You suck at Craigslist, Vol. I

2008 August 19

In my continuing attempts to find interesting additions to our furnishings, I’ve been trolling our local Craigslist for the last month or so. I’ve decided that people suck at Craigslist, and I’d like to provide illustrations to demonstrate this fact.

You suck at Craigslist, Vol. I:

Classy Green Couch – $50

Date: 2008-08-15, 10:50AM EDT

looks like it might be a leather material, but i think it could be nahojahige which is the stuff they use for car seats.

Issue #1. Classy? Really? Do you really think that’s the best word to describe this couch?
Issue #2. Naho … nahoja … what? I assume you mean naugahyde? And if it even might be naugahyde, would you like to rethink your classy-fication one more time?

Too bad it appears that the person who persisted in posting their “rot iron headboard” has either sold it or moved.

44 Responses leave one →
  1. 2009 August 3
    Carrie permalink

    so this is where it all began…. I love YSAC!

    Adores: 19
    • 2009 October 7
      Procrastinator permalink

      YSAC Vol. I — this is like being there to watch the Big Bang.

      Adores: 14
  2. 2009 August 29

    And it *is* classy. Particularly if you’re trying to decorate your house in 50s Doctor’s Office.

    Great site, btw!

    Adores: 10
  3. 2009 August 31
    Bunnymuffin permalink

    Woot! It took me less than 24 hours to read back to the conception of YSaC. My potential new employers are going to be so impressed when they see this on my resume.

    I’m in love and have inflicted many with your lovely snark.

    Adores: 15
  4. 2009 September 1
    Malky permalink

    Bunnyhide: I’ve just spent too much time doing the same (and managed to fit in Lovely Listings too). I’ve learned from this experience that there is a nice side of the internet which has no real malice in it. Or naked ladies. By the way, if DRMK reads comments on ancient posts, I feel I ought to point out that quite a few times you’ve spoken of “trolling” CL when you mean trawling. Maybe I’m missing some internet joke and it’s a pun.

    Adores: 9
  5. 2009 September 1
    Malky permalink

    I want a more manly avatar/picture thing.

    Adores: 1
    • 2009 September 2
      drmk permalink

      You can set up your own gravatar at

      Adores: 1
  6. 2009 September 1
    Malky permalink

    Damn it, I was hoping it was random and would change each time, it seems I’m stuck with the pinkness. I shall have to curtail my commenting on this site.

    Adores: 1
    • 2009 September 2
      drmk permalink

      Or, you could set up your own gravatar.

      Adores: 16
  7. 2009 September 2
    aoeu permalink

    no wonder all those -nahojas- naugas became extinct. They do not blend into any kind of safe background.

    Adores: 10
  8. 2009 September 4
    Mel permalink

    I also finally made it to the end. Took me more than 24 hours, and I’m pretty sure the girl in the cubicle behind me knows that I spent the last few days slacking off.
    Great stuff though.

    Adores: 10
  9. 2009 September 5
    Torgo permalink

    This is one of the greatest websites I have ever come across! It is wonderful, and a great way to start my day or otherwise give myself a break when I need it!

    I only wish I appeared less enthusiastic and gushing in my first post here!

    Adores: 4
    • 2009 September 5
      drmk permalink

      That’s okay, we like enthusiasm and gushing.

      Adores: 3
  10. 2009 September 6
    JcT permalink

    Me too, started Friday with Volume 414 and worked at it off-and-on and finished with Volume I just now. Except I’m a programmer and I “worked from home” on Friday, so the girl in the cubicle behind me at work doesn’t know I did it, heh heh. I will definitely share the link with her on Tuesday, though!

    I agree that this site is a thing of snark-beauty, and has been needed for a long time.

    Adores: 3
    • 2009 September 6
      JcT permalink

      Oh, and my favorite one is the Bea Arthur life-sized cut-out.

      I simply HAVE to know what the “medical condition” was that caused him to sell it. Maybe one day he woke up, looked in the mirror, and realized that he LOOKED like Bea Arthur.

      Adores: 2
  11. 2009 September 8
    jake permalink

    there, ive gone thru every listing on your blog. now it is my duty to try and contribute. wish me luck in my searches.

    Adores: 1
  12. 2009 September 9
    RonDuh permalink

    Oh I finally found the beginning!! This may be the best site ever!

    Adores: 1
  13. 2009 September 13
    squeak permalink

    Yay! I have slowly worked through all of the listings! I am now a better person. Few things have made me laugh like this website – keep up the good work.

    Adores: 1
  14. 2009 September 17
    Harbinger permalink

    I work in IT and while I was taking in my usual allotment of news, usually from 8-9 while eating breakfast at work, I discovered this site via link from /.

    I have gotten a more then is healthy dose of “LoLz” from this site. A great way to start the day off smiling. That way it is entirely my coworkers fault when I’m snarling

    Adores: 1
  15. 2009 September 19
    Tall Dave permalink

    Fantastic blog DRMK! Been reading for a few days now and finally found my way back to the beginning. And you know what? It’s still not a lion. (One of my favorites too!)

    Adores: 2
  16. 2009 September 21
    SLizzy permalink

    I just spent my day home sick reading the entirety of YouSuckAtCraigslist. This is an awesome blog, and I’d like to thank you for a lot of laughs.

    Adores: 1
    • 2009 September 24
      Pete permalink

      hahaha, i just did the same thing! yes, thank you so very much drmk, for a lot of laughs on a miserable day i spent in bed with the swine flu. (p.s. the swine flu wasn’t fun, but is not as bad as it was cracked up to be)

      Adores: 1
  17. 2009 September 25
    Rose permalink

    Wow – I’m not the only one that spent the majority of the last couple days at work reading through all of this? We should start a club.

    But seriously, I don’t know when I’ve laughed so hard a website. Thank you, drmk, for all of the joy you put in people’s lives! (I’m also feeling really nervous about my grammar and punctuation when I type this…)

    Adores: 5
  18. 2009 October 5
    Cory permalink

    Wow. I’ve been working on reading the entire site for a week or two now. I just want to say thank you for many laughs, even though my coworker thinks I’m crazy now. Your commentary is hilarious. I would also like to add that Not. A. Lion. is my favorite thing on the entire site. I laughed for over an hour.

    Adores: 3
  19. 2009 December 15
    Cheryl permalink

    I just got to the end (no wait, the beginning…) too! I’m kind of sad about it, but I have faith in all that is ridiculous to provide us with more Craiglist-based lols for many days to come. Btw, the one that made me cry I laughed so hard was the Attack Birds ad. Pure gold, that was.

    Adores: 3
  20. 2009 December 20

    Wow… I just finished going through all the posts here, and I am in love. I also think it’s awesome how many other folks have done the same thing.

    Thanks for all the work you do (I want to be like you when I grow up!) on this blog. It’s my new favorite place.

    Adores: 1
  21. 2010 February 28
    Windrose permalink

    *sets up guard rails around site, posts warning signs not to climb on the Not.A.Lion, sweeps up viewing areas, and empties trash containers*

    We hereby declare YSaC Vol. I A Hystercial, and Historical Monument. Every August 18th will be YSaC day, and celebrated by toasting our snark with Bacontinis and having a moment of Prayer to the Llamanun who created us. Then there will be singing and dancing and the throwing of the armories. Great Fun!

    Adores: 6
    • 2010 April 26


      UNDERSTANDING that this black hole sucking up time for other activities is an appreciated addition to my life, and
      STATING that YSaC is a gleaming beacon bacon of hope Lulz amongst a sea of asshattery and douchecanoery,

      on this day the Twenty-Sixth of April, in the year Two Thousand and Ten of our Lord Llama-Nun.

      We also apologize for all the crossing out. We stole the template from China, and they wrote it in pen. We had no white-out.

      Adores: 8
      • 2010 September 20
        EclecticBlue permalink

        That looks like something I wouldn’t have written while I was in Model UN in high school :-p

        Adores: 2
  22. 2010 May 15
    TiggerMama permalink

    Woo-hoo! I made it all the way to the end!! Thanks to our Lady Llama-nun for creating the funny that is YSaC! This is my new favorite site! I shall now go eat a sammich!
    *In the interest of making my comment more authentic, I decided I needed to add an exclamation point at the end of each statement!*

    Adores: 1
  23. 2010 May 31

    Wow, made it though while nursing a sunburn Memorial Day weekend.

    The cats think I’m nuts for laughing so much.


    Adores: 1
  24. 2010 September 20
    StephJoeMom permalink

    What… no one has read all the way through this site since May? Untutored fools on the internet – we must follow the llama-nun! And like others, I am very nervous about tyops – I mean typos – in my comment. Thank you for some of the wittiest snark on the internet. Wish there was a way to filter out the asshats and douchebags to share with my kids! And I’ve never commented on a blog before, for whatever that’s worth.

    Adores: 1
  25. 2010 September 28
    Fermentologist permalink

    So that’s where not.a.lion got started…marvelous! Just spent a rather lengthy time working my way back from post seven-hundred-and-somethin’. Now I have to go back to the other end and work my back through the posts that accumulated whilst I was on this journey. Thanks drmk, that was an utter delight. Hurray for snark and trust in Fermentology.

    Adores: 0
    • 2010 September 28
      EclecticBlue permalink

      Eight-hundred-something, now! Welcome 🙂

      Adores: 0
  26. 2010 October 6

    Wow…so this is where it all began…awesomesauce and asshattery are an essential part of my day now.

    Adores: 0
    • 2010 October 6
      LurkRealClose permalink

      And you are an essential part of my day, CJ. 🙂

      Adores: 0
  27. 2011 April 8
    Falyne permalink

    Just… read… the whole…. site…. Love it! Hilarious!

    There’s just one meme I kept spotting in the comments that I never saw the origin of. Where’d the “Corey” thing come from?

    Adores: 0
  28. 2011 August 1
    maggie permalink

    Hooray I made it all the way through!! Took a while, but here I am. All the memes in reverse. Where’s my bottle of shampain champlain chanpane champagne?

    Adores: 1
  29. 2012 October 29
    makewecasa permalink

    I guess I’m doing it backwards starting from the beginning lol. I’ve been reading every day and finally decided to start at one. The thing I enjoy most about this site is that people get along. It’s snarky, sure. But it’s snarky like family is, not like political campaigns are.

    Adores: 0
  30. 2013 April 22
    Ryan permalink

    Pshawwwwww simpletons, I started forwards and am working backwards…or is it the other way around? Anyway I’m going from post one to THE END

    Adores: 0
  31. 2013 November 3
    Kati Strong permalink

    Last night I found your hilarious blog when I followed a link on Passive Agressive Notes,and I’m very glad I did! After I read a few pages I wanted to know more about you and the history of your blog, so I read the FAQ section, your interview on the not so SFW blog, and subsequently all of the submissions you listed as some of your favorites. Suffice it to say, I’m hooked, so I now hold you responsible for all of the sleep I will not get, and the work I will not get done until I have read the entire blog from the beginning to the most current date (Which, if I continue to read every comment, should take a long time—hopefully some time before 2014!) =)

    Adores: 1
  32. 2015 February 16
    Tankerbell permalink

    I have decided that I am going to start from Post #1 and read all the way through to Post #1800. I wish I had thought of this on Saturday of this 3-day weekend, instead of Monday. Because now I’m going to have to invent some freakish gynecological malady to get out of working until I finish.

    So. Post #1. *looks around* So this is where it all began. *touches the nahojahige couch* It IS kind of like being there for the Big Bang. Only stickier.

    DRMK and Dan, aka Beloved Llamanun and Ostrimu – Bees Be Upon You – my heartfelt gratitude for your work to create the funniest blog I know about, and a Snark Lounge where I have made true glowy box friends and learned how to play nice in the sandbox of the intewebz. You ROCK.

    Adores: 0

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