YSaC, Vol. IC
I need a girl
I’ve been so busy with school work that I haven’t had time to go out there and meet the ladies so am here for a little help. I need a girl who likes to be friends and wants to have fun. I know I can please you. Am 6ft 2in, athletic and just about 200lbs. Am not looking for an online friend. I’d like to meet you at Starbucks, a bookstore, the mall or some other public place you like. I would love to leave my tell no here but my add will be flagged so My AIM Screenname is XXXXXXXXXXX. You can email or Im me and we’ll figure out how to meet. Thanks.
Overall, not bad, but I’d prefer to date a man with a head.
(Oh, stop it! You know I mean a cranium, with a brain inside it.)
I guess if you like the Headless Horseman-type, though, this guy could be the real, um, package.
Submitted by Ann — thanks!
Don’t you hate it when people try to unload their junk on the Intertubes?
BwaHahahahahaha!! Classic response! Love it!
This ad will probably bother the uptighty whiteys, but c’mon, the guy is just trying to get ahead.