YSaC, Vol. 737: Das ist nicht für gesehen.
2010 July 24
no (no)
No. Whatever it is, no. It is not for you. You may not have this … blender/lamp/chicken purée/event horizon/indoor-outdoor aquarium.
Okay, ask your mom.
Thanks, Steve!
The Winner of the 2014 Suck Off is (Drum roll, please)
*HamCan! Hooray!
Want a Not.A.Lion t-shirt AND a Llama-nun's Prayer mug? How about a Cat Math mousepad? Of course you do!
All are now available as t-shirts and other things! (The llamanun mugs contain the YSaC group prayer on the back.)
WordPress Hates Me – A Novel Approach on YSaC, Vol. 573: The nacho cheese fountain finally has some competition. […] we come to the part that WordPress hates. My long-time attachment to a humor blog called You Suck at… | |
2794: The pale rider saga – Chapter 2 part 2 | Library of the Damned on Vol. 273: Miss Teen South Carolina sells furniture, y’all! […] Ah, the good ol’ dinning table. […] | |
bianchisound on YSaC, Vol CXCII In case anyone ever checks. I just saw this ad and missed everyone here. Enjoy! https://lasvegas.craigslist.org/pho/d/nellis-afb-womans-feet/7164431024.html | |
Decelerate Spoon on YSaC, Vol. 1800: So long, and thanks for all the bees. Wow, it’s amazing to finally find this site. I’d say I’m late in getting here, but I know I’m right… | |
Decelerate Spoon on YSaC, Vol. 1243: A little hard of herring. I thought this joke smelt, but this guy really knew how to drop the bass. And it flopped around everywhere… |
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Copyright 2025 You Suck at Craigslist
Oh, a new catmath principal! No(No)=ssfs
We will explain this to you when you are older. {G}
Or when you sister is older.
Now, Clean your room!
Well, it looks like…I mean, it’s obviously a…Anyone can tell you it’s …I got nuthin’.
:stares long and hard at the thing:
An extremely disgusting nooneshouldeverwanttoeatwhatcomesoutofthat cotton candy machine?
:looks again:
No, I think those are cobwebs. Back to square one.
[Corey] Top left looks like a protein skimmer inside a rather hideous aquarium, Top right looks like a petri dish with some rather energetic growth, and bottom left is a close up of said (sad) protein skimmer. [/corey] A PSA maybe? What not to do to our piscine friends?
Does a “protein skimmer” inside an aquarium suck up all of the fish? Well what other kind of protein is in there?
Things that make you go ewwwwww….
That’s an aquarium? Looked to me like a store’s glass display case. (Please notice I am *not* trying to figure out the crusty yellowed things.)
But, on fifteenth look (or thereabouts), I wonder if that second picture is the inside of the whatever-it-is with the top taken off… with cobwebs.
No? Oh! Ohhhhh… *nods head yes*
But dad said yes!
In lieu of knowing what this thing is…
So, I’ve forgotten to put the water in the coffee maker. I’ve forgotten to put the filter in and just dumped the grounds into the basket. I’ve even forgotten to actually BREW the coffee. But never, NEVER have I done what I almost did this morning…put the coffee grounds in the water reservoir. I’m glad I stopped myself, that could have been a real disaster.
I had cereal, and went to the drawer for a spoon, and came out holding a knife. Then I went back to fix it, and came out with a fork. Only then did I manage to think long enough to actually grab a spoon, which I promptly attempted to eat my bowl of milk with. I then took the Frosted Mini Wheats out of the fridge and poured them into the bowl, put them back in the pantry where they belong, and had my cereal with no more trouble.
You pour the milk in the bowl first? Or was that part of the brain-fail?
I usually just go to throw my plate in the trash, or put the orange juice in the dishwasher.
Yes, that was part of the brain-fart.
I put the salad dressing away in the microwave the other day.
I put the milk back in the bathroom towel cupboard once. I was making cereal then needed to use said bathroom. Guess I decided the milk needed to come with me.
Luckily my wife found it a few minutes later.
I often find cereal in the fridg and milk where the cereal goes …. of course the milk may also be somewhere in the family room.
Well, at least the cereal didn’t get all soggy during the silverware confusion. 😉
Every bowl has a silver lining…
True, but it was ever so slightly chilly.
Don’t you mean every bowel has a silver lining?
*Eats a spoonful of silver nitrate*
I’m not even sure what that saying is supposed to imply.
The other day, I was getting flatware and silverware out of the dishwasher for the meal I was going to make (a hardware mise en place of sorts).
Felt all accomplished when I closed up the d/w, to find I’d not only already done just that, but that I had set up for a meal I was not making (and had decided against because I was missing several key parts of that meal).
And people sometimes wonder (aloud) why I cook with beer so often–it’s because the beer is open, really . . .
I made bifstek quesadillas tonight for supper.
The tortillas were exactly where they were supposed to be.
The cheese, the picante, and the last of the left-over bifstek were all in the fridge where they were supposed to be.
The comal was upon the stove.
Tortillas heated up in the skillet until they folded over politely. They then filled with picante, steak and cheese in reasonable order. They then grilled in the skillet under a bacon press (makes the cheese ooze out and go “s’p’sp’sp’sp’sp’s’sp’ssss”) as expected.
Iced tea went right in the glass.
Made a tasty supper with no complications, and a clean kitchen before warching the movie.
Why do I feel like there is some scimitar poised Damoclean . . . ?
Bridgete, this may sound strange, but these coffee mishaps may be a sign of greatness in your future. My best friend in high school was top of the class, but she would do these crazy scatterbrained things, like putting her socks in the freezer or pouring juice on her cereal. She too went into law and moved up through her firm very fast. Just remember, when you make senior partner, someone else makes the coffee for you 😉
Awesome! I always knew being scatterbrained was just a symptom of my mind being too full of other stuff. 😉
I had a similar friend in High School. Took her three tries to pass her driving test. But she graduated with honors from the University of Chicago with a double major in Art History and BioChemistry.
So the Grant Applications are beautifully Illuminated? {G}
I’m not sure she actually working, now; she moved to Alaska and is busy being a liberal rabble-rouser and home schooling her kids.
I went camping two weeks ago and didn’t have my cold cuts in the cooler when I went to make lunch. I found them in a drawer the other day.
Luckily, they were vegetarian cold cuts, so the smell was not as bad as you might think. I would hope I would have found them sooner, in that case.
It’s a demontration on how to use the fider warch
What’s wrong with you people?
Unstable mental conditions, warped senses of humour, joy in other’s stupidity, and much more, too many to list.
I guess I should have used the [Rhetorical Matt] tag instead…
HamCan, I owe you an honorable mention punchity punch punch from two days ago. I apologize for overlooking your massive contribution to that day and every day!
Awwww, two day old punchities seem just as fresh
Man, you guys just will not let up on that poor fider wench; bad enough everyone was calling her a norwegian craftsman, like being called a fider instead of a violá, but to call her mannish . . .
Okay, so we know that part of the conglomeration is an aquarium/terrarium–I’m really more worried about the fact that the protein skimmer/cotton candy maker appears to be floating inside said aquarium.
I suspect Arthur Weasley has been introduced to the internet by someone, then, and decided to show off his floating protein skimmer to all us muggles.
WANTED: Better Explanation [location]
will trade rare and vintage cereals for better explanation. 5 boxes of Capn’s Crunch, firm, obo.
The Ministry’ll be after him for this one.
Funny you should mention HP, my first thought was that “ssfs” was “no (no)” translatd into parselmouth. No means no, whether you’re muggle, wizard or snake!
I thought it was a machine for making cheese out of the remnants of your forgotten fishtank. I know when I get back from vacation and see little Nemo taking a belly up nap, I always think, “Man, I wish there was some way to recycle all this junk”.
Note to self: If Meredith offers cheese, politely decline.
But I have a lovely 4 year old Guppy. It was a good year for….well, not such a good year for guppies, but a good year for cheese.
Maybe sarajean can make fish-cheese soap?
We do not make the fish cheese soap. We do, however, make the fish cheese dip. I make it with Lionfish. The store brands use NotALionfish.
Served, I assume, on Not.a.Lionel’s tera cotta head?
You know, if I mixed fish oil capsules with my stinky cheese soap, I might be able to sell it to Bertie Botts…
Ugh, I just grossed myself out.
(Sorry for the lack of comments today, I was at a birthday party for my now six year old niece. I have never seen so many different shades of pink. Much sugar was consumed by all. I’m off to lapse into a diabetic coma now.)
Alas, earwax!
Yeah, I got nothing, either.
Except that I’m pretty glad I can’t have this. It looks like it would clash with my new poncho.
Extra credit homework assignment: Somebody please ‘shop the poncho onto LRC’s robot moose!
O.M.F.G. That would be AMAZING!!!
Fantastic Astro! Here’s your extra credit form: Hands Astro a slightly greasy scrap of newsprint that smeels of cheesey fish dip I’m sure your teachers will find this satisfactory*
*If you use the confundus charm on them
*Smells, not smeels, but smeels could work too.
Astro! I would like to offer you these doors.
Nope, no poncho. And Mr. LRC wants his dinner, so I’ll play around with Gravatar some more, later.
I’m tearin’ my hair out
Oh every, everyday
I’m tearin’ my hair out
Oh ssfs what are you I say?
I’m tearin’ my hair out
It won’t be long ssfs
till I’m alone
In a padded cell
to never come home
Cause it’s warpin’, ooh it’s touchin’
it’s crazin’ my brain
I’m tearin’ my hair out
Oh, every, everyday
I’m tearin’ my hair out
Oh ssfs what can you say?
Cause it’s warpin’, touchin’ my brain
Now it’s your turn, YSaC to cry
No no no no no no
No no no no no
No no no no no no
No no no no no
No no no no no no
No no no no no
No no no no no no
No no no no no
No no no no no no
No no no no no
No no no no no no
No no no no no….
Magic Skate Ball says: The answer is NO(no).
It’s Magic Meatball……. and it says:
Ask again later
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, yes.
Madeline Kahn, is that you?
I was aiming for “Jim” from “Vicar of Dibley.”
My aim may have been off.
Or perhaps many people, too many to list, have used that line in one way or another.
Naaah, couldn’t be.
If that’s so, the question is thus: Then how was babby taco made?
His aim may have been off….
It’s the new and improved Tardis – you would have recognized it except they left off the blue light.
You don’t have to put on the blue light,
Those days are over
You don’t have to travel space time tonight.
You don’t have to let eleven in tonight,
Travel time for whimsy
You don’t care if it’s wrong or if it’s right.
You don’t have to put on the blue light…
Beat me to it!
Now, imagine it’s Eddie Murphy (48 hours) singing instead {G}
It took me about 30 tries, but I finally was able to give you a door, Taco! (I think my fingers are too dry/cold/both to tap the “+1”)
Oh, I see, right there’s the door, and the time rotor, and the tribophysical waveform macrokinetic extrapolator, and the coffee maker. All makes sense now. Thanks Gramps! Now I know what to
destroylook out for.Glad to be of….. help?
Does it come with a Time Lord? Or do I have to go back to Craigslist to find one of those?
You need to get a permit first, cat.
And a sonicscrewdriver. Which, sadly, does not seem to have any Absolut content at all; just another grey goose chase, darn it!
And there will be a re-homing fee for the Time Lord. We want to be sure you will keep him as a pet and not just feed him to your mutant hamster.
Capn, has there been a time when it was ever clear what they put in those sonicscrewdrivers? I think they stoli the recipe.
About the time it seems they might tullamore, dhu they? No, just Laphraoig about leaving the rest of us lackavaulin.
I have Ten
locked in my closetresting comfortably. He won’t be availableeverfor awhile becausehe’s mine damnit, minehe has some prior commitments.You say yes, I say no,
You say stop, and I say no, no, no!
Oh, no!
You say goodbye, and I say hell no!
Hell no hell no!
I don’t know why you say goodbye I say hell no!
You say high, I say no.
You say why, and I say I don’t no!
Oh, no!
You say goodbye, and I say hell no!
Hell no hell no!
I don’t know why you say goodbye I say hell no!
Heba, Heba Hell No-ah!
Heba, Heba Hell No-ah!
My apologies to the Beatles.
Astro — you are suppose to be studying math not music!!! (Yes, I know they both begin with M.)
But I WANT IT! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?
No is right. Nancy Reagan No. Just Say No. Red Bow No.
Those items are (quite clearly, by the way) crystal methamphetamine lab components.
So, Just Say No.
En. Oh.
Well, now that the mystery is gone I don’t want it anymore.
I think you need these: [corey][/corey]
Is that really what it is? And if so…how do you know? :raises eyebrow:
[corey] Corey tags, in this application, must be regarded as implied due to the serious nature to begin with. The entire thread should have [corey] and [/corey] applied liberally and as in the case of [serious corey] being redundant, would negate the statement by said nature of matter/ antimatter neutralization akin to a flawed Venn Diagram. [/corey].
That, or Astro has been dividing by zer
If it really is a meth lab, then I think one of the
overlordsoverlords ought to add the “slimy” tag or something.Had to share this. You’ll know why when you read it.
Did anyone else have visions of the “Taco Thong” in print?
No, but, once again, I suspect Steve Postis is a lurker (and not the cave-roof predator kind)
That’s okay. I didn’t want a Cotton Candy Machine of the Damned, anyway.
No, really.
Well, okay. Maybe a little.
I think that belongs to the wierd Gorgoroth thing in the basement.
On the other hand, Cotton Candy of the Damned would make a great band name (‘Machine’ just made it too long).
Ooh, yeah, that’s even better than Cotton Candy Dam (especially since only animal husbandry majors would “get” it)
“Gorgoroth’s Machine” has a very deathmetal ring, though.
Hit single “Yummy, Yummy, Yummy, I’ve got Brains in my Tummy” ??
OMG – they’re back!! ZOM
not sure why, but I see parts to a homemade still.
Meth lab.
Portable, carry-it-around-in-your-car size.
And you know this how?
There are some questions than need no (or you don’t want an) answer.
Acquaintances in the law-enforcement community.
Are you . . . Batman?
You called?
(Public Service Announcement: Batman and Robin say to always remember to clear your caches!)
Oh, do come on, Batsy! You’re honestly so bored with me that you’re responding to the distress signals of strange parrots on… hey. This site is funny! Hahahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhahahhahahahahah!!!!!!!
Like, totally LOL.
All I know about meth labs is that they need garden hoses for something. I had two garden hoses stolen out of my front yard, after the second time, I called the police non-emergency line to file a report, because at $20 each, those hoses add up. The officer filing my report told me that garden hoses are often stolen for use in meth labs, and that I should probably just hide the hose under something, because meth-lab builders aren’t very clever.
I can’t tell what this thing is (the upper right pic looks like a golden bowl in a centrifuge, flinging water out) but since there’s no garden hose involved, it OBVIOUSLY can’t be a meth lab. (ummm…)
You’d think that meth cookers would just get a hose while in target tying to get 13 pseudefrine tabs and holding up the line doing so . . .
The object in the photograph on the right looks a bit like a chicken-pot-pie.
Hey abwh, I’m no expert, but don’t you think this looks a wee bit like a meth lab?
I’m not sure; it looks kinda like it might be a meth lab.
You two are crazy! This is obviously a meth lab! I can’t believe you didn’t notice.
You guys! Everyone here in No knows that, in the cultural-oppressor language “ssfs” is the derogatory term used to demean and suppress the indigenous autochthones who deliberately engage in chemical destruction of their central nervous systems using synthetic stimulants.
In non [matt] speak, “Duh, meth lab; as if!”
[disclaimer corey] The person purporting to be abwh is clearly delusional and in no way reflects the policies or opinions of the management of YSaC, it’s contributors or it’s advertisers.[/disclaimer corey]
We rejoin our program already in progress.
[Isaac]Well, which is YSaC, contributors or advertisers?[/Isaac]
Sorry. Must be a bug going around.
Thanks Astro, I wasn’t here to catch that.
It was the meth. Or the chemo, it’s not too clear at this point.
ab, good cover. 8)
Who is that guy?
That’s what I’m asking.
There’s a gentleman at the door in a SWAT uniform asking about some crazy dude with a meth lab in his jet.
Mention anything about Bozeman, Montana?
Pretty decent encounter then, normally the swat guys hit the door with a ram and knock it down.
Or the ceiling, if your name is Ruttle.
Whoa, where am I?
[apology corey] I am indeed sorry for my reprehensible behavior. There was no meth influencing my actions. Fourteen hours of driving and a cooler full of Red Bull, however… still no excuse. Please forgive me? [/apology corey]
*hangs head and proceeds to enroll in a twelve step program*
Lines from Taco’s kitchen:
TacoMa’am: Oh no the Rancor is attacking!
TacoMagic: That’s what she said.
TacoMa’am: *Look of bemused confusion*
Can’t even keep the avatars properly distributed.
Used google-fu on “no(no)” and only get feminine hair removal products.
Brain is rejecting that this could be a Used (ick) Gororoth Grooming tool (shudder).
Not that I’d want to rinse it out after, either; but I’d like to think I’d not flog it on CL after having found it in the secret burial ground under the burned-down meth house used to be on, either . . .
I’m now going to go look for my lost cereal bowl (which is probably next to the caviar spoon and truffle plane).
I can’t even tell that it is a thing.
A few weeks ago I made a cup of green tea. I returned for a second cup and could not find the box of tea. We’ve not since found it in the cabinet nor in the bath, nor in the bedroom. We suspect I threw it in the trash.
Comment disclaimer: I am mobile today so comments are not nested. Please forgive me for getting out of line.
I feel very random mahongany today. Like I might put the spinach toothpaste on the roundabout hot curlers. 80
I know exactly how you feel. Should I be scared?
[Bridgete/Isaac] — “mahongany”
That’s a hard wood…. [/Bridgete/Isaac]
One wood is the same as another in the dark, Grampdaddy. Or, so I have been told.
That’s what she said!
*runs back to getting things accomplished*
It’s obviously a coded message. Sparky’s partner in the meth lab managed to escape from the authorities and now Sparky is using CL to let said partner know that it is still not safe to come home.
My translation of ad:
(Hidden question) Do the cops have any clues where I am? = No
(Second hidden question) Is it safe to come home yet? = (No)
ssfs = Stay Safely away From Seattle*
None of this may actually be true, but that’s the scenario my warped imagination delivered me.
Studying device of the day:
“Death does not excuse performance on a contract – sue estate, don’t expect performance from zomb”
As a practical issue, I bet it’s hard to hire that 3rd or 4th constable to deliver service on zomb
no thanks. i dont want to guess what it is, because it might wind up on my door. so, i guess that its a ………no, its probably…. wait, wait… nah. i got nuthin neither
Okay, I
got off my lazy asscaved in and got a pretty picture. I was going to do a real one of myself for the weekend only, but I haven’t had any pictures taken since before I lost 50 lbs and suddenly all the “good” pictures aren’t so good anymore.I say that Lazy-Ass Cave Ins be a band name.
So that’s who did “Slow Tacosplodin’ “*
*apostrophes in quotes looks weird.
Ok. Logged out, cleared cache, etc.
NOW do I have a poncho?
CRAP, no I don’t.
Clearly the poncho is too possibly awesome for Gravatar.
That is a distinct possibility. I’m gonna go look at pictures of cats with funny captions, now, to distract me from my lack of ponchod robot moose.
I don’t even have my robot moose. 🙁
I had similar issues when trying to switch to a sexy Demi Moore photo. I think WordPress is on Strike agains Gravitar. It really sucks!
Your Gravatar image must be rated G too, I’ve noticed.
I use CCleaner to clear cache, cookies, and the Temp Internet Files.
Then I restart the browser.
If that does not work, I restart the modem, then the machine.
[deutche corey]Anstelle von “Das is nicht für geshen” velleicht “Nein! Nicht für auf gesehen” besser werden geschrieben sein.
German diction is very positional, which makes the grammar “sound” odd to EFL speakers. Getting that “yoda” structure odd at first seems. The spiffy way one may dismiss with certain “to be” forms is almost like declarative Latin, too. Which makes our title today read more like “nothing remarkable to look at” as if it were merely a bad movie.
So, /instruction-command/”No. [This implicit thing here] Not for/or-to-be Seen/Seeing [is & will be the case]” is how I’d render it. Especially since it implies the “look at this, it is not to be seen” paradoxical.
[/polyglot corey]
Sorry, Capn. I speak German like a Spanish cow.
¿Su hablar alemán a la vaca español? {Sonrisa}
German is easy, just remember to sort by Time, Manor, Place first, and the verb goes last unless an imperative, then use the least number of words to do so (the sentences compound anyway).
That, and we needed the sort of pithy, witty, sharp we expect in our YSaC titles {g}
That, and the Latin came to me first: Vidi non invisi egro posco
CapnMac, you are right that German language order is difficult, but vocabulary and tenses are pretty important also. Your proposed sentence is pretty odd. Better would be something like “Das ist nicht an zu schauen” (roughly, “that’s not for looking at”).
Because: “Aufsehen” doesn’t fit the meaning you want (it’s not the same as ‘sehen’); and putting it in the past tense “auf gesehen” is odd – why should it be in the past tense? Also, in English one uses “for” differently than Germans do; “zu” is more likely in this case than “fuer.”
/End of curmudgeonly pedantic language correction/
Dang, I had hoped Innana would show up today. I will punchity punch punch her in effigy!
G’Night, Gotham!
Tape your knuckles well before hitting those stone knees . . .
Oh, and wear your seatbelt.
It’s reverse psychology! Clever way to sell your junk, tell people they CAN’T have it.
Definitely a protein skimmer.
hmm maybe this is just my criminal justice background but I immediately thought some supplies for a drug lab….maybe…
For those who are curious… a protein skimmer is a filtration device for saltwater aquariums that uses a pump to inject a frothy mixture of dirty saltwater and air (Santorum) into a reaction chamber. Protein, as well as other undesirable disolved organic compounds and microscopic organisms, are attracted to the surface of the tiny bubbles and float to the top, where the bubbles slowly overflow into a collection cup. The second picture is a look inside the collection cup, demonstrating how thick and dark (and thus effective, albeit disgusting) the skimmate is. The tank that this skimmer is in is a sump… a secondary water reservoir underneath the real aquarium.
So Grumpy Cat has her own salt-water aquarium? Cool.
SSFS here I come
They got crazy little WTF’s there
and I’m gonna get me one
Oh yeah!
From Rod Argent….Tell.Her.No.
Obviously posted by a toddler, whose first words were No-no!
Or my ex-wife, whose last words were “no! NO!”
As you pushed her down the stairs?
That was never proven, Windy…
I think this is still my favourite post.
No, no it isn’t.
-ssfs (still safe for someone)
silly sparky funny sparky
little negative.
stupid sparky freakin’ sparky
No, no, no.
Hannahfate, we loaded all the Black Adder episodes into the dvd player for you! Punchity Punch Punch!
Good Morning, no? No?