YSaC, Vol. 446: Candelabra in the wind.

2009 October 6

Candle Opera – $30

a wonderful piece to any collection


Hooray for eggcorns!

But … but … what’s that ominous figure hovering in the background? Why, obviously, it’s the Phantom of the Candle Opera!

Thanks, Abby!

59 Responses leave one →
  1. 2009 October 6
    Windrose permalink

    Ack! Too many puns all trying to get out at once! I can’t take the stress! I’ll go read a libretto on my Kindle. Ahem.

    Adores: 2
  2. 2009 October 6
    sarajean80 permalink

    Clearly they used up their quota of capitol letters in the title. A verb would have been nice, though.

    Adores: 3
    • 2009 October 6

      I’m getting this image of Wheel of Fortune for CraigsList.
      But instead of letters you guess parts of speech and categories.
      And punctuation.
      And capitalization.

      “Umm, verbs?”
      “Sorry, there are no verbs.”

      *Next person spins.*

      “I’d like to buy FEMALETRAITS3.”

      Adores: 34
  3. 2009 October 6
    Meredith permalink

    ooohhh….tooo tooo funny. Laughing like a nut here at work. This might be my favorite post ever. It just socks you right in the face…not explanation needed.

    “What was that for?” you ask.

    “You know” says the post.

    “Yes” you say.

    Adores: 25
  4. 2009 October 6
    SoundsLikeVla permalink

    (The Phantom of the Candle Opera)
    Sing once again with me
    Our strange duet
    My power over you
    Grows stronger yet
    You give your love to me
    Our love is blind…
    This candelabra
    Will blow your mind!

    Adores: 22
  5. 2009 October 6
    Tacomagic permalink

    Lot 666 then, ladies and gentlemen: a candelabra, in a single piece. Some of you may recall the strange affair of the Phantom of the Candle Opera, a mystery never fully explained or really cared about. Our workshops have ignored it but it will still hold candles haphazardly. Perhaps we can frighten the ghosts of so many years ago… with a little illumination. Gentlemen!

    Adores: 32
  6. 2009 October 6
    neverfirst permalink

    Will go great with my flashlight cantata and flourescent bulb barbershop quartet.

    Adores: 32
  7. 2009 October 6
    PrincessLuceval permalink

    Candle opera? HAHAHAHA!

    Seriously, do people never read? Has this person never seen the word candelabra printed, ever? I guess since their spell check didn’t flag it, they figured it’s OK.

    “A wonderful piece to any collection.” This sentence no verb.

    Adores: 19
    • 2009 October 6
      geeklove permalink

      Then again, I shudder to think what we’d get if they DID have an idea of what the word looked like. We’d probably end up with something like Candle Bras. Which, as everyone knows, are highly uncomfortable.

      Adores: 33
      • 2009 October 6
        Count Blah permalink

        Plus, of course, candleabra is plural. This person is selling a single candleabrum. So there are two levels of misspelling here.

        Adores: 13
        • 2009 October 6
          Lola permalink

          Pedantic Latin alert! I love it.

          Adores: 9
      • 2009 October 6

        Candle Bras were great in the ’70s, though, for those all-night bra-burning sessions…

        … until the Feminist Workaholics started trying to burn them at both ends.

        Adores: 38
      • 2009 October 6
        sarajean80 permalink

        I was going to say something about Candle Labias, but that would have just been wrong. Funny, but wrong.

        Adores: 25
        • 2009 October 6

          “Candle Labias” brings a whole new meaning to waxing, though, I guess…

          Adores: 24
        • 2009 October 6
          sarajean80 permalink

          And make for quite a hot date.

          Adores: 21
        • 2009 October 7
          Count Blah permalink

          Ah, candlelabia. *Insert “I have this burning feeling in my crotch” joke here.*

          Adores: 10
      • 2009 October 6

        Personally, I find candle bras enlightening.

        Not sure how Candle Labias sit with me (or I with them, for that matter.)

        Adores: 8
      • 2009 October 7
        Maureen permalink

        Candle Bras are de rigeur for flaming drag queens.

        Adores: 9
    • 2009 October 6
      jackie31337 permalink

      The instructions for “fulfilling” our annual performance evaluation forms at work ask us to describe our “opera rational objectives”. It’s another example of the passes-spell-check phenomenon, but in its defense, it was written by non-native speakers of English.

      Adores: 8
      • 2009 October 6
        PrincessLuceval permalink

        We had a memo come out recently, which spoke of “developing skillets.” It was followed up with a correction: “developing skillsets.” I liked the skillets better.

        Adores: 14
        • 2009 October 6
          Mel permalink

          You don’t by any chance work for Paderno, do you?

          Adores: 2
    • 2009 October 7
      Tomer Guez permalink

      > I guess since their spell check didn’t flag it, they

      BTW, on this topic, there is a good spell check program Spell Check Anywhere (SpellCheckAnywhere.Com). It works in all programs.

      Adores: 0
      • 2009 October 7
        Cled permalink

        Now, Tomer, you wouldn’t be spamming this blog by any chance, would you? Of course not.

        Then again… Google is your friend, web-boss llama nun.

        Adores: 0
        • 2009 October 7

          Now, now, just because our new best friend Tomer posts the exact same thing on multiple forums where people have happened to mention the term “spell check” doesn’t mean that he’s a spammer. And just because my search engine results reveal that someone arrived on YSaC after searching for “spell check” doesn’t mean that it was him.

          Adores: 18
  8. 2009 October 6
    Sherri permalink

    *Walks in, smells the puns, walks back out*

    Adores: 7
  9. 2009 October 6
    Count Blah permalink

    A bit off-topic, perhaps, but look at how the candles are leaning all higgledy-piggledy! Call me crazy but if I’m buying an object meant to hold stuff that’s on fire, I would look for one with a tighter grip than this.

    Adores: 13
    • 2009 October 6
      Tacomagic permalink

      It’s the must have piece for anyone contemplating insurance fraud.

      Adores: 17
    • 2009 October 6
      sarajean80 permalink

      Or to set the mood for a romantic dinner, followed by a hansom cab ride to the burn ward.

      Adores: 21
      • 2009 October 6
        dan permalink

        Wouldn’t that be a handsome cab ride?

        Adores: 8
        • 2009 October 6
          sarajean80 permalink

          More like Hand Some, I guess

          Adores: 4
        • 2009 October 6
          Nikki Post permalink

          “hansom” is quite correct. *rolls eyes*

          Adores: 1
        • 2009 October 6

          Unless you’re making a joke, in which case “handsome” is.

          Adores: 12
        • 2009 October 7
          Count Blah permalink

          Not if the couple has suffered third degree burns to the face, no.

          Adores: 7
        • 2009 October 7
          PapaSloth permalink

          500 quatloos to the first person to set up http://www.yousuckatyousuckatcraigslist.com

          Seriously, how many people have patiently explained that it’s “French Provincial” so far? Is there a gene involved?

          Adores: 2
        • 2009 October 7
          Lola permalink

          Maybe it’s a lacking gene? The one relating to humor, sarcasm, irony, etc.

          Adores: 3
        • 2009 October 23
          sfaye permalink

          A hansom cab was a type of horse-drawn carriage, if I’m correct. Those who deny all things modern, and therefore still need candelabras, may prefer a hansom cab to a taxi. In all fairness, with the way people drive these days, it could be safer.

          Adores: 1
  10. 2009 October 6
    Colleen in MA permalink

    a wonderful piece to any collection

    Oh, snap! This will look great next to my votivarias!

    Adores: 4
    • 2009 October 7
      Trinket permalink

      As much as I hate revealing my ignorance, I have to ask, what are votivarias? I googled it and got 2 hits: this site and a site in Russian.

      Adores: 0
      • 2009 October 7
        PapaSloth permalink


        Adores: 11
    • 2009 October 7
      mudslicker permalink

      I’m sure votivarias would look super swell in a triclinium!

      Adores: 2
  11. 2009 October 6

    As far as Candle Operas go, um, I’m … partial to the works of Waxner?



    I got nothing.

    Adores: 40
  12. 2009 October 6
    Lola permalink

    Considering the tastefully elegant and subtle design of this, er, candle holder, I’m guessing the opera was written by Liberace … ?
    Or possibly Elton John. He did re-do Aida …

    Adores: 7
    • 2009 October 6
      sarajean80 permalink

      It’s too tasteful for them, the Candles are not covered in sequins and the table is not made of mirrors.

      Adores: 3
    • 2009 October 6
      Windrose permalink

      Lola, that explains why she’s been smiling so much lately! (Rim shot)

      Adores: 1
      • 2009 October 7
        jackie31337 permalink

        Whenever somebody at my college performed the aria “When I am Laid in Earth”, they would invariably announce it by saying “I would like to sing when I am laid by Henry Purcell”. The expected reply was “you’re gonna be waiting a while, honey.”

        Adores: 5
  13. 2009 October 6

    Poor fool, he makes me laugh!
    Ha ha ha…

    Adores: 2
  14. 2009 October 6
    JcT permalink

    She waxes sweet on Wagner,
    I think she’d light up Beethoven!
    She loves the way Puccini smoke makes a fume,
    And Verdi’s always burning in her room!

    Well we were burning at both ends all through the night
    Ya we were smokin at the opera house until the break of light
    And the orchestra was playin’ Yankee Candle’s greatest tunes
    And the tapers in the chorus all got off on them singing blues
    And as votive grew older everybody was as one
    The people on the streets came runnin’ in to join in song
    Just to hear the Candle operas singing rock and roll so pure
    I thought I saw the beezwax there
    But I wasn’t really sure
    But it’s all light

    That would be a Rock Candle Opera. With deep apologies to ELO.

    Adores: 17
    • 2009 October 6
      Heather permalink

      Can I be your friend?

      Adores: 1
      • 2009 October 6
        JcT permalink

        Of course. But only if you know how to Rockraria!

        Adores: 0
    • 2009 October 7
      mudslicker permalink

      ..and now I know why your cat has that look on his face:

      “Oh there he GOES again digging up his ELO albums!”

      I would love to know what drugs you were rocking to when you were younger. But in the meantime, keep on rockin’ in the free world.

      Adores: 0
      • 2009 October 7
        JcT permalink

        Here’s a hint: I lived for three years (age 19 – 21) in Germany. 🙂

        And my cat prefers ELO, compared to the other crap I play. 🙂

        Adores: 0
        • 2009 October 7
          mudslicker permalink

          And here I always thought cats were partial to Cheap Trick.

          So…since you’ve got the Germany connection, why then aren’t you a big Hasselhoff fan and spitting out those lyrics..?

          Jump in my Car
          la la la…

          Oh..never mind. Don’t answer. I think I even offended myself with that one.

          Adores: 0
        • 2009 October 8
          JcT permalink

          Knight Rider came out after I got back from Germany, so David didn’t exist in Germany at that time.

          Now you can begin to figure out how old I am. But in my heart, I am still 17, playing air-guitar to Rick Nielsen…

          Adores: 0
      • 2009 October 8
        mudslicker permalink

        See..apparently cats AND JcT love Cheap Trick!

        Party on Wayne!

        Adores: 0
  15. 2009 October 6
    queensbee permalink

    i’m late, now that i cant read this site at work anymore. but we told our jokes about sopranos and tenors and drummers last week….

    Adores: 0
  16. 2009 October 7
    Bunnymuffin permalink

    When I saw the title I involuntarily shuddered. The first time I ever read the term “candle opera” was when I was following the story of George Sodini, the guy who shot up the LA Fitness class. He was taking classes from some guy named R. Don Steele on how to nail young women in their early 20’s. One of Steele’s offerings to his students was that they could upload pictures of their homes, cars, etc. to a forum and Steele’s young girls would critique and offer suggestions.

    One of the girls suggested to Sodini that while his dining room was nice, it was plain and he should get some candle operas for the table.

    Adores: 3
  17. 2009 October 7
    Maureen permalink

    Tonight we will have a tealightful selection from Waxner’s Candle-Ring cycle.

    The part of Burnhilda will be sung by MIFFY.

    The part of Sigfired will be sung by an understudy, as the lead is in hospital after being badly Meistersinged during last night’s performance (which did attract glowing reviews).

    For further information, consult our Wicky page, where you will find illuminating information compillared by devotived fans who wax eloquent on our behalf. Both audio-tapers and video-tapers of our recent parafformances are available for sale.

    Adores: 23

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