YSaC, Vol. V
2008 August 20
There’s actually nothing wrong with the listing for this one; I just wanted to say “Ow! My eyes!” In fact, I think I might start a tag for “Ow! My eyes!”.
If I were that vacuum cleaner, I’d hide from that couch too.
The Winner of the 2014 Suck Off is (Drum roll, please)
*HamCan! Hooray!
Want a Not.A.Lion t-shirt AND a Llama-nun's Prayer mug? How about a Cat Math mousepad? Of course you do!
All are now available as t-shirts and other things! (The llamanun mugs contain the YSaC group prayer on the back.)
WordPress Hates Me – A Novel Approach on YSaC, Vol. 573: The nacho cheese fountain finally has some competition. […] we come to the part that WordPress hates. My long-time attachment to a humor blog called You Suck at… | |
2794: The pale rider saga – Chapter 2 part 2 | Library of the Damned on Vol. 273: Miss Teen South Carolina sells furniture, y’all! […] Ah, the good ol’ dinning table. […] | |
bianchisound on YSaC, Vol CXCII In case anyone ever checks. I just saw this ad and missed everyone here. Enjoy! https://lasvegas.craigslist.org/pho/d/nellis-afb-womans-feet/7164431024.html | |
Decelerate Spoon on YSaC, Vol. 1800: So long, and thanks for all the bees. Wow, it’s amazing to finally find this site. I’d say I’m late in getting here, but I know I’m right… | |
Decelerate Spoon on YSaC, Vol. 1243: A little hard of herring. I thought this joke smelt, but this guy really knew how to drop the bass. And it flopped around everywhere… |
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Copyright 2025 You Suck at Craigslist
In what era, I wonder, could anyone have possibly thought that was a good fabric choice? Maybe if you use it in a basement with a blacklight it becomes tolerable.
WTF ? how on earth is that a love seat?
“Hideous” is NOT synonymous with “vintage”. Neither is “old’n’crusty”.
No, no, I’m pretty sure in the 60s, before the drugs wore off, this was somebody’s design centerpiece. THEN it went to the basement.
Oh, wow. I first commented here over a year ago.