YSaC, Vol. 1796: Deck Us All With Boston Charlie

2014 December 17

scaffaling – $450

3. Sets. With. Planks. ..2. Sets. AR.e. 5. By. 5. Tall … 1. Set. Is. 49. By. 6. Tall….3. 10. Ft. Planks. Aluminum. 4. Wheels. Coupllers. . Has. Cross. Pieces. …Calls. Please. ###–####

It’s the holiday season! And I HATE holiday music! But I still can’t help hearing this one to the tune of “The Twelve Days of Christmas.” (start at seven for best effect)

“3 Sets with planks,
2 Sets a-are,
O-one set is four
Nine by six
And the couplers has cross pieces.”

In the holiday spirit yet?

(Thanks for the post, Peter!)

15 Responses leave one →
  1. 2014 December 17
    MissMommyNiceNice permalink

    In honor of Beesmas, another entry into the Best of Shatner Reads Craigslist. It’s a Beesmas miracle! Praise the Llamanun, may bees be upon you.

    Adores: 4
  2. 2014 December 17
    CapnMac permalink

    Pardon me, stewardess, I speak Construction.

    The standard size for pipe staging (what we grownups call wleded pipe modular scaffolding) is five feet by five feet. Rather than use of rickety wooden boards of dubious quality, the regulatory agencies have made an aluminum “plank” the standard. And these come in the exact lengths to fit the staging when assembled. So, it’s important to keep them sorted by size, especially if a person has some non-typical staging parts.

    Our putative vendor is attempted to sell three lots of staging parts.
    Two of tjpse lots are for some quantity of five by five staging sections (we are left to presume four each).

    The third lot is for “49” by 6 foot staging. The use of “49” in this context is a construction contraction of 4′-9″ which is communicated verbally as “four-nine” in the trades. However Spark’ does manage to throw a wrinkle here. The 4′-9″ x 6 ‘ are almost invariably connects by either a 4′-9″ x 3′ or a 4′-9″ x 4’ pair.

    We are being offered some quantity of aluminum planks to go with these assemblies.

    The 49×60 set has probably been used on the wheels as a mobile bit of staging for doing interior work, and thus those parts are available. No mention of leveling feet, though, which is aan important bit for standing the staging up.

    “Sparky doan wan no help, sparky doan git no help”

    Adores: 4
    • 2014 December 17
      nojazzhere permalink

      Hey Sparky….can I just buy the bicycle in the first picture? As a former circus acrobat, I could just stand on that to clean my gutters, and not mess with setting up scaffaling. Then I can cycle on down to the neighborhood watering hole…..see?…life can be made simple……

      Adores: 4
    • 2014 December 17
      Demon Duck of Doom permalink

      I am untutored in Constructionese, Cap’n, but you had me at “tjpse lots”.
      *hic* I’ll have another.

      Adores: 5
  3. 2014 December 17
    Yancy permalink

    A friend once asked if I believed in the Oxford comma. After I said yes I do, he said he believed in the Walken comma. Ever since, I hear things in Christopher Walken’s voice rather than Shatner’s.

    Adores: 3
  4. 2014 December 17
    Yancy permalink

    The title of this post has a spelling error and a punctuation error.



    Adores: 3
  5. 2014 December 17
    jay permalink

    You appear to have misspelled “coupllers”

    Adores: 1
  6. 2014 December 17
    HamCan permalink

    Oh Scaff-a-ling, Oh Scaff-a-ling!
    Thy planks are so unstable
    Oh Scaff-a-ling, Oh Scaff-a-ling,
    Thy metal is still rusting

    Not only unsafe when summer’s here,
    But also dangerous after 12 cold beers.
    Oh Scaff-a-ling, Oh Scaff-a-ling,
    Thy planks are so unstable!

    Adores: 10
  7. 2014 December 17
    Ralph permalink

    Sparky appears to be having a period. Or several. Couplling during periods may result in cross pieces.

    Adores: 4
  8. 2014 December 17
    Peter permalink

    To be fair, the poster did say Please, so at least has some semblance of manners…that’s nice!

    But onto the meat of things, I think I’ve figured something else out about authors intent. Not wanting to show favoritism among words, each gets it’s own capital letter and period, thus no word feels left out or diminished among it’s peers. We must let words be equal, despite number of letters or sentence position. Periods and Capitals for all!

    And to all a good night…

    Adores: 4
    • 2014 December 17
      Demon Duck of Doom permalink

      Sadly, it appears Sparky may suffer from punctate capitalitis. That can be very painful, but not as itchy as scaffaling.

      Adores: 3
  9. 2014 December 17
    Meg permalink

    3. This.Is Perfect..2. For. AR.e. 5. Tradition… 1. Every. year. 49. We. 6. Gather….3. Together. And. Go. Scaffaling…4. In. Neighborhood. .Figgy. Pudding . Indeed!. …GetsMeSome. Please. ###–####

    Adores: 6
  10. 2014 December 18

    You had me at Boston Charlie. 8) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46u50qJY0GM

    Adores: 0
  11. 2014 December 18

    Hammy, you and I had an extra day in the box, and I appreciate how fetching you are. Punchity Punch Punch! Ow.

    Good Morning, Carol O’Corners!

    Adores: 2

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