Multiple WOW weekend.

2009 June 15
by drmk

This here little website had a pretty good weekend, and I’d like to share that with you for just a moment. (Don’t worry, today’s post is just below this one.)

On Saturday, I noticed a lot of hits coming from Twitter. Imagine my surprise when I traced the hits back to this Twitter post, which came from none other than the author William Gibson. (If you don’t know who he is, go read Neuromancer and then come back. We’ll wait.)

Yeah, I about fell over. William Gibson and his wife like You Suck at Craigslist! Whoo-hoo!

So it got retweeted, and retweeted, and retweeted … and here was the result:


That big spike at the end there? That’s Sunday. 15,487 page views. The site’s previous best was on Thursday June 11th (which happens to be my birthday, which made me happy!) with 9,346 page views. So Sunday just blew that away.

I’m thrilled beyond belief. I’m thrilled that William Gibson and his wife like the site. I’m thrilled that so many other people like the site. I’m thrilled in general, because the reason the site is doing well is because of you.

Yes, you.

You read the site. Maybe you submit listings to the site. Maybe you comment on entries. Maybe you tell your friends about the site and get them involved. The reason this site is doing well is because of you, dear readers, and for that I thank you. Please continue to read, submit, comment, and tell, and I will continue to be humbled and amazed. And thrilled.

And now … our regularly scheduled post occurs directly below this one. Thank you. Have a sammich.

26 Responses leave one →
  1. 2009 June 15
    Colleen in MA permalink


    Your site came up at dinner with my family the other night. All I had to do was mention the name of the site and they all laughed (and demand to know the url). Clearly you have touched a nerve!

    Adores: 0
    • 2009 June 15
      drmk permalink

      Thanks, Colleen! I look forward to hearing from “Colleen’s Mom in MA” and “Colleen’s Grandmother in MA” soon!

      Adores: 0
      • 2009 June 15
        Colleen in MA permalink

        Yeah, I keep trying to get Grandma off the casual encounters forum. She won’t listen.

        Adores: 1
        • 2009 June 15
          drmk permalink


          Adores: 0
  2. 2009 June 15

    I KNEW IT. I knew it was because of me!

    Adores: 0
    • 2009 June 15
      drmk permalink

      *looks at the MF tag for frequent contributions*

      *looks at Martha’s commenting history*

      Martha, darling, it IS. Thank you!

      Adores: 0
  3. 2009 June 15

    I shared a link on FB and demanded all my friends become fans. That’s only 99 people, though, so I guess I’m not responsible.

    DRMK–I’m sure you enjoy the anonymity you have on this site, but I’m wondering if you would ever entertain the idea of doing a question and answer session about you on this blog. I’m not thinking of very personal questions like your address or anything, but more general questions. I, personally, am intrigued by the fact that you seem to be able to follow spelling and grammar rules in a way that’s lacking in most of the population. I’m curious and wondering if other people might not be curious, too.

    Adores: 0
    • 2009 June 15
      drmk permalink

      Are you kidding? That’s huge! Thank you! Your 99 friends will (hopefully) tell others, and they’ll tell their friends, and they’ll tell their friends … oh god, I’m that shampoo commercial from the ’70s, aren’t I?

      Hmmm. A question and answer session? As long as I can reserve the right to either not answer a question, or completely make up something ridiculous (most likely involving parrots), I’m happy to answer questions. Post ’em here or send them in via email.

      I think I can answer your question truthfully though: it’s just something I happen to be good at. (At which I happen to be good?) A little bit of OCD doesn’t hurt, either. (Usually … until you start scrubbing with the steel wool. Then it hurts a lot.) My husband thinks it’s hilarious that I can open a menu at a restaurant and immediately find the typos in it. (He’s a very patient man, and is also very easily amused.)

      Adores: 0
  4. 2009 June 15

    Like Colleen said, just mentioning the title of the blog makes people chuckle. Keep up the great work, I really love this blog. Makes me feel guilty about not blogging enought myself, but overall I get just heaps of laughs out of it!

    Adores: 0
    • 2009 June 15
      drmk permalink

      Thank you for reading! I’m glad you enjoy it.

      Adores: 0
  5. 2009 June 15

    We share a birthday. What are the odds.

    Adores: 0
  6. 2009 June 15

    congrats and happy birthday! now you need a bookdeal!

    Adores: 0
    • 2009 June 15
      drmk permalink

      I know, right? I think the days of throwing book deals at any random yahoo writing on the internet might be over, though. And I’m terrible at shameless self-promotion, which is why I rely on you guys to do it for me.

      Adores: 0
  7. 2009 June 15
    count blah permalink

    A brush with William Gibson! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!

    Adores: 0
    • 2009 June 15
      drmk permalink

      That was pretty much my reaction, yes.

      Adores: 2
  8. 2009 June 15


    Adores: 0
  9. 2009 June 15

    Darn – and I thought is was me reading your site and tweeted every post for like 10 hours on Saturday…

    But yay! I now copy and paste your posts and email them to dear husband everyday – his poor internet deprived office love you!

    Adores: 0
    • 2009 June 15
      drmk permalink

      It certainly didn’t hurt! Thanks!

      Adores: 0
  10. 2009 June 16

    William Gibson, holy crap congratulations.

    Adores: 0
    • 2009 June 16
      jackie31337 permalink

      For some reason, that seems like it would be the perfect sentiment to write on a congratulatory cake.

      Adores: 1
  11. 2009 June 16
    DrugserBad permalink

    Like most I find it greatly amusing that my interests are in the same direction, if only slightly, as Gibson’s.

    Adores: 0
  12. 2009 June 16
    bonni permalink

    I was going to work up a brilliant comment with a clever and complex reference to “all tomorrow’s parties,” but it seemed like it might take too long. so I’ll just say hooray, and happy birthday, and hey, hiya to William!

    Adores: 0

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