YSaC, Vol. 1115: Slip slidin’ away …

2011 November 4
by drmk


Hi, my name is Jenn and were selling our sofa & loveseat for $80, because we are currently trying to get rid of it ASAP! The loveseat has a rip on the corner, but cant really see if you adjust fabric. Its still very comfy, and cuddable. It has some minor stains, mostly due from vaseline, to when my younger siblings would climb n play, but throw in covers for the couch and its still very very decent and comfortable! Only 5 years old couch 🙂 No pets in household. Clean environment. Only asking for $80 for both because we need it out ASAP! Please call me at xxxxxxxxxxx or xxxxxxxxxx. Ask for Cj or Jenn.
Thanks and i hope to hear from you soon!

Ah, the good old days … back when my older sister used to lather us younguns up with Vaseline and we would just climb all over everything. Now THAT was entertainment. These kids today, with their pomegranate-scented body lotions — they don’t know what they’re missing. There’s nothing like covering yourself with pure petroleum jelly and then pretending the sofa is a slip-n-slide.

Thanks, Janellionaire!

61 Responses leave one →
  1. 2011 November 4

    First, I feel I must disavow all knowledge of this posting.

    Second, the Griswold family couch was a decent enough testing ground for the lubricants Clark brought home from the lab.

    Unfortunately, the fabric didn’t stand up to the repeated…umm….testing and we had to scrap the whole experiment.

    Again, I’m speaking totally hypothetically here. I am not the Cj you are looking for.

    Adores: 9
    • 2011 November 4
      Irregular Fractal permalink

      This brings a whole new meaning to your nickname, CJ.

      Adores: 2
  2. 2011 November 4

    Vaseline stains with a dodgy explanation are one thing, but buying furniture from a house with pets would just be gross.

    Adores: 11
    • 2011 November 4
      funky "eMonkey" monkey permalink

      Exactly! Imagine how the vaseline would make the pet hair stick to everything.

      Adores: 4
      • 2011 November 4

        Yeah, tell me about it. I already learned my lesson about putting Vaseline on the cat. There’s a mistake I won’t make again.

        Adores: 13
        • 2011 November 4
          Windrose permalink

          When do the stitches come out, Taco?

          Adores: 4
        • 2011 November 4
          Lola permalink

          After they finally catch the cat again. Slippery little bugger.

          Adores: 3
        • 2011 November 4
          tigprincess permalink

          now that’s a youtube video I’d pay to watch!

          Adores: 3
        • 2011 November 4
          Spaceman.Spiff permalink

          Youtube probably does not have the bandwidth for “Gerg versus the vaseline-ed cat”

          Adores: 1
  3. 2011 November 4

    See, that’s why you should always use a water-based lubricant rather than Vaseline – it just washes right off of any furniture, clothing, or livestock it might have gotten spilled on without leaving any hard to explain stains.

    Or so I hear.

    Adores: 7
  4. 2011 November 4
    Cindy B. permalink

    I love the reason they give for selling: We are selling it, because we are currently trying to get rid of it.

    Point of fact, I don’t blame them. Vaseline, indeed.

    Adores: 12
    • 2011 November 4
      Windrose permalink

      Nice Avitar, Cindy B.! 8) And yes, you could teach a class in Sparky Logic!

      Adores: 3
    • 2011 November 4
      Lola permalink

      No idea why it has to go NOW, though. I suspect it’s before the body stuffed into it begins to smell, but that’s just a theory.

      Adores: 6
      • 2011 November 4
        Bianchi Sound permalink


        Adores: 8
        • 2011 November 4
          funky "eMonkey" monkey permalink


          Adores: 4
        • 2011 November 4
          Lola permalink

          Dead ninjas and snakes, with a side of auntie juice.

          Adores: 2
        • 2011 November 4

          No thanks, I’m not that hungry.

          Adores: 2
        • 2011 November 5
          D [DM] permalink

          You sit on it; I can’t sit with you…

          …too many bees.

          Adores: 1
  5. 2011 November 4
    Ralph permalink

    The seller seems to think the loveseat is a cud above one from a household with pets, or maybe the rip proves that it’s cuddable. I’ll have to chew on the definition for a while.

    Adores: 5
    • 2011 November 4
      Cindy B. permalink

      Maybe they meant “cuttable”. Because clearly, it is.

      Adores: 4
      • 2011 November 4
        Lola permalink

        Or should be – and hey! Look what I found! My old switchblade!

        Adores: 2
    • 2011 November 4

      I wept for the English language when I did a Google search for “cuddable” and it came back with 66,200 results.

      Adores: 13
      • 2011 November 4

        And after today, YSaC will be number 66,201!


        Adores: 5
      • 2011 November 4
        TinyBallOfLight permalink

        What, doesn’t everyone cuddle their couch? I know I do! =P

        Adores: 3
    • 2011 November 4
      Irregular Fractal permalink

      I’m going with, as in only should be used for cows to chew on.

      Adores: 5
  6. 2011 November 4
    funky "eMonkey" monkey permalink


    The use of “vaseline” and “younger siblings” together probably flags this for some child pron searching bot. We’ll never get any sponsorship! Ever!

    Adores: 7
    • 2011 November 4

      Unless there’s a site out there featuring hot sofa-on-loveseat action, probably not.

      Adores: 9
      • 2011 November 4
        tigprincess permalink

        doesn’t rule 34 come into play here?

        Adores: 7
        • 2011 November 4
          funky "eMonkey" monkey permalink

          Always, always, you cute little king-of-the-jungle you.

          Adores: 2
      • 2011 November 4
        kelli permalink

        I am aware of at least one site that features furniture pron.

        Adores: 4
  7. 2011 November 4

    *Chew chew chew chew chew*

    You know…

    *Chew chew chew chew chew*

    I been lookin’ fer a loveseat

    *Chew chew chew chew chew*

    But it’s gotta be cuddable, ya hear?

    Adores: 8
  8. 2011 November 4
    Windrose permalink

    “throw in covers for the couch and its still very very decent”

    But is that gonna cost me extra? *sniff* What’s that smell?

    Adores: 2
    • 2011 November 4

      I think someone’s been trying to set pudding on fire again.

      Adores: 4
    • 2011 November 4
      Janellionaire permalink

      Also, can something be “very very” decent? Doesn’t the word “decent” here imply that it will be ok, but still not great?

      Adores: 4
    • 2011 November 4
      Spaceman.Spiff permalink

      Ah, I see, “de-scent” was meant, and sparky-correct changed that to “decent”.

      Still seems Hart of Darkness to me, the horror the horror . . .

      Adores: 2
  9. 2011 November 4

    I suspect she’s not being entirely honest about the origins of the Vaseline. It’s not called a LOVEseat for nothin’, y’know.

    Adores: 8
    • 2011 November 4
      Lola permalink

      TC, please pull up an avatar from Gravatar and join the group! That comment just showed you belong in the Snark Lounge, possibly in the corner.

      Adores: 4
  10. 2011 November 4
    LimeLolly permalink

    Hi, my name is ‘LimeLolly’, but you can call me ‘Al’. Take my furniture…please.

    Adores: 5
  11. 2011 November 4

    [OT] Here’s an actual conversation with a coworker today:

    Coworker: “With all these server problems I’ve been thinking-”

    Me: “A dangerous past-time.”

    Coworker: “I know.” *long pause followed by realization and a dirty look.*

    Adores: 6
    • 2011 November 4

      Taco – whenever someone says “I’ve been thinking….” to me, I tell them “There you go, workin’ without tools again.”

      You’re welcome.

      Here’s another.

      When someone says, “I don’t think…..” quickly interject with “That’s okay, you look good.”

      Again, you’re welcome.

      Adores: 7
      • 2011 November 4
        LimeLolly permalink

        ‘I was thinking..’

        I knew I smelled smoke!

        Adores: 4
        • 2011 November 4

          Or possibly “Careful, you’ll strain something.”

          Adores: 4
      • 2011 November 4
        kelli permalink

        I tend to quote Beauty and the Beast;

        X: I was thinking..
        Me: A dangerous pastime (I know)

        EDIT – I read in reverse order and did not see Taco’s original comment until after I posted.

        Adores: 2
        • 2011 November 4
          TinyBallOfLight permalink

          Aarrgg…I meant to nest my comment where you did. Darn. =)

          Adores: 1
        • 2011 November 5
          Windrose permalink

          I once had the most wonderful opportunity ever, and I had a witness too. I was working as a photographer in San Diego Old Town. We dressed people up in Old West and Victorian costumes set them up in a saloon or parlor, and took a Polaroid photo. My coworker then took the Polaroid into the dark room and made copies in sepia tones.

          We often had the Cream of the Tourist Crowd come in, and one guy argued with me about lighting and costume choices. I said, I think it will work better this way. He said, I don’t think, I know. I replied, I don’t think you know either, but you’re paying for it. He looked blank. LOL.

          Adores: 2
    • 2011 November 4

      Indeed, the Server Problems Age (which came between the stone and bronze ages, despite popular belief) was a very dangerous past-time. All those Wooly Routers and Saber-Toothed Hard Drives running around, you know.

      Adores: 6
    • 2011 November 4
      TinyBallOfLight permalink

      Taco, I’m guessing your little OT story was a Beauty and the Beast reference. At least, that’s how I took it. =)

      Adores: 1
  12. 2011 November 4

    I’m too busy singing along to today’s earworm title to come up with anything spectacularly funny. So just popping in to say “hello” basically! *waves and wanders off to the corner to check her spot for Vaseline stains* I really need to stop letting Sven sit in my chair…

    Adores: 3
  13. 2011 November 4
    CoffDrop permalink

    Love Seat

    Over sized chair of dusty plum,
    forcing my body into fetal pose.
    Color the perfect shade of pain and depression,
    you beckon me.
    You’re velvety arms encase me,
    as my body sinks into you’re warm embrace.
    Sucking the blood red of pain &
    the cold midnight blue of depression from me
    into you’re fabric.
    I sink into you’re warm softness
    Free to dream peaceful dreams.

    Karen Thornburg

    Adores: 1
  14. 2011 November 4

    I’m gonna buy this for my cow. She loves things that are cuddable (ba-dum-bum).

    Adores: 8
  15. 2011 November 4


    Does Sparky mean “cuttable”? As in, the damaged bit could be cut away somehow?

    Or is it chewable?

    Or is it good for cuddling despite the Vaseline smeared everywhere?

    Because the first time I read through the ad my mind heard “cuddable” as “cuddle-able” and it wasn’t until I read the comments that I realized that’s not what it said.

    Apparently I need some coffee slices, stat. Also, somebody to cuddle.

    Adores: 5
    • 2011 November 4

      I vote for “cuttable”. As in when you get home you’ll want to cut yourself for buying a gooey couch for eighty actual dollars.

      Adores: 2
      • 2011 November 5

        Buyer’s remorse. The kind of thing that can only be cured with a Vaseline cuddle.

        Adores: 2
  16. 2011 November 5
    PoetryCuddabler permalink

    I suddenly have an urge to get me down some vaseline and cuddle up on the loveseat with you’re beautiful poetry.

    Adores: 0
  17. 2011 November 5
    Misoriented permalink

    “mostly due from vaseline”

    If vaseline is the one source of stains they’ll mention by name, dare I ask where the rest of them came from?

    I’m a long-time lurker, but Cracked.com did an article about CL and I thought you guys might like it. If it was funny enough to finally make me post, it should be funny enough for anybody. It even mentions an armour, er…armario, uh…you know the one.


    Adores: 1
    • 2011 November 5
      Windrose permalink

      Love your avitar, Miso! Thanks for the link. 8)

      Adores: 0
  18. 2011 November 5
    Windrose permalink

    Punchity Punch Punch camille! Could you, uh, pass that on to dan? Thanks.

    Good Morning, Ethan Allen!

    Adores: 0

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