YSaC, Vol. 572: It’s not just Craigslist, Vol. 4

2010 February 9

Every so often it’s good to remind ourselves that sucking is not limited to Craigslist. This one comes to us from Kijiji.com:

Red long wool coat sz. 16-18 – $25

Smoke/pet free.  Likenew condition.  Velour collar, buttons, cuffs.  Very warm and elegant.  Lost weight.  Pic does no justice!

It’s true, my lovely no-longer-size-16-18 lady. The picture of this coat does it no justice. Perhaps that might have something to do with the fact that you took the picture of the coat on the floor of your garage, next to your lawn mower and hose reel?

And on eBay Australia, we find this:

Title: Stuffed lion LAST TIME LISTING
Buy It Now Price: $5.00
Description: stuffed lion – good condition


Yes, those four words are the entire description. No, that’s Not. A. Lion.

Thanks, Nathalie and TimP!

118 Responses leave one →
  1. 2010 February 9
    Windrose permalink

    How did the coat get this oil stain? Is there a button missing? It’s red, can I take it for free? Does it come with a stuffed Not. A. Lion? Lots more questions, too many to list.

    Adores: 20
  2. 2010 February 9
    sarajean80 permalink

    Nice to see the Not.A.Lion phenomenon has gone international.

    Adores: 10
    • 2010 February 9
      tacomagic permalink

      A Not.A.Lion.? In Austrailia?

      It must have escaped from the zoo.

      Adores: 4
      • 2010 February 9
        camille permalink

        Or the Not.A.Zoo.

        Adores: 6
      • 2010 February 9
        Dan permalink

        Naaw. If it escaped from the zoo it’d have “Property of the Zoo” stamped on it!

        Adores: 3
        • 2010 February 9

          If it escaped it would have Not. Property. of. a. Zoo stamped on it, wouldn’t it?

          Adores: 4
        • 2010 February 9
          Lola permalink


          The double negative turns that back into “property of zoo” …

          Adores: 4
        • 2010 February 9
          camille permalink

          But Lola, the Not.A.Lion turns it into a triple negative – Not.A.Lion stamped Not.Property.of.Not.A.Zoo must be at least one of those things. If only we knew which!

          Adores: 2
        • 2010 February 9
          develish1 permalink

          ok quit that, before my ears start to bleed

          Adores: 4
    • 2010 February 9
      Lola permalink

      @sj: “phenomenon” = “epidemic of zoological-based ignorance”?

      Adores: 4
      • 2010 February 9
        sarajean80 permalink

        Sounds slightly better than “halfwitted international asshattery.”

        Adores: 1
      • 2010 February 9

        I don’t know 🙁
        Sadly I am Not.A.Zoologist

        Adores: 8
  3. 2010 February 9

    I’m wondering how the coat lost weight. Did it have a removable liner that you took out? Did the drycleaners put it on the Atkins diet? Or maybe you just hacked off the bottom four inches (not pictured) with gardening shears? (That would explain how it wound up in the garage.)

    Adores: 14
  4. 2010 February 9
    Miki permalink

    Has anyone seen the movie Jesus Camp? It’s a documentary about an Evangelical Christian camp, and while the whole movie is a little disturbing, the part that bothered me most is that the main pastor lady was giving a speech with a stuffed lion that actually Was.A.Lion and she kept calling it a tiger. I understand mixing up a cheetah and a leopard or something like that, but why is lion identification such a challenge for Americans (and apparently the world)? Does it look like Simba? Yeah? Okay fucker, that’s a lion. Does it look like whatever that bad guy in The Jungle Book was? Yeah? Well that’s not a lion then, is it?

    Adores: 16
    • 2010 February 9

      What are you talking about that Lion looks exactly like Simba.

      Adores: 0
    • 2010 February 9
      sarajean80 permalink

      {corey}It’s Shere Kahn( the Not.A.Lion. from The Jungle Book{/corey}

      Adores: 0
      • 2010 February 9

        I just discovered something really freaky over at the font of all alleged knowledge, that’s Wikipedia, to you.

        Shere Khan (Bengal Tiger); sher is a word for “lion” in Hindi.

        Adores: 2
  5. 2010 February 9
    penguin permalink

    The coat comes with a bonus – it is scented with eau de Gasoline. Wear it to any NASCAR event and you’ll be up to your gimme cap in men.

    Adores: 5
    • 2010 February 9
      sarajean80 permalink

      You’ll have to beat them off with a (dip)stick.

      Adores: 4
  6. 2010 February 9
    Danielle permalink

    Oh Not. A. Lion. How you brighten my day.

    Adores: 2
    • 2010 February 9
      BigUncleJohn permalink

      Is it possible that the Lion is stuffed INSIDE the Not.A.Lion?

      Adores: 2
      • 2010 February 9
        tacomagic permalink

        We’re fooling Mrs. Johnson. We’ve switched her lion with an alternate feline species. Let’s watch.

        Adores: 14
        • 2010 February 9
          ZOMG PENGUINS! permalink

          Sorry Ms. Jackson, ooooooooooooooh, I am for reeeeaaaaaaaaaal.
          Never meant to make your daughter cry
          but I am really Not.A.Lion
          Sorry Ms. Jackson, ooooooooooooooh, I am for reeeeaaaaaaaaaal.

          Adores: 7
        • 2010 February 9

          A real Not.A.Lion.

          Adores: 1
  7. 2010 February 9
    PrincessLuceval permalink

    “Likenew”? I like that word. Or, I likethat word. “Now, from Nabisco, it’s ‘Likenew!'”

    Adores: 2
    • 2010 February 9
      tacomagic permalink

      I much perfer the evil catchphrase at the end:

      Pic does no Justice!

      Although it needs a follow up line:

      Pid does no Justice! Pic only does Villainy!

      Adores: 19
      • 2010 February 9
        tacomagic permalink

        Oh, I forgot. There should also be some evil laughing after that.

        Fun Fact: I practice my evil laugh around the house. It’s actually one of Tico-Taco’s favorite sounds. However, having a baby squeal with glee after a good deep evil laugh does throw your game off.

        Adores: 13
        • 2010 February 9

          I can’t do an evil laugh. I almost choke to death. Listen:

          MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA… *cough* *hack*


          See? Evil laugh fail! 🙁

          Adores: 1
        • 2010 February 9
          tacomagic permalink

          Try more diaphram, you may be pushing too hard with the top of your throat. Try singing the evilness from your belly rather than expulsing it from your throat.

          Oh, and make sure to sell all your band candy.

          Adores: 7
        • 2010 February 9
          sarajean80 permalink

          I don’t have a deep enough register for a proper Evil Laugh. I end up sounding like a homicidal squirrel.

          Adores: 5
        • 2010 February 9
          ZOMG PENGUINS! permalink

          I don’t have to use my evil laugh to scare people.

          Adores: 0
        • 2010 February 9
          tacomagic permalink

          A good evil laugh isn’t neccisarily about scaring people, it’s about maintaining a certain standard as a villain.

          Adores: 1
        • 2010 February 9
          sarajean80 permalink

          Maybe I should look into getting a voice coach.

          I do already have a snazzy set of goggles.

          Adores: 0
      • 2010 February 9
        Lara permalink

        I thought you were a homicidal squirrel sarajean! I am so disappointed now.

        Adores: 0
      • 2010 February 9
        tacomagic permalink

        It took me all day before I realized I spelled pic incorrectly the second time. Damn the 5 minute edit time limit.

        Adores: 0
    • 2010 February 9

      It’s crucial to pronounce likenew as a three-syllable word.

      It rhymes with hick canoe.

      Which might also be in that garage TRUST ME.

      Adores: 9
  8. 2010 February 9

    I always feel incredibly elegant when I’m lying on a garage floor wedged between a lawnmower and a hose reel. That jacket is perfect for me. It’ll probably be too big for me, but that’s just a minor detail. I’ll be so elegant in that jacket that they’ll need a new word for elegant!

    Oh and, I just remembered. Last night during class my professor was going on about how girls in ancient Greece were likened to bears, so instead of writing that down I drew a picture of a bear, but it looked more like a lion, so I had to label it Not.A.Lion.

    Adores: 11
    • 2010 February 9
      Colleen in MA permalink

      I always feel incredibly elegant when I’m lying on a garage floor wedged between a lawnmower and a hose reel.

      Thanks for the coffee*snort!!

      Adores: 5
    • 2010 February 9
      PrincessLuceval permalink

      New word for elegant? “Likenew.” See? See how good that works?

      Adores: 5
  9. 2010 February 9
    tacomagic permalink

    {corey}That “hose reel” actually appears to be a stroller caster wheel leaning against a single brace camera tripod laying on it’s side.

    Sorry for understanding.{/corey}

    Adores: 1
    • 2010 February 9

      I think the hose reel is to the left in the picture, behind the lawnmower. It looks to me like the stroller caster wheel is attached to the aluminum pole, which would make it unlikely to be a camera tripod. Maybe it’s a camera monopod. {corey}

      Adores: 1
      • 2010 February 9
        tacomagic permalink

        Monopod! That was the word I was looking for instead of “single brace tripod”.

        Adores: 1
        • 2010 February 9

          I missed that “single brace camera tripod” = monopod. Sorry for misunderstanding.

          Adores: 1
        • 2010 February 9
          tacomagic permalink

          My dictionotomy failed me this morning. Now if you’ll excuse me I need to have that dark, bitter drink that is brewed from the beans that come from the trees of the Rubiaceae family.

          Can’t remember what it’s called.

          Adores: 3
        • 2010 February 9


          Adores: 8
        • 2010 February 9
          tacomagic permalink

          A day that starts with Guinness is either a very awsome day, or a very depressing day.

          Of course I live in Wisconsin, so every day begins with Guinness.

          Adores: 7
      • 2010 February 9

        I don’t know what the thing is to the right; I assumed the thing to the left behind the lawn mower was a hose reel.

        Semantic pedantic note: this is precisely why I said “next to” the lawn mower and hose reel, not “between”.

        Adores: 2
        • 2010 February 9
          tacomagic permalink

          Somebody else said between.

          Adores: 1
        • 2010 February 9

          Right. I semantically pedantically did not! 😉

          Adores: 3
        • 2010 February 9
          Windrose permalink


          Adores: 3
    • 2010 February 9
      Bianchi Sound permalink

      {corey} Actually, dude, it’s DA stroller caster wheel leaning against a MINTY single brace camera tripod. {/corey}

      Adores: 8
      • 2010 February 9
        tacomagic permalink

        Actually I think it’s the lawnmower that’s minty.

        Adores: 2
        • 2010 February 9

          Only if they throw in the tranny.

          Adores: 4
        • 2010 February 9

          I think the tranny left his coat….

          Adores: 10
        • 2010 February 9

          Huh… I thought Taco meant the lawnmower used a breath freshener. It would help rid it of the gasoline smell…

          Adores: 0
        • 2010 February 9
          Lola permalink

          Her coat?

          Adores: 1
        • 2010 February 9
          tacomagic permalink

          Yeah, but those mints don’t fool the brethalizer.

          Man, I remember one time I got pulled over and they made me take the test. Bam, blew 6 gallons of unleaded even after taking a fist-full of mints.

          He ended up only giving me a warning though, said that next time he caught me without premium on my breath he’d make me chug fuel additive until he was satisfied with my octane rating.

          Adores: 7
      • 2010 February 9
        Lara permalink

        aw shucks, I wanted a minty coat!

        Adores: 0
        • 2010 February 9
          Lola permalink

          What about a minty shell, Lara? Would one constitute an acceptable substitute?

          Adores: 0
        • 2010 February 10

          Yeah, but there’s only one…so why bother? I mean, really…

          Adores: 1
  10. 2010 February 9
    Bianchi Sound permalink

    The free smoke is probably from the lawn mower, but I wonder what the free pet is. I’m guessing a kitten, cuz, you know, it’s always a kitten.

    Adores: 2
    • 2010 February 9

      I’m guessing the free pet is a wallaby. There’s no real reason that I’m guessing wallaby. I just like saying wallaby. Wallaby.

      Adores: 9
      • 2010 February 9
        Dan permalink

        I’ll see your wallaby and raise you an apteryx.

        Adores: 4
        • 2010 February 9
          tacomagic permalink

          Can I have a pterodactyl with mine?

          Adores: 3
        • 2010 February 9
          sarajean80 permalink

          What about the thylacine, the Tasmanian Not.A.Lion?

          Adores: 3
      • 2010 February 9

        Free pet? I’m going to guess that when the moon hits your eye in the appropriate way, it’s a moray…

        And yes, Taco, I am claiming that the moon has precisely that sort of accuracy. Let’s not reopen old wounds.

        Adores: 6
        • 2010 February 9

          I have reason to believe that the free pet is Not. A. Lion.

          Adores: 2
        • 2010 February 9
          emesis permalink

          It’s probably another damn Komodo dragon.

          Adores: 3
  11. 2010 February 9
    Heather permalink

    Crime scene prop photo from CSI: Garage.

    Adores: 7
    • 2010 February 9
      Lola permalink

      That was my thinking. All that was missing from this photo was the dead wife wearing the coat, and whatever biohazards were exuded in the process of her untimely, unlawful demise.

      Adores: 1
      • 2010 February 9
        Quickcomeback permalink

        At least they were kind enough to get rid of the chalk outline.

        Adores: 1
        • 2010 February 9
          tacomagic permalink

          I think they threw the coat over it.

          Adores: 0
        • 2010 February 9
          CapnMac permalink

          Outline drawn around is a movie device.

          In modern practice, chalk would contaminate the crime scene.

          That’s why they photograph crime scenes.

          Insert apropos witty comment here.

          Adores: 1
        • 2010 February 9
          tacomagic permalink

          *Hands over a CC*

          Adores: 1
      • 2010 February 9
        sarajean80 permalink

        And there are likely some possible auntie-juice stains on the back.

        Adores: 1
        • 2010 February 9
          Quickcomeback permalink

          As long as you stand against a wall or are always lying down then I’m sure no one will notice anything is wrong. Dare I ask what are auntie-juice stains?

          Adores: 1
        • 2010 February 9
          sarajean80 permalink

          Quickcomeback – http://www.yousuckatcraigslist.com/?p=3006 – if you are curious.

          Adores: 0
      • 2010 February 9
        Lara permalink

        It really should be in a sofa then

        Adores: 0
        • 2010 February 9
          Lola permalink

          Nah, auntie-juice stains don’t discriminate. 😉

          Adores: 0
  12. 2010 February 9
    Meredith permalink


    At the Patapsco Flea Market Auditorium!

    Last Time Listing!

    Playing with

    South Patapsco Battle of the Bands Winner:

    Pic Does No Justice!!!

    Patapsco Ladies Auxillary will provide a spagetti dinner at 7pm for a nominal donation.

    Get your tickets today!!!

    Adores: 6
    • 2010 February 9

      Opening by The Smoldering Stewardesses!

      Adores: 1
      • 2010 February 9
        tacomagic permalink

        Hey! Didn’t their drummer used to play for Concussive Sodium?

        Adores: 2
        • 2010 February 9
          Lola permalink

          Those concerts always end with a bang! Man, that band has chemistry.

          Adores: 7
        • 2010 February 9
          tacomagic permalink

          It’s because they interact with their audience so well. I mean really, you end up bonding more tightly with them than any other band you’ll see in concert.

          Adores: 5
        • 2010 February 9
          sarajean80 permalink

          Covalent or ionic?

          Adores: 2
        • 2010 February 9
          Hugh Jim Bissel permalink

          On first read I saw ionic as ironic.
          So would Ironic Bonding be creation of a Not.A.Bond?

          Adores: 2
        • 2010 February 9
          Bianchi Sound permalink

          Not.A.Bond = Roger Moore

          Adores: 8
      • 2010 February 9
        Lara permalink

        No no no no! Not.A.Bond=George Lazenby

        Adores: 2
        • 2010 February 9
          Pianodan permalink

          Lazenby was still better than Moore. The defining characteristic of a James Bond should NOT be “effeminate.”

          Adores: 0
        • 2010 February 9
          Windrose permalink

          bracketcoreybracket Ian Fleming wrote Bond for David Niven to portray. Too bad Mr. Niven only had the role in Woody Allen’s Casino Royale, best not watched if can be avoided unless really drunk. bracketendcoreybracket.

          Adores: 0
  13. 2010 February 9
    christina permalink

    Is the first listing is telling me to lose weight? Back off buddy I’m doingthe best I can with the genetics I’ve been dealt!

    Adores: 3
    • 2010 February 9
      christina permalink

      Egads. I had read “lost weight” as “lose weight.” Comment=not so funny.

      Adores: 1
      • 2010 February 9
        Lola permalink

        Correction = pretty funny, actually.

        Adores: 0
        • 2010 February 9
          Lurker From the North permalink

          Yes, the lose weight implication is far more passive aggressive. And funnier.

          Adores: 0
  14. 2010 February 9

    I have to post a link I found today, of a giant Not. A. Leopard. fail from one of my favorite sites.

    Adores: 0
  15. 2010 February 9

    I like that the poster labeled it “LAST TIME LISTING”. Because as we’ve seen, Not.A.Lions are in high demand.

    Adores: 1
    • 2010 February 9
      Lara permalink

      I demand Not.A.Lions on a regular basis.

      Adores: 3
      • 2010 February 9

        Maybe we shoudl start Not.A.National Geographic Society for the study of Not.A.Animals

        Adores: 1
        • 2010 February 9
          Lara permalink

          Only if we have occasional shots of Not.An.Indigenous.People running around with no clothes on. That’s how the vast majority of people are introduced to Not.A.National.Geographic.Society Not.A.Magazines when they are young.

          Adores: 1
        • 2010 February 9


          Rock band name!

          Adores: 0
        • 2010 February 9

          It seems fairly restricted to big cats at this point, although the YSaC Society for Not.A. is always open to new exciting Not.A. discoveries.

          Adores: 0
        • 2010 February 9

          Oh Good idea!

          The Not.A.Discovery channel!!

          We could have
          Not.A.Dealiest catch
          Not.A.Dirty job
          Not.A.Jeff Corwin (Oh wait, that’s been done)
          Not.A.Cash cab (Thank God)

          (to many to list) LOL

          Adores: 3
  16. 2010 February 9
    Lara permalink

    That pic does no justice, it is not a super hero coat. I think that thing beside it is a fishing pole reel which was used to catch this elegant coat in an elegant lake. The Not.A.Lion looks like it is on top of a dryer. Maybe it was a lion in a past life and the person selling it does past life regression for stuffed animals.

    Adores: 0
    • 2010 February 9
      Lara permalink

      wow, I sucked today. My snark is still asleep.

      Adores: 0
      • 2010 February 9
        Lola permalink

        Mine, too. Work was too distracting. It’s like my humor jumped the snark.

        Adores: 10
        • 2010 February 9
          Windrose permalink

          Lola, I wish I could vote, but I am currently denied the red numbers. But I would give you plus elebenty millionz.

          Lara, I always fall back and silly and or insane when my snark sleeps in. 8)

          Adores: 0
        • 2010 February 10
          Lola permalink

          Windrose, I guess the Not.a.Lion sleeps tonight, and the snark does too …
          Thanks for the elebenty millionz! I … don’t know what that number looks like! 8)

          Adores: 0
  17. 2010 February 9
    Lindsey permalink

    I’m beginning to think that there is too much focus on math in schools. The real focus needs to be on science – specifically learning animals – and English. We clearly need to teach kids (and apparently adults) what a lion actually looks like. Then again, if M&M Math can win third place in a science fair (though I’m still lost on how it relates to science), maybe the difference between lions and tigers and bears is a little too advanced, even for teachers.

    Adores: 1
  18. 2010 February 9
    screamer permalink

    Enquiring minds need to know: how long before the picture of the coat was taken was the body removed? Well, surely there can be no other explanation for the coat being on the garage floor. And have I been watching too much CSI, but wouldn’t the police need it for forensic evidence?

    Just asking……..

    Adores: 0
    • 2010 February 9
      Lurker From the North permalink

      Nah, they already checked it and found no evidence on it. No residue, no trace, no biologicals, no transfer, not even a latent fingerprint. That’s why it is in the garage, the d.b. is in the living room.

      How’s that for too much C.S.I.? And sorry.

      Adores: 1
  19. 2010 February 9
    Windrose permalink

    Hey, BigUncleJohn! You get your first card punch and appearance in the Don’t Suck Box! I think I will preserve the entire story in the forums, but the line chosen for the box is pretty funny! 8)

    Adores: 0
    • 2010 February 16
      BigUncleJohn permalink

      Thank you. Set the bar a little high there, me thinks.

      She really did become a stewardess, fwiw. Flew for Eastern.

      Adores: 0
  20. 2010 February 10
    Emma permalink

    I love the Not. A. Lion. posts
    I had no idea there were so many misunderstandings of what a lion actually looks like.

    Adores: 0

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