YSaC, Vol. 301: Maiesiophiliasshat

2009 May 14
by drmk

Young and pregnant? – m4w – 32

Did the baby’s father leave you? Do you have no where to turn? About to be kicked out of your home?

I’m looking for a pregnant girl to take care of. I want to date you during the term of your pregnancy. Come live with me and I’ll take care of you and make sure that all your needs are met. You won’t have to work or worry about anything! After the baby is born, I’ll set you up to get a decent start in life.

Remember, this is under romantic relationship, which is what I want .I’m serious, hope you are as well.
Tell me about your circumstances: age, how far along you are, etc.

Translation: I have a fetish for young pregnant girls because they have already exhibited poor judgment and have nobody around to tell them that this is a spectacularly bad idea.


Megan sent this one in — thanks!

26 Responses leave one →
  1. 2009 May 14
    corn flakes permalink

    …yeah, that’s one of the creepiest things i’ve ever seen (even on this site)

    I like that he tries to present his disturbing sexual hang-ups as charitable acts.

    “I’ll take care of you and get you a great start to life”
    “By the way, you did notice i want sex, right? Very important footnote”
    Send me info about age and where you are in the pregnancy, so i know if you’re young enough for my fetish, and not too far along in the pregnancy for me to plow you”

    Adores: 8
  2. 2009 May 14
    Kelly permalink

    I’ve seen variations of this on CL, and it never stops being creepy as hell.

    Adores: 2
  3. 2009 May 14
    Amy H. permalink

    Oh dear lordy my….. That is the creepiest thing I’ve ever seen. It actually made me nauseous. I can only pray that he doesn’t get his slimy claws into some poor girl. I definitely second that “*shudder*”

    Adores: 4
  4. 2009 May 14
    sumguy permalink

    Another translation: Pregnant? Whore yourself out for me for a place to stay, Then I will kick you out when you are no longer needed.

    God bless him for helping a pregnant single mother out. LOOL

    Adores: 6
  5. 2009 May 14

    Ewwww. There’s jsut something extra-wrong about a pregnancy fetish.

    Adores: 3
  6. 2009 May 14
    DrugserBad permalink

    Ummm… yeah. As a man, I feel obligated to inform the rest of you I would happily beat this guy with a telephone book if I could…

    Adores: 7
  7. 2009 May 14

    I wanted to say something funny, but am too busy throwing up

    Adores: 4
    • 2009 May 14
      jackie31337 permalink

      From the ad, right? Not morning sickness….

      Adores: 8
      • 2009 May 15

        Right! Thankfully. It’s actually been a few hours and I’m still retching from disgust

        Adores: 1
    • 2009 May 14
      Colleen in MA permalink

      Me too. This is the creepiest thing I’ve seen on CL.

      Adores: 1
  8. 2009 May 14
    Olson permalink

    THAT’S funny!!!!
    Young girl/pregnancy fetish….that’s nasty!!!

    Forget the telephone book…I think we need something hardcover here. I’ll donate my Chemistry book.

    Adores: 2
    • 2009 May 14
      VagabondClown permalink

      Make it a biology book – for that added touch of irony. 😉

      Adores: 9
      • 2009 May 14
        kristen55 permalink

        I read the ad first and was totally creeped out, then I read the title and just about sprayed the keyboard with coffee – too funny!

        As for the loser – a 32 year old looking for pregnant ‘girls’, I hope he’s on a list somewhere, if you know what I mean…

        Adores: 4
  9. 2009 May 14
    brashieel permalink

    Uggh. Just… uggh.

    That is just creepy.

    Adores: 1
  10. 2009 May 14
    woofless permalink

    Nothing about this could possibly end well. Sure, he’s creepy, but the woman twisted/foolish/desperate enough to go along with it is actually going to be responsible for her very own human being in a few months…and if this shows her judgement ability…?? Yeeikes.
    The only shred of hope I’ve got for the future of the human race is that NOBODY ever responds to this guy’s ad.

    Adores: 4
    • 2009 May 16
      dogface permalink

      Well, he specifically says “girl”, so I’m guessing he’s looking for a pederasty type deal to combine with his pregnancy fetish. *vomits in a corner*

      Adores: 1
      • 2009 May 16
        dogface permalink

        Although it seems “pederasty” specially refers to teenage boys. *should probably check Google/Wikipedia before posting* *and is now wondering what the teenage girl equivalent is, besides gross* *is going to find another corner to puke in*

        Adores: 1
  11. 2009 May 14
    woofless permalink

    Nothing about this could possibly end well. Sure, he’s creepy, but the woman twisted/foolish/desperate enough to go along with it is actually going to be responsible for her very own human being in a few months…and if this shows her judgement ability…?? Yeeikes.
    The only shred of hope I’ve got for the future of the human race is that NOBODY ever responds to this guy’s ad.

    Adores: 0
  12. 2009 May 15
    Manda permalink

    Wow….This is gross but, not shocking. I’ve heard of pregnancy fetishes before. Although I don’t personally understand the appeal that is not what makes this add gross to me. What makes this disturbing and as I said before gross, is that he’s preying on young girls. Notice that in his add he asks “Did the baby’s father leave you? Do you have no where to turn? About to be kicked out of your home?” obviously he’s a predator of the worst kind….A pathetic 32 yr old man who lacks the ability to have a real relationship with a mature adult woman so he preys on young vulnerable women. This is a disgusting pedophile sundae with a pregnancy fetish on top…..G-R-O-S-S!!!

    Adores: 2
  13. 2009 May 15

    Gick. Giiick, giiiiiick, giiiiiiiick.

    Adores: 1
  14. 2009 May 15
    Count Blah permalink

    I like how he stresses that it’s a ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP he’s looking for (as if that legitimizes his weird request–hey, he’s not a perv, he’s a nice guy looking for twue wuv!) and yet he subtly and persistently indicates that he’ll be dumping the girl once she gives birth.

    Adores: 4
  15. 2009 May 15
    Vanessa permalink

    There’s a similar one that gets posted in the Houston CL about once a week. This one is courting pedophilia.

    Adores: 1
  16. 2009 May 15
    Pregnant In Vegas permalink

    Hi. I can’t seem to figure out how to reply? I’m a 32yo WF, pregnant and single, and would love a sugar daddy to take care of me and my baby. Could you please help me get in touch with this man?

    Thank you.

    (And I’m soooooooooooo kidding.)

    Adores: 1
  17. 2009 May 16
    Layla permalink

    This just occurred to me– is it possible that a pregnancy fetish is really just an elaborate way to avoid having your own offspring? If the girl’s already pregnant, and it’s been established that the relationship will only last until she gives birth, you basically get nine months of as much booty as you want, without having to worry about birth control.

    Still creepy as all get out, just a thought…

    Adores: 3
  18. 2009 May 16
    Julia permalink

    Having sex with a pregnant lady isnt creepy. Hey, I imagine that if Im someday pregnant I’d want somone who wasnt disgusted by a baby bump. Looking for someone who is half your age, desperate, hyper hormonal and possibly destitute, that is creepy.

    Adores: 2
    • 2009 May 16
      dogface permalink

      Well, we all know that people should stop having sex once they become parents. ;D

      Adores: 1

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