YSaC, Vol. 1691: Gonna break that rusty cage and run
dog cage – 3 sided (missing one side)
Have a pet/dog cage that has three walls. Works well if you have a wall to slide it up against. I will not hold this item, I have tried that too many times just to have no one show up. If you are interested, call me and I will give you directions to my house. The first one to show up gets it. thx
If it’s a full cage, shouldn’t it have six sides? Even if you give Sparky here that one, and allow that it should have four sides and a top, I’m still a bit suspicious of that thing. It looks more like a live catch trap than a cage. Does Sparky have a pet opossum? Or, based on the scorch marks, a baby dragon?
Thanks for the post, Jason!
Sparky’s dog made one of those movies in which the fourth wall is broken.
Perfect for house breaking your baby!
My house doesn’t have any walls. Will this still be useful to me?
Color me confustigated, but I honestly can’t tell which side is missing. Looking at the picture, they seem to all be present.
Where is Professor Layton when you really need him?
I think it’s the side by the plastic bins… but now I’m not sure.
I think it’s the inside that is missing. That is why you cannot see a pet on the inside.
Oh!,….sorry….this is the BEFORE photo…..the person who stole the side of the cage also stole my camera….signed, Sparky.
Cage Against The Wall is my Rage Against The Machine cover band.
This is just the thing for my dog that’s missing one side.
Heyyyyyyyyyyy! I’ve got just the dog for this cage. He’s the dog with no legs, Matt, and you know where you’ll find him? Right where you left him.
*disclaimer – no dogs or matts were injured during the making of this awful joke
I think this might be perfect for the ninja chow from a couple of weeks ago, right? Although I’m not sure that ninjas (or chows) take well to being caged.
So, did the baby dragon melt the missing side? I really want to believe that that’s a scorch mark and not the defects of urine over time.
Careful, kelli, maybe urine over your head….
OR the defecations defected the
Name the cage John.
I did that, but my dog will only stay quiet in there for 4 minutes and 33 seconds.
Dog in 2D.
I wouldn’t want to hold that item either, given the scorch mark/urine stains and all…
How many sides must a dog pen have
Before the pen is a cage?
How many thoughts must a zen pen have
Before the photo is staged?
The answer my friend, is up against the wall.
The answer is up against the wall.
I probably should wait and post this tomorrow when more people will see it. But if you haven’t already friended me on Facebook, please do! We have many other commentors there, and it’s a blast.
First name Demi, last name Hungerford. Thanks!
Oh, and be sure to tell me your handle from here when you request the friending. Just so I don’t ignore you. 8)
Props for the Soundgarden ref!
And now, #439 in our occasional series: Crap That You Can’t Believe They Didn’t Just Take To The Tip.