YSaC, Vol. 1776: Cool, Cool… um?

2014 October 31

In honor of post number 1776, let’s pay tribute to America with this gem, which has nothing whatsoever to do with the Declaration of Independence in any way.

cooler – $10 – $1500

thermos cooler metal body at outside

Yep. Happy Fourth of July, everyone!

(Thanks for the post, JH!)

16 Responses leave one →
  1. 2014 October 31
    CapnMac permalink

    Man, the Thermos™ company can make vacuum-body containers in any shape now-a-days.

    Adores: 8
  2. 2014 October 31
    CapnMac permalink

    My esp suggests that there is a soon-to-be wasband is about to have a very bad day . . .

    Adores: 1
  3. 2014 October 31

    Sparky tries to sell his self-propelled cooler at a time of hyperinflation. There’s a dystopian comedy in there somewhere, but I need more coffee to figure out the rest.

    Adores: 1
  4. 2014 October 31
    Ralph permalink

    That cooler is called light blew.

    Adores: 2
  5. 2014 October 31
    meeshybee permalink

    Sparky just really likes halloween. Even puts his thermos in a costume. Really went all out, too.

    Adores: 6
  6. 2014 October 31
    MissMommyNiceNice permalink

    Does the level of how much cooler I get depend on how much I pay you?

    Adores: 2
  7. 2014 October 31
    Keeps Cold D Cold and Hot D Hot permalink

    One truck of coffee, then I’ll go
    Just thought I’d post an ad to let you know
    That I’m selling you this cooler
    For 10-1500 doolers
    One truck of coffee, then I’ll go

    Adores: 4
  8. 2014 October 31
    HamCan permalink

    Hey, that’s the same shape as my bee hive!

    Adores: 13
    • 2014 October 31
      nojazzhere permalink

      Imagine Sparkie’s embarrassment when sees the picture he posted with his ad to sell his truck…

      Truck or treat, indeed.

      Adores: 6
  9. 2014 October 31
    One Moving Violation permalink

    Is it really cooler? I’ll bet you $10 – $1500 it’s not cooler than this.

    Adores: 1
    • 2014 November 1
      Supreme Ruler permalink

      Cool, cooler, coolest! If it wasn’t for my hatred of Dodge products I’d lust for that.

      Adores: 1
  10. 2014 October 31
    One Moving Violation permalink

    [mostly off topic] There is a flyer in the shanty where I work for a raffle for 1½ cords of wood. Apparently this town is raising money for a $2 pavillion and museum.[/mostly off topic]

    How much is that cooler in the picture?
    The one with the metal outside.
    How much is that cooler in the picture?
    I think I’ll use it for my ride.

    Adores: 1
  11. 2014 October 31
    Ninja Chow permalink

    Pretty sure that the cooler is dressed in his Halloween costume. Maybe that’s what the price range is, $10 sans costume $1500 in “full metal body at outside” costume.
    Or maybe the cooler is a Transformer.

    Adores: 3
  12. 2014 October 31
    Demon Duck of Doom permalink

    It would be even cooler if Sparky were also selling the inside of the thermos truck along with the full metal jacket, but at that price (or those prices), I’m guessing the glass is shattered.

    Adores: 0
  13. 2014 November 1
    Keeps Cold D Cold and Hot D Hot permalink

    Well, you’re in luck, as [corey.truck] that’s clearly a Chevy. [/corey.truck]

    Adores: 0
  14. 2014 November 3
    One Moving Violation permalink

    Well, I pushed a deer down onto the road last night, so I got a 3 day suspension. Which is Okay, because I would have only been able to work on one of those days anyway. Usually the only days off I get is when I don’t have any hours to work.

    Yes, the deer is fine. She trotted out onto the road, I hit her about 4 mph, she got back up and trotted off the road. I think she flipped me off though. I only found 1 doe hair on the grill. (of the vehicle, not the BBQ)

    So, I should have time to comment on today’s post after I take a pee test and finish filling out 2 accident reports. Ugh! I hate paperwork.

    (spam, spam, spam)

    Adores: 1

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