YSaC, Vol. 963: A special Sunday edition …

2011 April 10

Last weekend I tried to give away some YSaC swag and failed. (I swear, I’m the only person who can try to give something away and not successfully do it!)

Let’s try again, shall we? And, for fun, here’s a related ad:

JULIUS AND FRIENDS size medium teen shit LEGO’s !! – $5

Regular readers will know that thanks to the, er, questionable typing prowess of one of our regular commenters, around here t-shirts have become t-shits. Now’s your chance to win your own YSaC t-shit!

“But how?” I hear you asking. “How, drmk, how? I’ll do anything! I’ll teach my cat to sing opera! I’ll roll in Marshmallow Fluff and Rice Krispies! I’ll wrestle voles! I want a You Suck at Craigslist t-shit!”*

(*Note: All of these things may be a normal Saturday night in Chez Llamanun-Ostrimu.)

You want a You Suck at Craigslist t-shit? All right, come closer. No, closer. A little closer OH MY GOD YOU’RE WAY TOO CLOSE BACK UP BACK UP BACK UP okay that’s better. Here’s how to win yourself a YSaC t-shit:

Comment. Today. Below. Tomorrow, I’ll pick a number at random, and that commenter will win a t-shit.

Ready …. go! (And thanks, Amey, for the bad title!)

158 Responses leave one →
  1. 2011 April 10

    First? πŸ™‚

    Adores: 2
    • 2011 April 10

      Matt. 20:16: So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen.

      Adores: 6
      • 2011 April 10
        Grampdaddy permalink

        Gdaddy 1:1-2 Get off my lawn you darn kids, afor I come out and whap ya with my cane.

        Adores: 8
        • 2011 April 10
          Windrose permalink

          Gdaddy 1:3-5 And lo, the Darn Kids did tremble, and cry out for mercy, and rattle their cans of spray paint in hollow threat. But the Grampdaddy was firm in his convictions, and his cane was mighty in its dreadfulness. The Darn Kids did retreat to the edge of the lawn, where they were shunned and made to eat vintage cereals and dumpster junk foods for the rest of their days as Darn Kids.

          Adores: 7
      • 2011 April 10
        CapnMac permalink

        So the last shall be first, and the first last

        Never have quite understood how James VI’s scribners left the “some” (or “among”) out of that translation.


        So the last shall be among the first, and the first among the last…”
        Very few scriptural certainties kiddies, you are supposed to work for it right unto the last. And then some.

        Adores: 2
        • 2011 April 10
          Bianchi Sound permalink

          Maybe they weren’t getting “some,” and figured no one else should get “some” either.

          Adores: 3
        • 2011 April 10

          I wasn’t getting sum, either.

          My calculator’s “+” button is broken.

          Adores: 6
        • 2011 April 10
          Bianchi Sound permalink

          I’m sure you’re divisor for it.

          Adores: 3
  2. 2011 April 10
    LurkRealClose permalink

    Dear Llamanun (Bees Be Upon You),

    I love swag.



    Adores: 4
    • 2011 April 10

      Dearest Poncho Moose,

      Please tell the LlamaNun (BBUH) that I also love swag.


      Adores: 3
      • 2011 April 10
        ghostcat permalink

        Dearest kelli,

        Please ask the Poncho Moose to tell the Llamanun (BBUH) that I too love swag.

        Kisses, SJ

        Adores: 2
        • 2011 April 10

          Dearest Marsha,

          I have long adored you from afar. Now that I have seen your ill-conceived union to Frederich has dissolved I find myself ready to decrease the range of said admiration. Enclosed you fill find a return missive. Please check in the affirmative or the negative as to the reciprication of such emotions.

          Yours Etc,
          Dr. Curranty Womblebottom

          Adores: 5
      • 2011 April 10
        LurkRealClose permalink

        Dear LlamaNun (BBUY):

        Please note: kelli also loves swag.

        Much Love,

        Poncho, poncho moose! I’m goin’ be, your poncho moose!

        Adores: 3
  3. 2011 April 10
    Paul permalink

    I was wondering if everybody was refraining from commenting in order to ensure drmk’s failure to give something away again, but Jenny’s post has broken the silence, so here goes nothing…

    Adores: 2
  4. 2011 April 10
    Caro permalink

    Throwing myself on the inauspicious number four. Just another service we provide here at YSaC.

    Adores: 1
  5. 2011 April 10
    The other Dave permalink

    This is a comment, placed here to ensure the You suck at Craigslist teen shit is chosen for me!

    My garden has been a little lack lustre and extra fertilizer can help.

    Adores: 2
  6. 2011 April 10
    Jessica permalink

    Here’s hoping that my lurking turns to winning.

    Adores: 1
    • 2011 April 10

      You’ll need at least 3oz of clear cut Charlie Sheen for that.

      Adores: 3
      • 2011 April 10
        ghostcat permalink

        Or the equivalent in Not.A.Lion blood.

        Adores: 2
  7. 2011 April 10
    AverageZac permalink

    I love T-Shits. And free things. Soooo….. This would be a perfect gift for me. If not, I’ll have to go back to lurking on Craigslist…

    Adores: 2
  8. 2011 April 10
    penguin permalink

    If I comment with random numbers, will my chances increase?

    4, 985, 36,547, 59, 8, 3.64

    Adores: 2
    • 2011 April 10
      Windrose permalink

      Do replies count? Cause I want to yell BINGO! That is all.

      Adores: 1
    • 2011 April 10
      CapnMac permalink


      (Which will be less-obscure for those who have seen “The Mitchell and Webb Look”)

      Adores: 2
      • 2011 April 11
        Poonkie permalink

        I had to delurk just to send you a not-at-all-racist note of love (hoping you’ve also seen Peep Show for that reference) for making a Mitchell and Webb reference! And to admire your Texasy avatar! πŸ˜€

        Adores: 0
  9. 2011 April 10
    Karmyn permalink

    Will it be a brown or green t-shit?

    Adores: 1
    • 2011 April 10
      Lime Lolly permalink

      Pretty sure it’ll be tie-dye… have you seen what people do with them? blech.

      Adores: 2
    • 2011 April 10

      Well, I ate Indian food last night so…

      Adores: 1
  10. 2011 April 10
    Cindy B. permalink

    I like YSaC. And I like free stuff. So this is a win-win situation for me (well, if I’m picked, that is).

    Adores: 1
  11. 2011 April 10
    LaKitta permalink

    *whew* I was already spending a leisurely Sunday rolling around in marshmallow fluff and rice krispies, but now I shall continue with gusto. Wheeeeee! Roll, roll, roll in the rice!

    Adores: 14
  12. 2011 April 10
    Laurelhach permalink

    I wanted to wait until I was comment 42, but I guess twelve will have to do.

    Adores: 1
    • 2011 April 10
      Martha permalink

      It’s possible that you could still end up # 42, if replies count. Now get up there and start replying!!

      Adores: 2
  13. 2011 April 10
    ghostcat permalink

    Ooh! Ooh! Pick me! Pick me!

    My cats don’t know opera but they are a pretty decent barbershop trio. And they give great foot massages. (wink-wink)

    Adores: 4
  14. 2011 April 10

    Congratulations people! You, yes you, can now get the new Julius and Friends Teen Shit Legos! You can have Mark Antony, Caius Cassius, Marcus Brutus, Julius Caesar, and much, much more! Experience all the teenaged shit that goes on in high school with the Julius and Friends Legos!

    Adores: 9
  15. 2011 April 10
    Adranth permalink

    I always wanted my very own t-shit!

    Adores: 1
    • 2011 April 10

      Once when my oldest was a baby, I ran out of diapers for her and had to use my ex’s t-shirts. She produced many t-shits.

      Adores: 6
  16. 2011 April 10

    Who would pass up the chance to cover oneself in a new shit?

    Oh, wait. Today is NOT a workday.

    Adores: 2
  17. 2011 April 10
    Miss Carolyn permalink

    I can comment! I can even comment with better grammar than Sparky! I would love a t-shit.

    Adores: 1
  18. 2011 April 10
    Cassi permalink

    PICK ME?! yes yes yes.

    Adores: 1
  19. 2011 April 10

    If HHNF doesn’t end up entering, I’ll just give it to her if I win. She deserves it more than I do for all the time she’s put in back in the day. A t-shit would be lovely.

    Adores: 4
    • 2011 April 10
      Windrose permalink

      I agree with you, Beau! Team HHNF!

      Adores: 2
  20. 2011 April 10
    Steve-Oh permalink

    I need swag to match my sweet coffee cup, upon which is the prayer I helped co-author. My mother was less than impressed about my first published work. She mentioned something about having higher hopes for me, or something like that.

    Adores: 5
    • 2011 April 10
      Grampdaddy permalink

      You mean she isn’t satisfied that you get to drive the firetruck and blow the siren?

      Adores: 3
      • 2011 April 10

        blow the siren

        I’ll just go to my corner.

        Adores: 3
        • 2011 April 10
          Lime Lolly permalink

          some people have all the fun…

          Adores: 1
  21. 2011 April 10

    I so need a new t-shit. The rats have chewed holes in all my old ones.

    Adores: 3
  22. 2011 April 10
    Camille permalink

    OK, I’m in. My dogulator tells me that 22 is my lucky random number.

    Adores: 1
  23. 2011 April 10
    Erin permalink

    If you put all of the names into a hat and then a freak wind swoops down upon you and blows them all away, maybe you should just give up. It’s probably not meant to be.

    Adores: 1
  24. 2011 April 10

    Pick me? I never win anything and I adore your sarcastic wit πŸ˜‰

    Adores: 2
  25. 2011 April 10
    Angel permalink

    My only experience with Juliuses (Juluii?) being the Dr. J, Roman, Groucho and orange types, I had to ask Uncle Google what Julius and Friends is. Holy cow, that is one ugly monkey. I’m glad my kids were never the age that I had to buy clothes with that thing on it else I might have coined the name “teen shit” myself. Honestly, it looks like a UFO with a face-shaped cabin on top!

    O/T: How to tell monkeys from apes: almost all of the time, if it has a tail then it’s a monkey. If it doesn’t, then it’s an ape.

    Adores: 3
    • 2011 April 10
      CapnMac permalink

      It’s “gens Julia” if we mean the clan that Caesar belonged to.
      But, “Julii” is also a correct plural.

      Father’s name
      Clan name
      given name

      The famous perforated emperor was Gaius Julius Caesar, his last murderer being Marcus Junius Brutus

      Adores: 2
      • 2011 April 10
        Windrose permalink

        “his last murderer being Marcus Junius Brutus”

        Doesn’t that imply there were prior murderers? Was Julius Caesar a zombie?

        Adores: 3
        • 2011 April 10

          Full List of Known Murderers of Julius Caesar is below. There were something like 40 in all who stabbed him, although many of the names are lost to history.

          Gaius Cassius Longinus
          Marcus Junius Brutus
          Servius Sulpicius Galba
          Quintus Ligarius
          Lucius Minucius Basilus
          Publius Servilius Casca Longus (brother of Gaius Servilius Casca)
          Gaius Servilius Casca (brother of Publius Servilius Casca Longus and the one responsible for the first stab)
          Decimus Junius Brutus Albinus
          Lucius Tillius Cimber
          Gaius Trebonius
          Lucius Cassius Longinus (brother of Gaius Cassius Longinus)
          Gaius Cassius Parmensis
          Caecilius (brother of Bucolianus)
          Bucolianus (brother of Caecilius)
          Rubrius Ruga
          Marcus Spurius
          Publius Sextius Naso
          Lucius Pontius Aquila
          Decimus Turullius
          Pacuvius Antistius Labeo

          Also, Marcus Tullus Cicero, although he did not participate, was all like “Dude. I never get invited to these kinds of parties. You totally should have called me up.” when he found out it had happened.

          Adores: 5
  26. 2011 April 10

    I just had an actual conversation with someone the other day while looking at a picture of a beautiful white tiger. He pointed to a shadow and said “Look…there’s ANOTHER LION in the background.” He had no clue why I found that so damn funny.

    Adores: 3
  27. 2011 April 10
    Andrew permalink

    This is a comment.

    Adores: 1
    • 2011 April 10
      Windrose permalink

      No it isn’t! Well, it isn’t a very good comment, then.

      Adores: 3
    • 2011 April 10

      Ceci n’est pas un commentaire.

      Adores: 1
      • 2011 April 10
        ghostcat permalink

        Esto tampoco es un comentario.

        Adores: 1
        • 2011 April 10


          Adores: 1
  28. 2011 April 10
    Windrose permalink

    By the way, I will officially disqualify myself since I am a member if the staff here at YSaC. There will be no cheating on this contest. *wink, wink*

    Adores: 3
  29. 2011 April 10
    Artsy Computer Geek permalink

    I don’t know about this. I guessed last weekend and all I got was arrested for stalking Windy.

    Adores: 5
    • 2011 April 10
      Windrose permalink

      Good times, good times. 8)

      Adores: 2
      • 2011 April 10
        Lime Lolly permalink

        Weren’t there pictures involved as well?

        Adores: 1
        • 2011 April 10
          Artsy Computer Geek permalink

          Something to do with Bea and Windy …..

          Adores: 1
  30. 2011 April 10

    (I swear, I’m the only person who can try to give something away and not successfully do it!)

    You’re one of two people. I’m the other.

    Adores: 1
    • 2011 April 10

      It depends on if anyone actually wants what you’re trying to give away, and that depends on what it is πŸ˜›

      Adores: 1
      • 2011 April 10
        Windrose permalink

        When I was selling zebra finches, someone contacted me to see if I still had the birds. I replied that I did, and I was eager to make way for the new babies coming in, so he could take them for free. He responded that he got a better offer.

        The upside is, I later sold all 7 birds for $3 each. 8)

        Adores: 3
    • 2011 April 10
      Lime Lolly permalink

      Put me in the group of people that never win. I present as evidence the numerous lottery tickets and letters from Ed McMahon proclaiming that “I may already be a winner” from the last 10 years.

      Every day I look out the window looking for the PCH van. I’m about to give up.

      Adores: 3
      • 2011 April 10
        Grampdaddy permalink

        LL, don’t ever give up! Never, ever, ever! You never know, some day you’ll be standing there, minding your own business and a house will fall out of the sky onto you. Then some darn kid and a dog will steal your shoes.

        Adores: 4
        • 2011 April 10
          LimeLolly permalink

          I hope they enjoy the athletes foot. Little thieves.

          Adores: 3
      • 2011 April 10
        ToBScholarly permalink

        Rest in Peace, Ed McMahon. May you always carry the biggest cardboard check in the sky.

        Adores: 1
  31. 2011 April 10
    mstmompj permalink

    As long as it’s not teen shit (got enough of that around my house already), sounds great to me.

    Adores: 1
  32. 2011 April 10
    Grampdaddy permalink

    I’ll roll in Marshmallow Fluff and Rice Krispies!

    Dear Llama-Nun (Bees be upon you),

    I just want to know if it is you or Dan that rolls around in the Marshmallow Fluff and Krispies – could cause a change in perspective depending on your answer….

    Oh, and if it both, concurrently, we may or may not want to know the details.

    I’m going back to my corner now, with the pictures in my mind….

    Adores: 2
    • 2011 April 10
      Lime Lolly permalink

      That’s how you make Easter treats for the Easter Elf.

      Er, that’s how you make the Easter Elf the Easter treat?…. um.. anyone got a Twix?

      Adores: 1
    • 2011 April 10
      Dan permalink

      Oh, I thought we were rolling the voles in marshmallow fluff and Rice Krispies, and then frying them.

      Adores: 2
  33. 2011 April 10

    I do NOT want a T-shit.*

    *Thus insuring that I will win, bwhahahaha.

    Adores: 3
  34. 2011 April 10
    Supreme Ruler permalink

    I truly wish we could give ‘dores for your commentary on the posts.

    Adores: 2
  35. 2011 April 10

    Gosh I haven’t commented in like a year.

    Adores: 3
    • 2011 April 10
      Windrose permalink

      STEPHANIE!!!!!! You have been a bad, bad commenter! Go to your corner!

      Adores: 2
    • 2011 April 10
      Bunnymuffin permalink

      I think it has been longer than a year for me.

      Adores: 1
  36. 2011 April 10
    Kasey permalink

    Wow this is awesome. I have some pretty messed up things on CL!! You would not believe how stupid some people can be.
    Thanks for the chance.

    Adores: 1
    • 2011 April 10
      Windrose permalink

      I think you skipped a word or a line. Or maybe not. Perhaps you DO have some messed up things on CL.

      Adores: 1
  37. 2011 April 10
    Jacki S permalink

    Teen shit LEGO’s.

    Oooo, gotta be painful. Really painful. Not like winning a YSaC T-Shirt which would be way cool.

    Adores: 3
    • 2011 April 10
      CapnMac permalink

      Today’s “Get Fuzzy” should have been the omen, the vietnamese marmoset (or whatever) that eats coffee beans and is then followed around to collect them after they are passed entire was invoked . . .

      Which now causes a question of just what is the difference between ConX and Lego . . . ?

      Adores: 1
  38. 2011 April 10
    cassie permalink

    T-shirts! Classic! <3

    Adores: 1
  39. 2011 April 10

    Comments by famous personages:

    Shakespeare: Be not afraid of commenting: some are born commenting, some achieve commenting, and some have commenting thrust upon them.

    Linda Lovelace: It [commenting] makes me all tingly and then nothing. There should bells ringing, dams bursting, and bombs going off.

    Julius Caesar: Veni. Vidi. Elucidati.

    Mae West: Is that a comment in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?

    General Patton: Never tell people how to comment. Tell them to comment, and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.

    Muhammed Ali: Float like a butterfly, comment like a bee.

    Dorothy Parker: This is not a comment to be tossed aside lightly. It should be thrown with great force.

    Adores: 8
    • 2011 April 10

      Some Famous Dead Person : I like pie.

      Adores: 4
    • 2011 April 10
      Windrose permalink

      Archie, you have invoked Dorothy Parker, thus insuring* a win. 8)

      *This is not the opinion of anyone in charge of the actual drawing, sorry.

      Adores: 2
      • 2011 April 10

        And here I thought Linda Lovelace would be the clincher. πŸ˜‰

        Adores: 1
        • 2011 April 10
          Grampdaddy permalink

          Nah, Linda Lovelace only if you choke in the stretch.

          I’ll just be sitting over here at the vertices of the floor and two walls…

          Adores: 4
  40. 2011 April 10
    Sarah permalink

    Good morning, and good luck …

    Adores: 1
  41. 2011 April 10

    Comment awaiting moderation.

    Adores: 3
    • 2011 April 10
      Windrose permalink

      No, it isn’t!

      Adores: 3
      • 2011 April 10

        An argument isn’t simply saying,”no, it isn’t.”

        Adores: 5
        • 2011 April 10
          Angel permalink

          Argument is an intellectual process. Contradiction is just the automatic gainsaying of any statement the other person makes.

          No it isn’t!

          Adores: 5
        • 2011 April 10
          Lime Lolly permalink

          Yes, it is.

          Adores: 5
        • 2011 April 10
          Angel permalink

          If you want me to go on arguing, you’ll have to pay for another five minutes.

          Adores: 5
        • 2011 April 10
          Windrose permalink

          That was never five minutes!

          Adores: 5
        • 2011 April 10

          But that was never five minutes just then.

          Edit: Great minds…

          Adores: 5
        • 2011 April 10
          CapnMac permalink

          I do not have Β£5.

          I have Β£2 2s in both old and decimalized forms, though.

          Adores: 3
        • 2011 April 10
          LimeLolly permalink

          I have some used OBOs and some new vintage Crisco. A couple of Spice Christ clothespins, as well.

          Adores: 3
  42. 2011 April 10

    I really need a t-shirt. I have to wash the car. The last time I washed the car, I got in big trouble. Seems the homeowner’s association gets all piffy if you wash your car topless. Jeeeez!

    Adores: 3
  43. 2011 April 10


    Adores: 3
  44. 2011 April 10

    I though Taco copyrighted T-shits?

    Adores: 2
    • 2011 April 10

      I tried, but it turns out that when I applied for my copyright I misspelled my name.

      Adores: 7
  45. 2011 April 10
    Terri permalink

    If you roll this number, re-roll twice.

    Adores: 1
    • 2011 April 10
      CapnMac permalink

      With how many of which-number-of-sides dice?

      Adores: 1
      • 2011 April 10
        Grampdaddy permalink

        Six dice with two sides – carry the one, divide by two, add in the phase of the moon and half the perimeter of an octagonal table with six sides.

        [ glances at Windy] No, it isn’t!

        Adores: 2
        • 2011 April 10
          Windrose permalink

          Oh, intercourse the penguin!

          Adores: 1
        • 2011 April 11
          Astrognash permalink


          Adores: 0
  46. 2011 April 10

    OT: Happy National Library Week. Celebrate with a nice book. Books are those things that libraries put on the shelves not taken by DVDs and VHS tapes.

    Adores: 7
  47. 2011 April 10

    Sarcastic remark regarding post, invocation of meme, questionable pun, euphemism.

    Adores: 5
    • 2011 April 10
      Windrose permalink

      Pointing out previous comment that already covered that, correction of meme, euphemistic pun.

      Adores: 2
  48. 2011 April 10
    davethetallguy permalink

    I feel your pain at the non-giveaway. I once tried to give away a condo (yes, an apartment you own) to anyone who would take it. Nobody did.

    Some people are so fussy when the condo association is bankrupt and has a condo fee equivalent to the mortgage payment…

    Adores: 2
    • 2011 April 10
      Lime Lolly permalink

      I bet it was something in the water that made them so fussy.

      Adores: 2
      • 2011 April 10
        ghostcat permalink

        With me it’s usually the whisky in the water that makes me fussy.

        Adores: 2
  49. 2011 April 10

    I trained my cats to jump on me in the middle of the night…does that count enough to win a free t-shit? I’ll use it to shield myself from the back claws. Back claws which have in fact scratched my face from cats jumping on me in the middle of the night. I kid you not. Seriously.

    Clearly getting this t-shit is imperative to the safety of my face.

    Adores: 1
  50. 2011 April 10
    TelcaCat permalink

    My snark level is not the high quality of the regulars, so I rarely comment! Love the site though.

    Adores: 2
    • 2011 April 10
      Windrose permalink

      TelaCat, we all had to work up to it! You should just jump in and bravely comment whatever comes in to your head! 8)

      Adores: 2
      • 2011 April 10
        LimeLolly permalink

        high quality snark


        Every once in a while, the regulars get out of the gutter/corner/time-out chair.
        It would be nice for every one lurking to post something so as to bring the line back. I think it’s traumatized.

        Adores: 5
        • 2011 April 10
          ghostcat permalink

          I heard it had shape reassignment surgery. Now it’s a sphere.

          Adores: 1
  51. 2011 April 10

    This is my comment.

    Adores: 1
  52. 2011 April 10
    sanmue permalink

    The comment.
    Here is content of comment.

    Adores: 1
  53. 2011 April 10
    gretchen permalink

    Expressing my interest in t-shirts and not teen shits.

    Adores: 1
  54. 2011 April 10
    Kenny permalink

    Result! I huv bin lokin fer a coul t-shit fer da sumer wevver.

    Adores: 1
  55. 2011 April 10

    Randomly inserted comment.

    Adores: 1
  56. 2011 April 10
    Anne [Miss] Elk permalink

    {seems obligatory}
    This is my comment, which is mine [cough].

    Adores: 3
  57. 2011 April 10

    I want a t-shirt – does that make me too educated to use craigslist?

    Adores: 2
  58. 2011 April 10
    Ziaheart permalink

    Aladdin reference? πŸ˜€

    Adores: 1
  59. 2011 April 10

    Shit legos are like regular legos, but you can use them to fertilize your soil too. It’s a real twofer.

    Also, uh, make sure your children wash their hands often.

    Adores: 2
  60. 2011 April 10
    Saltypants permalink

    I could use a new t-shit to replace one of the shittier t’s in my collection.

    Adores: 2
  61. 2011 April 10

    So uh… glad that my typo prowess will go down into legend and stuff.

    Not exactly what I thought I’d be known for, but hey, take what you can get, wright?

    Adores: 5
  62. 2011 April 10


    Adores: 2
  63. 2011 April 10
    tennyson permalink

    Weasels are ripping my flesh!

    Adores: 1
    • 2011 April 10
      LimeLolly permalink

      Have a burnt weeny sammich. You won’t feel better, though.

      Adores: 1
  64. 2011 April 10
    beezlie permalink

    I shall wear your Tshit and nothing else. Then I shall dance with a cowbell.

    Adores: 2
    • 2011 April 10
      penguin permalink

      You need more cowbell.

      Oh…wait…that wasn’t a cowbell swinging.

      I’ll be in the corner.

      Adores: 2
  65. 2011 April 10
    Jess permalink

    This comment only exists in hopes of winning t-shit swag.

    Adores: 2
  66. 2011 April 10

    I just bought a hoodie (I’m SO looking forward to wearing my Cat Math hoodie to work!) but I wouldn’t say no to a free tshirt! I wonder how many lurkers we’ll see today…

    Adores: 1
  67. 2011 April 10

    Would love a YSaC teen shit! πŸ˜‰

    Adores: 1
    • 2011 April 10
      LimeLolly permalink

      Food!! I know whom I’m stalking. πŸ™‚

      Adores: 1
    • 2011 April 10
      ghostcat permalink

      Peep S’mores! You, madame, are a genius.

      Adores: 1
  68. 2011 April 10

    P.S. Wait, do more comments mean more chances to win? Inquiring minds want to know…

    Adores: 1
    • 2011 April 10
      Windrose permalink

      That is the working theory, yes. 8)

      Adores: 0
  69. 2011 April 10
    nonsensicalcat permalink

    Free (t-)shit is the best shit there is.

    Adores: 1
    • 2011 April 10
      LimeLolly permalink

      There’s a free kids sandbox in the shape of a rusty boat. Don’t mind the glass.

      Adores: 2
  70. 2011 April 10
    ghostcat permalink

    Look at all the new people in the Snark Lounge! I’d better make some more brownies.

    Adores: 2
  71. 2011 April 10
    JasonR permalink

    My fortune cookie said 143 was my lucky number, let’s put it to the test!

    Adores: 1
  72. 2011 April 10
    ToBScholarly permalink

    I wonder if the T-shirt is made out of Legos. That would seem a bit scratchy to me.

    Adores: 1
  73. 2011 April 10
    LaKitta permalink

    Hooray! My Doc in the box!

    Adores: 1
  74. 2011 April 10
    Roxanne Berg permalink

    Waving…Swag for me, please!

    Adores: 0
  75. 2011 April 10
    Andrea permalink

    I like maroon.

    Adores: 0
  76. 2011 April 11

    I’m quite sure a winner has been chosen. Hi to everyone! Got my house back. Ripped out the carpet, man it stinks. See you in the funny papers. Night night.

    Adores: 1
  77. 2011 April 11
    Windrose permalink

    Well, Doctor, or Eleven, as you call yourself, let’s see if you have a cure for Punchity Punch Punch!


    G’Night, Billund!

    Adores: 1
  78. 2011 April 11
    CoffDrop permalink

    I hope you choose mine – uh, Nine:

    The number nine
    Cries out and sings
    A random number
    In the series of things

    I don’t really care
    For anything much
    A random number
    In a series of such

    I won’t put it down
    It wouldn’t be right
    I just can’t feel
    Much delight

    On the number nine
    There are some wings
    That lift it up
    Through the series of things

    When I look a nine
    There is something about the number
    That puts me into a deep, deep slumber

    The number nine
    Has its stings
    A random number
    In the series of things

    By Seth Norton

    Adores: 0
  79. 2011 April 13
    MegBee permalink

    This site is the best thing to happen in my life.

    Adores: 0
    • 2011 April 13
      Lola permalink

      Come by and comment more, MegBee!

      Adores: 0

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