YSaC, Vol. 1274: Same thing we do in every volume.
Help taking over the world. (Seriously)
Peace All,
We are founding the culture movement & thought revolution that will be responsible for galvanizing the energy of the masses and catapulting the people in to the realm of consciousness, self reliance & responsibility & peace. We are looking to bring our team together Sounds lofty, but its very real and our victory is assured. Much of this will be accomplished through social media; we need all the help we can get in that arena. We especially need a social media assistant. If there is any way you can contribute to this cause please get in touch with us– you will be glad you did.
We call to our brothers & sisters in (only) love, truth, peace, freedom, & Justice.
* it’s NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
* Compensation: no pay
What? They need help taking over the world? They can’t possibly be serious. Oh wait, they said (Seriously) right there in the title. They must be serious.
Pinky? Are you thinking what I’m thinking?
Well, I think so, Brain, but if we called it SparkyBook nobody would use it.
Thanks, Mike!
Brain, I’ve got no words.
I’m unsettled by that, Dave.
I keep hearing it in my brain!
See me, feel me, tweet me, friend me. (4x)
Bookmarking you, I get the music.
Skypeing with you, I get the heat.
Following you, I climb the mountain.
I get excitement from your tweet!
bahahaha you win all the awards!
Sparkies of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your flames!
Rule the world.
That’s the plan.
You and me.
Any day.
That’s not the only help Sparky needs.
This so needs a sing-along blog!
Our movement is such a juggernaut. We will conquer the world! Mwah ha ha ha! (Once we get a social media assistant, that is)
My Dearest Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, Justice, and that bitch – Karma (because I just know she’s the one behind this),
I’d love to help you with your plans for world domination.
However, my feline overlord (from the infamous Cats Allied Together – C.A.T. for short) informs me that he and his minions have this one under control already.
Good luck taking it from them.
Xenia Recordia, Keeper of Figtail Feifings and;
Servant to Bugsy-the-Insane, C.A.T. Overlord
Cats can form alliances? I’m doing something wrong.
Oh, they can. Just not with US.
My cats have made alliances with the sofa, the futon, and the portions of the floor closest to the windows.
One of mine concentrates on leaving “hair ball landmines” in inconspicuous places—usually under the cover of night.
Mine are never within hissing distance of one another, unless it’s time to eat…
Or perhaps to occupy Mom’s new bed.
It’s good to see cult recruiting finally making use of 21st century tools.
Except, it looks like they left no clues whatsoever as to how to contact them (technology FAIL).
“To the batshit signal!”
CJ, I certainly hope being in the box today will be just the lift you need! I promise to punch lightly if you will join my social media cause. 8)
If you’ll keep it a secret from Bugsy, the Insane, I am soooooooooo in. Frankly, I’m sick to death of tuna and sardines for dinner every night.
Yes, please punch ever so gently. I’m still caught in that limbo between this world and the next, watching..always watching..and waiting.
“movement & thought”
That’s pretty much how I start every morning, especially when I run out of reading materials in the bathroom.
Then it’s just *crickets*…?
See Windy, this is where you need more cats instead of birds….they come into the bathroom to keep you company and bask in their captive audience.
Mudsy, one of my birds likes to ride on my shoulder into the bathroom so she can stick her head into the shower while I am taking care of business, and hear her shrieks echo. Then she walks along the towel rail and clucks like a chicken. My love bird also likes to go in there on my shoulder, but just because he can’t stand to let me out of his sight for a second. This weekend when we go away will be a real test for him.
My cats try to avoid the shower. However, never leave the dryer door open when taking out a load of clothes.
I had a cat that enjoyed taking showers.
Oh, people are offended by a man-milking machine, but bathroom humor is ok? Sheesh! 😉
Wanda, I truly expected at least one cry of TMI. I’ll just have to try harder.
Oh, make no mistake wanda. That was truly disturbing if only for the fact that I half expected him to be curious enough to want to attach it somewhere else. *ahem*
I had nightmares about that one. And it made me wonder: What kind of marks did it leave?
A combination of psychological scarring and circular hickies.
Catapulting The People 2012 is IF’s Jefferson Airplane/Led Zeppelin trebuchet concert tour title.
Up With People’s got nothing on us.
I am SO going to that concert!
Man, what did I do last night. I remember doing yager-shots with a few nice men who were all dressed in these weird white pajamas who seemed really interested in my Craigslist account…
Oh, son of a-
No, it goes…
“Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare..”
Now get that ponytail bouncing! You’re either going to be seeing a LOT of airports, or you’re in the latest production of HAiR.
sabba sibbi sabba nooby aba naba lee lee – lo lo…
Let the sunshine!
Let the sun shine in!
The sun shine in!
I think I’ve found your man, Sparky. Do I get a commission?

Show off….
Take over the world = Hitler.
Peace all = Hippie.
Hitler + Hippie = Hipler!
Hipler… isn’t that a geriatric disease?
You’re confusing it with Hitpie disease…when eating too much pie ends up going to your hips.
You vill eat ze kale, und you vill LIKE IT.
Ve haff vays uf making you meditate.
“Sir, I knew Hitler, and you’re no Hitler!”
Wait…er….*streams crossed again*
Well this explains why I was rudely awakened at 5:30 this morning by civil defense sirens (in fact they’re still going off). The news folks say it’s just a malfunction, no actual emergency, but I’ll bet they don’t know about the takeover. Bastards!
DDD, get to the bunker and await further instructions! Hurry! Take the dog!
(Demon) Duck and cover!
In the 60’s hippies “expanded their consciousness” through drugs
In the 2000’s sparkies are “expanding their consciousness” through facebook and twitter
Alrighty then
Silva, you’re comparing mushrooms and glitter and the two have completely different philosophies!
what is the philosophy of a pile of glitter, I wonder?
According to a popular series of books, it has something to do with stalking a girl much much younger than the pile of glitter and calling it romance.
“catapulting the people in to the realm of consciousness”
I saw that done with a cow once. Or maybe it was a piano. The thing is, it didn’t end well.
OT: How are some of you doing the grey box quote thingy? Wait, don’t tell me you’re all part of the takeover. Ohcrapohcrapohcrap….
[blockquote] [/blockquote] but with angle brackets.
I prefer to call them “angel brackets.”
Thanks for the tutelage. Can I get angle brackets at Ace Hardware, or do I have to go to Lowe’s?
The angel brackets come from The Divine Church of What’s Happenin’ Now, Reverend Flip at your service.
In my day, we had to make our own angel brackets. Couldn’t just go buy them, you had to walk through 7 feet high snow, up-hill both ways, no shoes and hadn’t eaten for days, just to get to see the angels, and then you had to carry them home and make the brackets. Where did I put my cane?
I was all excited about this opportunity until I read the last part that compensation would be no pay. What point is there in helping to take over the world if you don’t even get vintage Crisco or dumpster cheesy poofs in return?
I’m not helping anyone take over the world for anything less than Liechtenstein.
So here’s a little-known fact: The Llamanun has walked across Liechtenstein.
Meh. I once shook hands with Claes Oldenburg.
That’s nothin’…I once walked across a room to look at a map of Liechtenstein.
I walked across a parking lot once… That’s about the same distance, right?
This is, in fact, true.
I want a shiny, new Australia!
In Soviet Russia,
Politburo Liechtenstein you.
Step 1 of this shiny, peace-loving process is that one weird trick that makes you lose weight. The invasion of the internet has begun.
“* Compensation: no pay”
*My involvment: No way
On a side note, I will be in hiding for awhile.
Hope to join you soon.
Last I saw, Lady Justice had her hands full balancing that sword and those scales…blindfolded, no less! No wonder they need an assistant.
In other news…MATT CAIN PITCHED A PERFECT GAME!!! Apologies if you are not a Giants fan or even a baseball fan (just don’t be a Dodgers fan…boo hiss), but this is exciting stuff, people. Much more important than any piddling movement to take over the world. We here in the Bay Area are basking in the glow of this most excellent athlete.
Ahem. As you were.
Yay!! Go CARDS!!
Uh, CJ…Matt pitched this game against the Houston Astros. Ain’t you a resident of Texas, there girlie?!? Just askin’. You can also be a Cards fan. I dun’t mind a’tall. Just no Dodgers. No.
And btw, what happened to your awesomesauciness blog? I miss.
CJ, Happy Friday, out you go then. Punchity Punch Punch!
Good Morning, Grassroots Movements!
Now, how will I keep Archie from finding out I’m a Dodgers fan???
It’s ok, Windy, I figured that was the case given the geographical location of your domicile, just as you no doubt did given mine. In fact, let you and I shine as examples of folks that can have great friendships while holding on to our sports rivalry in a good-natured way. Shall we? 😀