YSaC, Vol. 1588: With many cheerful facts about Guido Willoughby Cujo

2013 August 28
by dan

Sung to the tune of Tom Lehrer’s “The Elements,” which in turn is to the tune of “A Modern Major General” by Gilbert and Sullivan:

Sunny Liza Robin Ariel Adelaide Rayna Kosmic Selina Leera Darlin – 24

Zatch Pooh Hercules Rover Duncan Pirate Houdini Coon Matrix Guido Willoughby Cujo Fairbanks Hailey Wrangler Amos Raider Noah Crankshaft Curly Gus Mason Freckles Icky Ignatius Aaron Majestic Parker Andre Duke Porter Elvis Archer Fallon Baldy Rooney Kaz Beasley Figaro Attila Rasta Kane Kilo Dudley Cisco Archie Gordy BubbaRusty Moe Armageddon Excalibur
Furball Buckeye Jorge Keeper Kito Howler Kutta Zeebo Rex Judge Zeek

Furball Buckey Jorge Keeper Kito Howler Jutta Zeebo Rex Judge Zeek
Furball Buckey Jorge Keeper Kito Howler Jutta Zeebo Rex Judge Zeek
Furball Buckey Jorge Keeper Kito Howler Jutta Zeebo Rex Judge Zeek Judge Zeek Judge Zeek!

(In case you were wondering, this was posted in w4m)

Thanks for the post, Mike!

42 Responses leave one →
  1. 2013 August 28
    One Moving Violation permalink

    I know everyone, man
    I know everyone, man
    Some I think are fun, man
    Others carry guns, man
    Met everyone under the sun, man
    I know everyone.

    I know Zatch Pooh Hercules Rover Duncan Pirate Houdini Coon Matrix Guido Willoughby Cujo Fairbanks Hailey Wrangler Amos Raider Noah Crankshaft Curly Gus Mason Freckles Icky Ignatius Aaron Majestic Ona stick.

    I know everyone, man
    I know everyone, man
    Some I think are fun, man
    Others carry guns, man
    Met everyone under the sun, man
    I know everyone.

    I know Parker Andre Duke Porter Elvis Archer Fallon Baldy Rooney Kaz Beasley Figaro Attila Rasta Kane Kilo Dudley Cisco Archie Gordy BubbaRusty Moe Armageddon Excalibur
    Furball Buckeye Jorge Keeper Kito Howler Kutta Zeebo Rex Judge Zeek Take a peek.

    I know everyone, man
    I know everyone, man
    Some I think are fun, man
    Others carry guns, man
    Met everyone under the sun, man
    I know everyone.

    Adores: 11
    • 2013 August 28
      CapnMac permalink

      Excellent earworm.

      Adores: 0
      • 2013 August 28
        One Moving Violation permalink

        Yeah? Well, a little farther down, someone is going to RRRIIIP that thing right outa there for ya.

        Adores: 0
  2. 2013 August 28

    It’s hell signing checks, I’ll bet.

    Adores: 16
    • 2013 August 28
      nojazzhere permalink

      Imagine my ordeal calling roll on the first day of school!!!!!!!

      Adores: 7
    • 2013 August 28

      I don’t like any of the new Pokemon.

      Adores: 4
    • 2013 August 28

      Poor girl’s monogram must look like an eye chart.

      Adores: 8
  3. 2013 August 28

    A trendy suburb somewhere is having its first royal baptism.

    Adores: 7
  4. 2013 August 28
    Rebecca permalink

    “Freckles Icky?”

    I am offended, and confine Sparky to a period of detention in the ‘Coon Matrix, picking up garbage contaminated with Zatch Pooh.

    Freckles awesome! (Sunlight bad.)

    Adores: 6
  5. 2013 August 28
    mudslicker permalink

    Stripper names can definitely be both bizarre and plentiful. Savvy?


    Duncan Pirate

    Adores: 5
  6. 2013 August 28

    Oh, that Judge Zeek! He’s such a character, and he puts those trailer trash chickens in their places. I watch him every day.

    Adores: 2
  7. 2013 August 28
    shmennikins permalink

    I’m gonna be charitable and assume the Sparkettes clubbed together to get the one of them who could type to put a group ad up for all the guys they collectively fancied.

    What? The category means ‘women seeking men’, right?

    Adores: 1
  8. 2013 August 28

    A little bit of Matrix in my life
    A little bit of Elvis by my side
    A little bit of Judge Zeek’s all I need
    A little bit of Crankshaft’s what I see
    A little bit of Freckles in the sun
    A little bit of Kosmic all night long
    A little bit of Houdini, here I am
    A little bit of you makes me your spam!

    Mambo number 24…

    Adores: 15
    • 2013 August 28
      nojazzhere permalink

      I want to know how Sparks got a COMPLETE list of my former lovers from the eighties??? There was one on there that even I had forgotten…..(sigh!) Those were good times….good times…..and not one trailer-trash chicken in the bunch, Windy!

      Adores: 8
      • 2013 August 28

        Let me guess, it was Andre “the Giant” Duke who slipped your mind, right?

        Adores: 1
        • 2013 August 28
          nojazzhere permalink

          Oh, O.K.,…..two I’d forgotten……

          Adores: 3
  9. 2013 August 28
    Lou Stool permalink

    Rasta Kane is IF’s the Killer’s reggae cover band.

    Adores: 5
    • 2013 August 28
      mudslicker permalink

      *happy Trees*

      Adores: 4
    • 2013 August 28
      MissMommyNiceNice permalink

      Once again, I’d pay good vintage cereal to see this band! Will they be touring with Swedish Rodents and the Submarine Spam?

      Adores: 2
  10. 2013 August 28

    Pooh Hercules is so much better than regular Hercules.

    Adores: 4
    • 2013 August 28
      mudslicker permalink

      Pooh Hercules prefers honey in his Greek yogurt.

      Adores: 11
  11. 2013 August 28
    camille permalink

    I have to admit “BubbaRusty” is one of the more evocative nicknames I’ve come across. One can just picture the debris in his front yard.

    Adores: 5
    • 2013 August 28

      I see a propane tank and a row boat and a swing set with a bedazzler hanging on it.

      Adores: 1
      • 2013 August 28

        Oh, no – the bedazzler goes on the table made from an old cable spool, the gutted deer is hung on the swingset.

        Adores: 3
  12. 2013 August 28

    Noah Crankshaft was an old guy who drove a school bus filled with two of every animal.

    Adores: 8
    • 2013 August 28
      mudslicker permalink

      Sounds like a porn name for sure!

      Adores: 2
  13. 2013 August 28
    MissMommyNiceNice permalink

    Furball! FURBALL!? What is sparkette doing stalking my cat!? I’ve got to get the bottom of this!

    Adores: 1
  14. 2013 August 28
    MissMommyNiceNice permalink

    Pirate Houdini is the name of my traveling gypsy magic and swordsmanship show.

    Adores: 3
  15. 2013 August 28

    “Moe Armageddon” sounds like a Three Stooges short where they have to stop a giant asteroid from hitting the earth.

    I can just imagine Moe bopping the other two on the head with the explosive devices they’re supposed to be planting to blow it up.

    Curly: “Armageddon? Armageddon outta here! WOOO-woowoowoowoowoo!”

    Adores: 7
    • 2013 August 28
      mudslicker permalink

      “Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!”

      Adores: 2
  16. 2013 August 28
    CapnMac permalink

    Why For, Em?
    ‘Tis it nobler to suffer slings & arrows
    Of outrageous Pirate Houdini,
    Or to take up furrball against the Zeke?
    Whether tis nobler to flee the flying monkeys
    And fling houses upon wicked Wendies,
    Thier stripe-ed hose offending the West.
    No, pay no attention to the Pollonius
    Behind the curtain, lest Ophelia’s madness
    O’ercome the twenty-four (obo)
    To sweep, perchance to meld platonic casual encounters
    Thus, in furies and laments
    To rawr and rumour of rawr.

    Adores: 6
    • 2013 August 28

      ‘Tis sheer poetry, O Cap’n. Reminds me of William Shakespeare’s Star Wars.

      Adores: 1
  17. 2013 August 28

    Tyfani was having such a hard time choosing a name for her baby. It was the 8th month already, and all she had was a repurposed chicken tractor that she could use as a playpen and an old deer hanger that she thought would serve as a swing when babby got a little older. She just couldn’t possibly think of a name for babby alone. She finally hit on a solution. She decided she’d post the names of all of the guys she met at the last annual Lacawates Valtrus Suka, any of which could be the father, and the first one to respond would give his middle name to babby. Bad at math as she was though, she didn’t realize none of those men were the father because the Lacawates Valtrus Suka was 10 months ago, not 8. No, the event 8 months ago was her participation in a test of a recent social anxiety medication. It is there that she met preeiminent physicist, chemist, and psychologist Dr. Joseph Ballard, who suffered from a crippling timidity toward women. Even though the couple hit it off very well after Dr. Ballard’s first dose, he retreated back into his shell after the study was concluded and he discontinued the treatment. Tyfani never got a response to her craigslist ad, so she just chose two of the names at random.

    These are the events that led to Tyfani naming her child Pirate Freckles Stargazer. Pirate always felt out of place and firmly believed his father could not possibly be somebody he and his mom met at the annual Lacawates Valtrus Suka. At the age of 10 after finishing his high school diploma and half of a Bachelor’s Degree in physics, Pirate decided to try finding his real dad. Just after turning 16 and finishing his first PhD, Pirate finally met Dr. Joseph Ballard. Finally feeling like he met the source of his mental acuity, Dr. Stargazer decided to follow in Dr. Ballard’s footsteps.

    That is the story of how the pantheon of mental geniuses the like of Leonardo da Vinci, Nikola Tesla, Sir Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, and Dr. Joseph Ballard gained a person known not so much for his visionary, groundbreaking work in astrophysics as for his unfortunate name, Dr. Pirate Freckles Stargazer Ballard.

    Adores: 3
    • 2013 August 31
      Aaron of Minneapolis permalink

      Ah, but when it comes to goofy, long names, who can forget Johann Gambolputty… de von Ausfern- schplenden- schlitter- crasscrenbon- fried- digger- dingle- dangle- dongle- dungle- burstein- von- knacker- thrasher- apple- banger- horowitz- ticolensic- grander- knotty- spelltinkle- grandlich- grumblemeyer- spelterwasser- kurstlich- himbleeisen- bahnwagen- gutenabend- bitte- ein- nürnburger- bratwustle- gerspurten- mitz- weimache- luber- hundsfut- gumberaber- shönedanker- kalbsfleisch- mittler- aucher von Hautkopft of Ulm?

      Adores: 0
  18. 2013 August 28
    KatyCat permalink

    I’m… I’m not sure if I need more coffee or I’ve already had too much. I want this to be a secret code, like there’s some sort of CraigsList spies out there communicating with each other. Maybe I just want this to have some sort of meaning. Somehow. All those capital letters are just begging to be used…
    SLRAARKSLD. Hm. I don’t speak IKEA, maybe it needs more work. SLR is a kind of camera, right? And AA is either batteries or a recovery program…
    Better get more coffee.

    Adores: 2
  19. 2013 August 28
    Ralph permalink

    If this was posted in w4m, I assume that Sunny Darlin is a 24-year old crazy cat lady, naming all her cats that she will bring on a date for those who like lots of pussy.

    Adores: 2
  20. 2013 August 28
    Meg permalink

    Seems to me she just named her newly acquired tons of baby mystery snails – about 60 or so.

    Adores: 4
  21. 2013 August 28
    Demon Duck of Doom permalink

    I knew Cujo Fairbanks. Cujo Fairbanks was a friend of mine. And you, sir, are no Cujo Fairbanks.

    Adores: 2
  22. 2013 August 28
    P-Rex permalink

    P-Rex: Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen. I’m Phidippus Rex.
    Z-Rex: And I’m Zeebo Rex.
    P&Z: No relation. Welcome to the show.

    Adores: 0
  23. 2013 August 29
    nojazzhere permalink

    Just realized….Sparkery forgot Dino, Desi and Billy…..can you imagine??? oh, by the way

    Adores: 1
  24. 2013 August 29

    Sheesh, you sleep in one morning and the natives get all snarky! nojazzy, Punchity Punch Punch!

    Good Morning All of the Above!

    NOTE: The Web Bosses are experiencing Technical Difficulties. Today’s post will be up as soon as possible. Please do not trash the lounge in your frustration. Thank You.

    Adores: 0

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