YSaC, Vol. 1031: You put your left foot in …

2011 July 11

Boy Statue / Scalpature Boy Looking at foot – $99

Scalpature Boy Looking at foot
Height is 4 inches wide is 1.5 inches
Mounted on italian marble Bianco (White) Carrara
Not sure if Brass or Bronze
Comes form my private collection
I bought this three years back in an estate sale auction
I was told that this peace is mentioned in “Antique Trader: Antique & Collectibles” Price Guide Edited By Kyle Husfloen Page 916



Peter sent this in, saying, “I can’t believe that Scalpature Boy Looking at Foot is the name of this artwork.” Well, Peter, it’s better than the other options the sculptor came up with, which included:

  • A Boy and his Bunion
  • Hey, I Can Almost Bite My Toenails
  • Should That Be Oozing?
  • Huh, I Guess it’s True; You Can’t Tickle Yourself
  • Does This Jam Come in Strawberry?

Thanks, Peter!

119 Responses leave one →
  1. 2011 July 11
    Lola permalink

    “What did I step in? Oh, shi-

    Adores: 9
    • 2011 July 11
      Lara permalink

      Yak Poo. It’s alway Yak Poo.

      Adores: 3
      • 2011 July 11
        CapnMac permalink

        Not in this part of Texas.

        If yak excrement, you are inside the zoo, and not in the guest areas . . .

        Adores: 1
        • 2012 July 15
          One Moving Violation permalink


          Adores: 0
    • 2011 July 11
      Addicted Reader permalink


      Adores: 1
  2. 2011 July 11

    I’m relieved to know that it comes from Sparky’s private collection. I was a little concerned that the world-famous Sparky Museum of Tchotchkes and Dust Catchers was starting to deaccession its collection, and that would be a loss for all of humanity.

    Adores: 11
    • 2011 July 11
      CapnMac permalink

      As opposed to Sparkie’s Pile of Public Kitsch (which the municipal Solid Waste collection people refuse to acknowledge), one supposes.

      Adores: 2
      • 2011 July 11
        Jen permalink

        I read “Public Kitsch” with no ‘L’ and was deeply confused. And squicked out. The dustmen refusing to acknowledge it made perfect sense, though.

        Adores: 8
        • 2011 July 11
          Lola permalink

          I rather think that stupid things like “vajazzling” (look up at own risk to both standards of decency and taste) might well qualify as pubic kitsch …

          Adores: 5
        • 2011 July 11
          Jen permalink

          Well, the adhesive would ensure a certain tackiness… but for true ‘kitsch’ appeal, we at “OhMyGodGetItOffMeWhatHaveYouDone” Industries recommend a vajazzling in the form of the Virgin Mary (Holy Vanilla scent not included).

          Adores: 2
  3. 2011 July 11

    How can you call this artwork? It lacks the timelessness of a velvet Elvis, and the angst of a sad clown. It’s not even bedazzled!

    Adores: 16
    • 2011 July 11

      But if you look at it the right way, it kinda sorta resembles a dog playing poker.

      Adores: 4
    • 2011 July 11
      funky monkey permalink

      I know, right? This makes Hubby Monkey’s interior design (before he met me) look INSPIRED: He did the pics of tigers and leopard print motif in the bedroom. Gag.

      Maybe I’m not as well read as I think I am and this is a depiction of a great work of literature. Did Michelangelo’s David step in a puddle of Goliath? Maybe Atlas dropped the heavens after he stepped on a stone and cut his foot?

      Adores: 3
      • 2011 July 11
        Lola permalink

        “pics of not.a.lions and leopard”
        There, fixed it for you. 🙂

        Adores: 5
    • 2011 July 11
      Lara permalink

      The bedazzeling! When will they think about the bedazzeling!!!!? Boys, girls, wondering in the street dazed with no bedazzeled shoes, drinking un-bedazzled water, carrying their un-bedazzaled rowing machines in wheelbarrows! Sweet Mother of Rhinestones when will it stop?! Let the world hear us cry out “Bedazzeling for all and to all a good night.” In the immortal words of Darles Chickens “Bedazzle us, every one!”

      Adores: 10
  4. 2011 July 11
    funky monkey permalink

    I wonder if that scalpature is part of a series of others. Maybe the others are of a little girl plucking her eyebrows and of a mom lancing a boil on daddy’s hairy back. Or of a doctor giving a prostate exam. Why would anyone want preserve this moment? And then why would someone else pay money for it?

    Adores: 7
  5. 2011 July 11
    Karmyn permalink

    I’ve seen this before, but it was a plaster statue of a nude woman with a splinter in her foot. And it was a prop in an episode of The Avengers.

    Adores: 6
  6. 2011 July 11
    C "From Behind...Suddenly" J permalink

    Hi kids!! Back from vay-kay…and…OMG…what a crazy week I had!

    Storytime!! No – not about the vacation, one relating to Boy Staring at Growth on Foot.

    I once worked for a major retail establishment, at the corporate headquarters, and our CEO/Owner was a Man-of-Questionable-Tastes when it came to art.

    He LOVED to decorate in dolphin decor. Dolphin pictures, 3-D dolphin pictures, lighted dolphin pictures, velvet painting dolphin pictures – bet you didn’t even know those existed did you? – and so on…if it had a dolphin on it, the man owned it.

    So…he goes on a cruise with his girlfriend-du-jour…no, wait, this one was the “love of my life” . Never mind that he met her at a “gentleman’s” club, was twice her age and loaded. She loved him for him.


    So, he goes on the cruise and we start getting overseas shipments of stuff he’s bought (with company funds it turns out, which is why shortly thereafter he was referred to as the “former CEO of major retail chain”), and although everything is crated we take bets on how many dolphins he found depicted in Italian art…it was kind of like a pool amongst the three executive secretaries – myself and two others – and one heavy crate was simply too intriguing to resist.

    We found a hammer and began prying the nails out of the wood. Eventually, the “art” was revealed.

    It was a bronze-ish statue of what looked like “The Thinker”, only the thinker was staring at a pod of dolphins frolicking in a pond at his feet. Scale? We doan need no steenkin scale!

    Bizarre is a good way to describe the 4 foot monstrosity, and CEO loved it.

    /end storytime and back to work…grumble, grumble…busy, busy, busy…

    Adores: 14
    • 2011 July 11

      Ah Dolphins, therapist of the sea.

      That doesn’t seem right, let me check something real quick…

      Yeah, I typoed it.

      “Ah Dolphins, the rapists of the sea.”

      There we go.

      Adores: 9
      • 2011 July 11
        Lola permalink

        I don’t know if it’s an urban rumor, but I’ve been told that at times when people are swimming with dolphins in tourist environments that the dolphins (usually described as male) can get, er, a bit too friendly in a certain way.

        Adores: 2
        • 2011 July 11
          Lilly permalink

          Wikipedia says it is true so it must be:

          even CNN is in on the aggressive dolphins stories:

          Adores: 1
        • 2011 July 11
          Angel permalink

          When I was in 7th grade, our class went on a field trip to the Miami Seaquarium. My friend Patti and I were in a section where you went below ground and viewed the dolphins through large windows in their tank. We apparently caught the eye of one of the male dolphins and he began swimming back and forth in front of the window. Dolphin’s reproductive organs are concealed within their body, and when a male dolphin decides to extend his… let me just say that it was quite a shock to two little 12-year olds.

          Lola, that’s just an urban myth created by people who are afraid of the vastness of the ocean and are making up excuses not to go into the water. I’ve been in the water many times with wild dolphins and they’re curious about people. They will approach someone and perhaps bump into them but they’re not about to wrap a 30-foot flexible penis around someone’s body like a kraken’s tentacle and drag them down to the sea floor to rape them, as the urban myth goes.

          Dolphins also appear to be approximately the size of submarines when viewed through a scuba mask 🙂

          **Edit: after reading Lilly’s links I’ve come to the conclusion that perhaps it’s just that dolphins don’t find me appealing. Hmph.

          Adores: 5
        • 2011 July 11
          Jen permalink

          One of the many reasons I love NZ is that we had a national pet dolphin, Moko, who hung out at a popular beach every summer for several years, playing with people and rescuing whales from stranding (srsly). One year the Department of Conservation started doing pre-summer Moko-PSA’s, basically telling people that this year they shouldn’t approach Moko, as he was getting a bit *too* friendly, as he’d become confused about his identity, thought he was a human and that he would therefore try to mate with other humans. Seeing this said by a super-straightfaced DoC high-up (who all wear shorts all year round, have beards and generally look like kindly old grandfathers who live in the bush) made for some awesome viewing.

          Adores: 6
      • 2011 July 11
        Angel permalink

        WET GODDESS:Recollections of a Dolphin Lover And that’s all I’ve got to say about that.

        Adores: 2
        • 2011 July 11

          I’m adding the sample chapter to my Library of the Damned “To Do” list. I may buy the book just so I can savage the whole thing.

          The site design itself is good for a whole post!

          Adores: 3
    • 2011 July 11
      funky monkey permalink

      I used to work with a guy that decorated his office with dolphin paraphenalia. We told him that dolphins maybe made him look like he was, er, not hetereosexual. We made sure we told him that we didn’t see anything wrong with that, or course not! Gasp! We made him question his sexuality, which was hilarious, cause he was kind of a hater.

      Adores: 2
    • 2011 July 11

      This discussion of dolphins will become even more relevant later in the week.

      Just sayin’.

      Adores: 10
      • 2011 July 11
        C "All Your Sunshine Are Belong To Us" J permalink

        Yeah, I’m psychotic like that. 😉

        Adores: 3
        • 2011 July 11
          Artsy Computer Geek permalink

          aren’t we all

          Adores: 2
  7. 2011 July 11

    What is with the upskirt shot? What possible good could come of taking a picture of a statue’s crotch? Other than to prove that Sparky’s artwork doesn’t have balls; brass, bronze, or otherwise.

    Adores: 9
    • 2011 July 11

      I was all gearing up to make a comment on that shot too.

      I think Pedo Steve here was thinking that a little pervy shot might pull in some extra money from some of the less… wholesome sources.

      Adores: 3
      • 2011 July 11
        Lou Stool permalink

        You know your head is in the right place at 6am on a Monday morning when you want to make some “undercarriage” snark, but find that YSaC legends Ghostcat and Taco have beaten you to it. I’m ready for my week!

        Adores: 7
        • 2011 July 11

          To the corner with us!

          I love a parade.

          Adores: 5
        • 2011 July 11

          Oh no, I stole everyone’s crotch thunder!

          Oooh, this corner has fresh coffee slices. Extra crunchy!

          Adores: 10
        • 2011 July 11
          funky monkey permalink

          I always thought that the word for crotch thunder was “queef”.

          Adores: 0
        • 2011 July 11
          Lola permalink

          Crotch Thunder has GOT to be a band name.
          I’m thinking heavy metal.

          Adores: 4
        • 2011 July 11

          Crotch Thunder is IF’s Sex Factory tribute band.

          Adores: 4
        • 2011 July 11
          C "All Your Sunshine Are Belong To Us" J permalink

          I always thought that the word for crotch thunder was “queef”.

          Today’s (unintentional) sinus-enema brought to you by our very own poo-flining monkey.

          The reason for this is because it calls to mind a conversation I had at lunch one day with my two best friends.

          One is 20 yrs. older than me, one 20 yrs. younger.

          I’m all about diversity and bridging generation gaps.

          The older one said she’d recently been to a bridal shower in which a crossword game was played.

          The answer to one of the clues was “queef”.

          VERY loudly, in a crowded restaurant, my elder friend says, “I had no idea what ‘queef’ meant, so I asked.”

          At this point, instead of lowering her voice she only got louder as she said, “Did you know that a ‘queef’ is a _________(kitty)___________(emanation)?”

          Iced tea and Dr. Pepper spewed from me and my younger friend as all eyes in the dining room turned to stare.

          “Well, did you?”

          We stared in stunned silence.

          “I didn’t, that’s for sure.”

          Young friend quickly changed the subject to something innocuous – the weather I think – as the room slowly returned to normal, with the exception of the occasional titter or giggle in our direction.

          This is just one of many “moments” I’ve had with these two.

          /end storytime…and dammit…still so busy…I guess actual work might have to happen today..grumble, grumble

          Adores: 11
        • 2011 July 11

          just a little queef…


          Adores: 4
        • 2011 July 12
          flip permalink

          Damn, kc! Wish I could do that….

          ::vajayjay envy sets in::

          Adores: 2
  8. 2011 July 11
    Windrose permalink

    Ode to a Boy by Windrose J. Snarkfest

    You look so sad and sit so still
    You contemplate your foot.
    You’re bronze or brass or finest gilt
    You sit upon a root.
    Uncle Wiki let me know
    You come from Roman times.
    If B.C means before coffee
    No wonder you look so sad.

    The End.

    Adores: 15
  9. 2011 July 11
    Windrose permalink

    Taco. Box. That is all.

    Adores: 0
    • 2011 July 11

      Yay, another trip to the principal’s box!

      Uh… ew.

      I’ve gotta be almost halfway to having enough punches on my non-euclidian daily box punch card for that 8 ounce coffee!

      Adores: 3
      • 2011 July 11

        I’m saving my punches up for a new oven pot.

        Adores: 1
        • 2011 July 11
          LimeLolly permalink

          I’ve put my name on the waiting list for the amphibian Jello molds… that’s how close I am to redeeming my punches. Just 10 more punches and that ‘gator mold is mine!

          Adores: 1
      • 2011 July 11
        Artsy Computer Geek permalink

        I think there is a special going on for those cute miniature giraffes. You have to get your name on the list soon.

        Adores: 1
        • 2011 July 11
          LimeLolly permalink


          Thanks AR. I’ll get right on that.

          Adores: 0
      • 2011 July 11
        Windrose permalink

        Taco, the principal is especially interested in those weed plains of which you write.

        Adores: 4
  10. 2011 July 11
    C "All Your Sunshine Are Belong To Us" J permalink

    Fractured Fairytales, or How I Spent an Hour of My Vacation….

    Further evidence that you people have forever altered my perception of reality.

    Hubby and I visited the “Bodies” exhibition while on vacation. For those who don’t know, it’s an exhibit of what I call “fileted” human bodies, showing various layers of muscle, bones, etc. The bodies are real and some polymer process plasticized them a long time ago. Nowadays, people pay $20 each to point and gawk at what lies beneath our collective skin.

    Anyway, we were in the exhibit and noticed that most of the whole body displays were male.

    This fact was also noticed, quite loudly, by a little girl behind us. She couldn’t have been over six years old, and yet quite knowledgeable about male anatomy. She was very proud of this knowledge as she went about the room pointing out each penis, loud enough for all to hear.

    I could hardly stifle the giggles as in my mind the word “penis” was automatically replaced with “pecil” each time she said it.

    Adores: 11
    • 2011 July 11
      funky monkey permalink

      What do you mean “you people”?


      Adores: 4
      • 2011 July 11
        C "All Your Sunshine Are Belong To Us" J permalink

        Thanks, FM!

        Yeah, “you peeps”!

        Or do you prefer the Southern – “All y’all”?

        How ’bout – “Youse guys”?

        Or – “Youse”?

        Take yer pick.

        Adores: 2
    • 2011 July 11
      CapnMac permalink

      [plastination corey]
      The displays are male mostly as the “source” for the cadavers tends to be German prisons. There is a donation process used by von Hagens Institut, and they have taken some steps of late to mix “sources.” But, largely, body donation requires a situation where there is no, or limited, family wanting the remains.

      For better or worse, it is the nature of the world that the male sex is better–for want of a better word–at being as discard-able as foot-puncturing thorn.

      That being said, Körperwelten, are an excellent resource for students of anatomy, and for those curious about what is under all that dermis that makes us what we are. It also has an art aspect in reprising Vesalius and his ilk in setting humans in human activity, rather than as dissection subjects.

      It’s not an exhibit to all tastes; and it’s also one that can help to have an informed guide to help explain some of the mechanics.

      But, I could have a strong opinion, too.

      Adores: 3
      • 2011 July 11
        C "All Your Sunshine Are Belong To Us" J permalink

        I wish I had a nickel for every time I muttered “fascinating” as I walked through the exhibits that day.

        I’d be one rich Texan.

        Adores: 4
    • 2011 July 11
      Lara permalink

      [corey] I saw that exhibit when it came through town but the one that is touring the U.S. is not associated with the German exhibit that tours Europe. Most of the bodies in this exhibit come from unclaimed dead from China. There has been a fair amount of debate about if these are bodies of executed prisoners or even people killed to be sold for this purpose. Supposedly a bullet hole was found in one of the skulls. Of course the exhibit denies this. The polymer preservation technique was developed by Von Hagens but he is not associated with this exhibit. They actually seem to be a little pissed off that the technique is being used. The exhibit is actually run by an Atlanta based company called Premier Exhibitions. I tried to contact Dr. Roy Glover awhile ago for a paper I was writing, he is the chief medical dude for them, but didn’t get an answer back. I was a bit creeped out and I had to skip the fetus room.[/corey]

      Adores: 4
      • 2011 July 11
        Lola permalink

        While this exhibition was on display in NYC, the Chinese origin and human rights of the cadavers prior to their being cadavers was a point of some discussion in the media; what I heard corresponds with Lara’s comment.

        Adores: 2
        • 2011 July 11
          C "All Your Sunshine Are Belong To Us" J permalink

          Hubby was the first to notice the decidedly Oriental look to the cadavers. No bullet holes or any type of trauma was in evidence, though. And, no mention of the origins of said cadavers was made. I daresay that speculation may give rise to imaginations run amuck if no clear indications of origin or requests for information are acknowledged.

          Adores: 4
      • 2011 July 11
        CapnMac permalink

        I was middling lucky to see the German exposition when it came through Houston two years’ ago.

        The use of actual human anatomy will always have controversy–been that way since Galen, not likely to change, either.

        The other controversy is that the medical schools object to the the plastinators “using” cadavers that could have been used in medical schools. No easy answer, there, either–and will likely persist until some form of simulacrum can be made, like the new dental teaching robot just introduced.

        Adores: 2
  11. 2011 July 11
    Kristi permalink

    Not to be a buzzkill but it is actually a copy (probably bronze) of a very famous Greco-Roman statue. There have been numerous copies made through the centuries. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boy_with_Thorn

    Adores: 2
    • 2011 July 11
      Artsy Computer Geek permalink

      Kristi — in case you haven’t noticed, we’re not really into reality at YSaC. That for the info anyway.

      Adores: 5
    • 2011 July 11

      Kristi — yup, that’s what I linked to on the word “sculptor”. Believe it or not, I actually AM interested in providing a bit of education for readers.

      My guess is that this is a relatively cheap copy, and that Sparky here thinks that since the historically relevant & interesting copies are listed in the antiques book, that he’s got something worthwhile on his hands — instead of just a thorn in his foot.

      Adores: 3
      • 2011 July 11
        mud "" slicker permalink

        It’s the Carrara marble. He got it from Michelangelo’s backyard.

        Adores: 2
        • 2011 July 11
          Lara permalink

          Yea, Michelangelo took the whole random-blocks-of marble-strewn-about approach to landscaping.

          Adores: 1
      • 2011 July 11
        Lola permalink

        My thought was along the lines of “Yes, it’s a copy … but not a good one for which people would actually pay a lot of money.”

        Adores: 3
    • 2011 July 11
      funky monkey permalink

      So what you’re saying is…that the ROMANS had sucky taste, and Sparky is just trying to profit off of it.

      Adores: 3
    • 2011 July 11

      You dropped these. *hands Kristi the [corey] [/corey]*

      Adores: 3
    • 2011 July 11
      CapnMac permalink

      [and if we really need to corey this]
      It’s a classic example of trans-generational Sparki-ism.

      The original is said to be Greek.

      And the most ‘famous’ version was installed in front of the Roman Senate.

      The best researched reason for that being, “Because it’s Greek.”

      It remained there even after the purging of all the smuttier Roman statuary, probably as no one took it at all seriously.

      Which then made it one of the oldest documented Roman statues, once age made finding original and Roman a rare thing to find still where it was first installed.

      Just Roman enough to flush the doily and tea crowd, but not so salacious as to make them swoon, it’s the perfect thing to knock off in wholesale lots as Reisende kitsch, er, spazzatura turistico would be more language apropos.

      Made in Italy having a lot more cachet the further from Italia one is, even to ignoring things like Heche en Italia, PRC labeling (instead of Fatto in Italia).

      Ooh, look, a gen-u-ine Thai hefelant, an’ only 10,000 baht!
      [/over-traveled corey]

      Adores: 3
    • 2013 June 12
      Silky permalink

      There’s a replica in my hometown! Nobody knew what it meant or where it came from, though.

      Adores: 0
  12. 2011 July 11
    Bianchi (White) Sound permalink

    “Height is 4 inches wide is 1.5 inches”

    I’m not sure you’ve got that ruler plugged in there, Sparky.

    Adores: 7
    • 2011 July 11

      Maybe the tuner is broken? I find that when my ruler is set to the lower AM channels it doesn’t measure mass correctly.

      Adores: 0
      • 2011 July 11
        mud "" slicker permalink

        In keeping with the theme: You can tune a piano, but you can’t tune a dolphin.

        Adores: 5
        • 2011 July 11
          funky monkey permalink

          Adding to yours: You can’t polish a turd.

          Adores: 1
        • 2011 July 11
          Lola permalink

          [too much cable TV over the holidays once corey]
          They polished one on Mythbusters, FWIW.
          [/televised nerdery corey]

          Adores: 3
        • 2011 July 11

          The lion poop ball was very shiny, once they burned the stray hairs off.

          Adores: 2
    • 2011 July 11
      CapnMac permalink

      Clear evidence Sparkie here is female, and has been told [this distance] is a foot long all her life.

      Hey, where’d all this line and corner come from?

      Adores: 6
  13. 2011 July 11
    mud "" slicker permalink

    Thought bubble:

    “I hate it when I get verdigris between the cracks of my toes.”

    Adores: 7
  14. 2011 July 11

    Scalpature Boy

    If I remember geography correctly, Scalpature is a small province in Northern Comtemperania known for their singing sheep and rutabaga farms. It’s quite nice in the fall when they have their annual chicken festival.

    Adores: 6
    • 2011 July 11
      Windrose permalink

      Oh, I’ve always wanted to go to the chicken festival! I have the outfit and a batch of confetti eggs all ready.

      Adores: 1
      • 2011 July 11
        mud "" slicker permalink

        Chickity China the Chinese chicken
        You have a drumstick and your brain stops tickin’
        Watchin’ X-Files with no lights on
        It gets my groove on
        I hope the Burning Man’s in this one
        Like Fox Mulder I’m getting frantic
        Like Sting I’m tantric
        Like *snickers* guaranteed to satisfy…..

        Adores: 4
        • 2011 July 11
          funky monkey permalink

          Funny: I had “If I Had a Million Dollars” for an earworm this weekend. Gotta love The Ladies.

          Adores: 1
        • 2011 July 11

          I really, really can’t help myself…
          “I hope the Smoking Man’s in this one”
          “Like Harrison Ford I’m getting frantic”

          Adores: 3
        • 2011 July 11
          Jen permalink

          [corey on]And isn’t it “We’re dans la maison” (in the house) instead of “gets my groove on”?[/corey on]

          Adores: 3
        • 2011 July 12
          mud "" slicker permalink

          Yeah Jen. Fox Mulder and Burning Man and *snickers* weren’t mentioned in the original lyrics either. I was sidetracked while renewing my poetic license at the (BMV) bureau of meme vehicles.

          Adores: 0
    • 2011 July 11
      Lara permalink

      I actually looked up both scalpal and ature in a medical dictionary online and here’s what I got. Scalpal= pertaining to the scalp (not surprising) and ature=equipment (I am paraphrasing here). So it’s pretty simple, you rub this statue on your head. I bet it works better than Rogaine. Or maybe I mean Nair. Which you should never ever put on your head. Or face. My grandfather knew a man who used Nair to get rid of his beard and ended up with a bright red chemical burn in the place of the beard. Ramble Ramble Ramble jelly beans.

      Adores: 10
  15. 2011 July 11

    “Comes form my private collection”


    Adores: 4
    • 2011 July 11
      funky monkey permalink

      Yeah, and it’s “this peace”.

      Adores: 1
  16. 2011 July 11
    ladycrim permalink

    My first thought for a title:

    “Sucking yourself off: you’re doing it wrong.”

    Adores: 8
    • 2011 July 11
      funky monkey permalink

      Your post beside the adorable pic of the kitty = very very strange.

      Adores: 6
      • 2011 July 12
        ladycrim permalink

        S’ok. Kitty retains his innocence.

        Adores: 1
  17. 2011 July 11
    mud "" slicker permalink

    OT: For a laugh. Danger kitty! Enjoy!


    Adores: 3
    • 2011 July 11
      C "All Your Sunshine Are Belong To Us" J permalink

      OMG!! That is freakin’ hilarious!! Love that music, too.

      Adores: 1
      • 2011 July 11
        mud "" slicker permalink

        Beware of the low hanging fruit. BWAHAHA!

        Adores: 1
    • 2011 July 11
      Lara permalink

      That was awesome! I now have the hiccups from laughing.

      Adores: 1
    • 2011 July 11
      funky monkey permalink

      It’s hilarious what cats decide to challenge.

      Adores: 1
    • 2011 July 11
      Angel permalink

      If a man shot this video, I’d advise him to be wary of teaching the pointy-ended kitten that two round things on the bed are to be swiped at. Low hanging fruit indeed, MS! When Disdainful Cat was a kitten his idea of fun was to make it look as if I’d been cutting myself.

      Adores: 5
  18. 2011 July 11
    C "All Your Sunshine Are Belong To Us" J permalink

    So, where’s the freaky puppy?

    Adores: 2
    • 2011 July 11
      mud "" slicker permalink

      I think it’s his birthday today or thereabouts.

      Adores: 0
  19. 2011 July 12
    Windrose permalink

    Taco, Punchity Punch Punch!

    G’Night, Brian!

    Adores: 1
  20. 2011 July 12
    Innana permalink

    I think I went to school with Bianco Carrara. Not sure if I ever mounted him though.

    Adores: 1
  21. 2012 July 8
    LimeLolly permalink

    So now you know… always wear shoes. It saves on a scalping later.

    Adores: 2
    • 2012 July 8

      You and me, LiLo, we seem to be it today. Sigh.

      Adores: 1
    • 2012 July 8
      One Moving Violation permalink

      Yes, shoes are good. I’m required to wear shoes most all of the time. Not for the same reason that those working in brothels do though. What’s up with that? Maybe it’s just for the ones who work the street corner, that would make more sense. I’m a “do it yourselfer’ when it comes to making my feet shod, but these women hire a guy to take care of that for them. This “farrier” removes the old shoes and replaces them with new ones. I think they call it throwing iron…hmm, wierd. Why these women can’t do this themselves is beyond me. maybe it’s because they can’t bring themselves to drive nails into their feet to hold them on. Maybe they just want someone servicing them for a change. I don’t know. Maybe someone can explain it to me.

      Adores: 1
  22. 2012 July 8
    funky "looking innuendo" monkey permalink

    *pulls up to curb screeching tires*

    I’m late! But I have another name for the scalpature (or however it’s spelled).


    “That Sure Is A Big Stool There, Boy.”

    Adores: 3
  23. 2012 July 8
    One Moving Violation permalink

    Butterfly Collectors collect butterflies.
    Coin Collecters collect Coins.
    Doll Collectors collect dolls.
    Private Collectors collect little boys staring at their feet.

    I’m confused.

    Adores: 1
    • 2013 June 9

      One, when a Mommy Collector and a Daddy Collector love each other very much, they go to the estate sale and look for bad copies of Roman statues depicting boys looking at their, uh, feet. Yeah. Feet. You’re welcome.

      Adores: 1
      • 2013 June 9

        Oh no! I just looked at my feet! Does that mean I’m going to have a sculpture now?

        Adores: 1
  24. 2013 June 9

    Does that mean I’m going to have a Scalpature now?

    There, I fixed it for you. 8)

    Adores: 0
  25. 2013 June 9
    HamCan permalink

    Jimmy has corns and I don’t care
    Jimmy has corns and I don’t care
    Jimmy has corns and I don’t care
    His plantar’s gone away.

    Adores: 2
  26. 2013 June 9
    nojazzhere permalink

    Is this anything like figuring out the gender of a little puppy? You know, Dad holds the puppy up and looks at the bottom of his little paws. (feet) At least my Dad could always tell, using this method. Don’t forget, everyone, tomorrow is Monday.

    Adores: 2
  27. 2013 June 10

    Another pleasant valley Sunday…

    Adores: 1
  28. 2013 June 10

    The Saturday 2 Live Crew: Dave and Ferret Tribe, DigitalAxis, nojazzhere, MissMommyNiceNice, and HamCan, thank you for putting in all those hour of overtime. Punchity Punch Punch!

    Good Morning, Foot Soldiers!

    Adores: 1

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