: 7
      • 2010 January 14
        Lara permalink

        What is Rule 34? Sorry to be stupid. Did I violate a rule? If so I am sorry.

        Adores: 1
        • 2010 January 14
          Bianchi Sound permalink

          From urbandictionary.com: “Rule 34: Generally accepted internet rule that states that pornography or sexually related material exists for any conceivable subject. ”

          Adores: 3
        • 2010 January 14
          Lola permalink

          Or, more succinctly (also from Urban Dictionary):
          If it exists, there is porn of it.

          Adores: 3
        • 2010 January 14
          Bianchi Sound permalink

          Or even more succinctly:

          Porn, porn, everywhere porn!

          Adores: 3
        • 2010 January 14
          Lara permalink

          Thanks so much guys, I am relieved I didn’t break some unknown rule and upset the powers that be. I totally agree with that rule.

          Adores: 0
        • 2010 January 14
          Addicted Reader permalink


          Adores: 2
        • 2010 January 14
          mudslicker permalink

          ..blocking out the scenery breaking my mind
          do this, don’t do that can’t you see the porn

          Adores: 1
        • 2010 January 14
          Andrea permalink

          Dear Addicted Reader,
          I spent about 6 hours at work the other day reading that xkcd comic after you posted a link to it last time, so thanks for starting that again.

          p.s. Can I live on your couch if I get fired?

          Adores: 3
        • 2010 January 14
          Addicted Reader permalink

          Dear Andrea,

          I don’t think I posted a link to xkcd before, but I know someone did. Maybe it was me…

          Does it make you feel better to know that I spent about half an hour clicking “random” on the xkcd site after I posted the link?

          And of course you’re welcome to my couch. Any YSaC commenter has to be a trustworthy person, right?

          Addicted Reader

          Adores: 2
    • 2010 January 14
      arallyn permalink

      There was a really bad movie that I watched on Halloween that had a girl who got raped by a tree. It was terrifying but way too funny for a “horror” movie. It was a Sam Raimi movie, I think…

      Adores: 5
      • 2010 January 15
        Shark Blank permalink

        Evil Dead, the original. Best cheesy horror movie ever.

        Adores: 1
  10. 2010 January 14
    Bianchi Sound permalink

    I can’t wait to bust into Kanye’s acceptance speech when he stops by to get his card punched.

    Yo Kanye, I’m real happy for you, I’mma let you finish, but da lost_compass comment is da best comment of all time. Da lost_compass comment is da best comment of all time!

    Adores: 14
    • 2010 January 14
      lost_compass permalink

      Thanks for the shout-out, Bianchi.

      But to be honest, though, I’d rather have Beyoncé supporting me.

      Adores: 3
    • 2010 January 14
      Kanye West permalink

      Yo Bianchi, I’m really punched for you, I’mma let you finish, but I had the greatest acceptance speech interruption of all time. The greatest acceptance speech interruption of all time!

      Adores: 6
  11. 2010 January 14
    penguin permalink

    Maybe he can cut a deal with Desperate Dad. He probably has the munchies big time and wouldn’t question 30 year old cereal. Dad would be a whole lot less stressed out about finding a car for his daughter and/or happen upon a potentially lucrative business (albeit illegal but he didn’t seem to be in a position to bring legality/ethics into it). It’s a win-win.

    Adores: 3
  12. 2010 January 14

    Oh, God. Manette. *yes, it is a place, not the name of my tranny lover-the one I got yesterday* It’s directly across from the Bremerton side of the Seattle-Bremerton ferry terminal. There are very nice houses and then hovels. No in-between. I’m guessing he doesn’t live in one of the multi-million dollar waterfront lighthouses, then. No doubt I’ve met this idiot. I’ll be off to hang myself with dental floss now.

    Adores: 1
    • 2010 January 14

      About now I’m sure you’re all wondering WTF is wrong with me. And I’ll tell you: many things. I did not read the post correctly. Go on, beat me. I deserve it. *defeated sigh*

      Adores: 1
      • 2010 January 14

        I’ve read the sentence in question several times and find nothing particularly unplausible about your explanation (or any of the other explanations offered). But if you’re giving this illiterate misogynist permission to beat on a woman, well, when in Rome…

        Adores: 2
        • 2010 January 14

          As long as you use that floggy-thing I like. Oh, what? I read the sentance as ‘walk him down to Manet’. And here I’m teaching YOU how to read. When the blonde leadeth the illiterate….

          Adores: 1
        • 2010 January 14

          You mean the cat-o-nine-tails? Do you want the rubber one or the one with actual wood and nails?

          Adores: 2
        • 2010 January 14
          mudslicker permalink

          I think the one HHNF is talking about is called a flagrum.

          Adores: 2
        • 2010 January 14


          Adores: 2
      • 2010 January 14
        Meredith permalink

        Is it just me, or does everyone see HHNF and Graham flirting every time they have an exchange? Maybe it’s just that your pic looks so “come hither” HH. Or that Grahams’ looks so…shocked and elated?

        Maybe it IS just me…I mean, I do give you guys all your own particular voices, or sound effects, however the avatar warrants.

        Adores: 11
        • 2010 January 14
          sarajean80 permalink

          Does TacoMagic’s avatar talk to you too?

          Adores: 1
        • 2010 January 14

          I have my own theory but I’m interested in seeing others’ responses.

          Adores: 2
        • 2010 January 14
          Lola permalink


          Adores: 1
        • 2010 January 14
          lareina permalink

          I have resisted the urge to say ‘Get a room, you two!’ approximately a dozen times since I started posting here again, so…yes.

          Meredith, now I’m curious….what do you imagine some of us sound like?

          Adores: 2
        • 2010 January 14
          Lola permalink

          Meredith, if it helps, I’m a contralto. Low end, but still feminine.

          Great phone voice. 🙂

          Adores: 1
        • 2010 January 14

          If you imagine me as sounding like a sarcastic jerk, then you’ve pretty much got it.

          Adores: 3
        • 2010 January 14

          And also, she started it. She always starts it.

          Adores: 3
        • 2010 January 14

          Whatever becomes of this, I call dibs on John Cleese’s voice!
          Also, my dear sweet Graham Cracker *is that racist?, where I think you are pretty and loverly and all *for a guy*, I am not inclined towards liking males. They are great to work with, great to hang with, and great to build cars with, buuut. I’m not a raving lesbian. I do think guys are pretty. However. When I say something that the guys would think normal perv talk from a guy, they think I’m flirting, since I happen to be trapped in this damn psycho female body. It usually takes a good whack to make it clear that I’m not one of those girls who has ‘lots of guy friends winkwink nudgenudge’. I’m just not attracted to the drama women inflict upon themselves and the innocent bystanders who happen across them.
          So? What was your theory?

          Adores: 3
        • 2010 January 15

          Yeah, I figured from an older post that you weren’t much for the dudes. My theory was more about role-playing and fantasy through the safety of teh Intertubes without any of the messy clean-up, but yours works, too.

          Adores: 2
        • 2010 January 15

          Also, you’re a racist.

          Adores: 3
        • 2010 January 15

          And I hope this doesn’t make things weird.

          Adores: 2
        • 2010 January 15
          lareina permalink

          With this crowd? Honey, I doubt it.

          Adores: 2
      • 2010 January 14
        Steve-O permalink

        I am interested in what I sound like to you. I am a baritone, mixed with a little gravel. Too many years of smoking and firefighting. 🙁

        Adores: 1
        • 2010 January 14
          Windrose permalink

          Yes, I think they have the making of a really cute couple! HHFN and Graham, sitting in a tree — oh, dear. That is suddenly so inappropriate!

          Adores: 5
        • 2010 January 14
          lareina permalink

          Especially if some random Craigslist poster happens by and decides to either smoke the tree or…show it some love, as it were. AWKWARD.

          Adores: 3
    • 2010 January 14
      Lara permalink

      Is it minty dental floss? I would only hang myself with minty dental floss if I were you. And drive a minty car.

      Adores: 1
  13. 2010 January 14
    Heather permalink

    I can’t get beyond the fact that this ad isn’t liberally peppered with quotation marks. I mean, of all the ads that *should be*…!

    Adores: 4
    • 2010 January 14

      So true. I’m thinking he was too influenced by the Not Tobacco that he couldn’t hold down the shift key and any other key at the same time. He probably thought he broke the interwebs when he saw the capital ‘M’ there.

      Adores: 7
  14. 2010 January 14
    Bianchi Sound permalink

    “A Thicket of Smoke!!!” is Motorized Gasmask’s best cd ever! I like to listen to it until my lungs hurt.

    Adores: 11
    • 2010 January 14
      Lara permalink

      The other song that I like from Motorized Gasmask is “Weeks of Lung Damage”

      Adores: 4
    • 2010 January 14
      lost_compass permalink

      And their Pink Floyd cover version brings new depth to the lyrics “Monet, it’s a gas”.

      Adores: 6
    • 2010 January 14
      Bianchi Sound permalink

      “Smoke Gets In Your Eyes… And Your Nose… And Your Mouth… And Really Your Whole Face…” is my personal favorite.

      Adores: 9
    • 2010 January 14
      mudslicker permalink

      And on da B-side, the lovely ballad :

      If U Kno What’s Up Hit Me Up*

      *covered by Rihanna as well

      Adores: 3
  15. 2010 January 14
    InsideJoke permalink

    At least he compensated for the lack of quotation marks by doubling every other punctuation mark he used.

    Adores: 0
  16. 2010 January 14
    Ladycrim permalink

    “The Fifer” seems appropriate, since this guy and his friend like pipes …

    Adores: 2
  17. 2010 January 14
    sarajean80 permalink

    While I’m not a doctor or anything, I am pretty certain that if you inhaled that much smoke, from either tobacco or not-tobacco, you would quickly die from carbon monoxide poisoning.

    Then your friends would all be like,”Dude, you just died!”, but you would just be the asshat corpse on the floor wearing a portable suffocation machine (and probably an Ed Hardy shirt and those baggy jeans that make you walk like you just crapped yourself) you paid some random CraigsList idiot $100 for. (And then your stupidest friend would steal your portable suffocation machine and most likely desecrate your corpse by drawing a penis on your face.)
    (And you would deserve it.)

    ( In case you can’t tell, I am not “420 friendly”)

    Adores: 33
    • 2010 January 14
      arallyn permalink

      I shouldn’t have been, but I laughed SO hard at your post, sarajean. I think I love you.

      (I could care less about 420, but don’t try to talk to me while stoned, and keep that shit away from where I could be incriminated by it)

      Adores: 2
    • 2010 January 14

      Hey, I think I love you.

      Adores: 2
    • 2010 January 14
      sarajean80 permalink

      Aww, thanks, ladies ♥
      Always nice to have fans of the non-stalking, doesn’t-want-to-store-your-severed-toes-in-their-freezer variety.

      Adores: 1
      • 2010 January 14
        tacomagic permalink

        Sorry Sara, I guess I’m the stalking kind. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to get back behind those bushes over there.

        *stalk stalk stalk*

        (Taco Needs a coffee infusion. He’s a danger to himself and others in his current state).

        ((Also, his Anthorpomorphic Pinky appears to be Flaring up AgaiN.))

        Adores: 3
      • 2010 January 14
        Meredith permalink

        But….but….your toes are so PRRRREEEETTY!

        Back off, ladies, I saw her first.

        Adores: 2
        • 2010 January 14
          sarajean80 permalink

          I’ll paint them special just for you, sweetheart.

          Adores: 3
    • 2010 January 14
      Ed Snyder permalink

      And when you run out of cigarettes, you can just spray some Sheer Mist hairspray into the mask. Let the thicket of aerosol toxins take away your remaining brain cells.

      It’s win/win. You get high while the herd is thinned. (Not “you” to whom I’m replying, but “you” to the OP.)

      Adores: 2
  18. 2010 January 14
    Kat permalink

    And… Darwin has not kicked in why? Turning something meant to save your life into something to help you destroy your life. And people say potheads aren’t lazy… can’t even bother to lift a joint…

    Adores: 3
  19. 2010 January 14
    bubba permalink

    O! Da harer! Da speleng is da werst ov wat I see’d!

    Adores: 3
    • 2010 January 14
      tacomagic permalink

      Yarr! Ye be makin’ a feeble attempt at pirate speak says I. Perhaps ye be less likin’ to spell dat way once you’v taken’ da walk down da plank.

      Ye be a wet gift to Davvy Jones says I.

      Adores: 1
      • 2010 January 15
        sweetbiscuit21 permalink

        Actually, I saw it more as Scandanavian-trying-for-Engrish.

        Adores: 0
    • 2010 January 14
      Ed Snyder permalink

      DA is the chassis style of the gasmask.

      Adores: 19
  20. 2010 January 14

    *Ahem* Attempting to change avatar whilst not under the influence of Not Tobacco. Is it possible?

    Adores: 0
    • 2010 January 14

      Damn. I know I’ve seen instructions on how to do this before. I know I need to empty something (other than my head). Guidance?

      Adores: 0
      • 2010 January 14


        Make sure you use the same email address.

        Adores: 0
        • 2010 January 18

          Thanks. It appears I successfully cornered the market on “duh” if only for a moment. I believe I have rectified the situation.

          Adores: 0
    • 2010 January 15
      sweetbiscuit21 permalink

      It’s possible, but it’ll take you six times as long 🙁

      Adores: 0
  21. 2010 January 14
    Jenny permalink

    I have to say, “aspestice” sounds like something you’d need protection from. In addition to evoking that mineral that causes lung problems, the poster also seems to be aluding to plague (Y. pestis) AND lice (which won’t kill you, like plague and lung cancer, but is still way nasty). Whatever was being removed, it was obviously some bad, bad stuff.

    Adores: 1
  22. 2010 January 15
    mudslicker permalink

    Geez..I must remind myself to never, never, never go back into the posts from the previous day and try to make sense of the ramblings. I feel like Meredith did the other day because this place totally turned into an episode of The Jersey Shore. WTF & FTW???

    Graham “The Situation” T & Hell Hath No JWOWWW. Sarajean, you will always be be Snooki to me.

    I now return you to your regularly scheduled program.

    Adores: 1
    • 2010 January 15

      Heh, last week when they sent out an email telling us that Friday is Jersey Day, I sent a response that I would be coming as Michael Sorrentino.

      Adores: 1
      • 2010 January 15
        mudslicker permalink

        I must be psychic (and a little bit scared). Altho, if you would spend a tad* more on the hair product, you could totally pass for a Pauly.

        *TAD = Totally Agazillion Dollars

        Adores: 2

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