YSaC, Vol. 1703: It’s a-me, Frohike!
“Hey Scully?”
“Yes Mulder?”
“I think I’ve uncovered another big conspiracy. It’s..”
“No, don’t tell me in a normal voice. Shout it! And while you’re at it, do your best Mario impression.”
I’d better look this up. Let’s see… book of Pics, Chapter 12, Verse 15… here it is:
“And lo, they did look unto the heavens, and they did see white traces emblazoned on the sky, and they did tremble with fear, and they cried out ‘Aluminum?’ ‘Barium?’ unto the Lord. And the Lord spake unto them, and he did say, ‘It’s water vapor condensing from jet exhausts, dumbasses.'”
This endeth the reading.
Thanks for the link, Randy!
Aluminum? Barium? Chromium? Dysprosium? Erbium? Francium? Gold? Perspiring minds want to know!
There is a cadre among the tinfoil hat crowd who believe, religiously, in “chemtrails.” This belief is founded upon the fundamental belief thtat “they” are spraying various chemicals upon the unsuspecting populace below via the mechanism of contrails from over-flying aircraft.
Attempting to apply basic (as in middle-school) science is viewed as heretical, if not infidel apostasy.
The true believers share all sorts of photos among themselves, and yhis “proves” their contention. There are far too many creey youtube videos on this topis, too,
Sorry, Capn, I have to disagree with you….there aren’t nearly enough creepy youtube videos on this “topis”….and besides, if I want to go to bed at night wearing a tinfoil hat, in my tinfoil ‘jammies, with a tinfoil mosquito net, well that’s my (and my therapist’s) business, idn’t it??????
Besides, don’t you find the clouds in the picture oddly menacing?
Chemtrail Conspiracy Theorists is the name of my My Chemical Romance/Chemical Brothers mashup band.
TinFoil Hat Crowd is my Devo cover band. (it’s the hats, ya know)
“Is It Safe To Dance?” by Men Without Tin Foil Hats.
I’ve seen Topi; here are some videos.
But how does “yhis” prove their contention?
Obviously Monsanto has infiltrated international jet travel and is practicing secret experiments upon us. Our tinfoil hats won’t protect us, Sparkies! Pass the kool aid and the gas masks, please!
*adjusts tinfoil hat*
You know, we’re all going to get unobtainiumitis now, don’t you?
*nails tar paper over the windows*
I’m not taking any chances.
CJ, did your mom post this ad? 8) Again?
I apologize everyone. *sniffle*
Saw this on Buzzfeed yesterday, think they’ve been creeping on the Llamanun.
Where did they get #9? Dammit, I thought there were no witnesses.
Lol #11 totally reminded me of the frozen underwater boat and the submarine.
Didn’t we do #5 already? I vaguely remember having produce in a coffin…
More importantly, what are all those huge leafy green things just standing there like an army poised to attack? It’s like they’ve sprung up to cover the entire Earth!
There is no hiding from *dun dun duuuuuuunnnn* the enema from above!
Of course we didn’t barium, he ain’t dead yet!
“Shine bright like an enema…… We’re beautiful, like enemas in the sky…..”
Yeah, nope.
Our GM has a name that, if not properly pronounced, sounds like enema.
So, naturally an older slightly hearing-impaired coirker heard the name one time and since that day has pronounced it Mr. Enema. Of course, none of us bothered to correct him – we are a twisted bunch.
Mr. Enema did not know of coirker’s mistaken pronunciation until one morning when coirker loudly said ‘Good Morning, Mr. Enema!’ in a meeting.
Hilarity ensued, coirker was embarrassed, but as Mr. Enema said, “It’s okay, everything came out alright in the end.”
Chemtrail conspiracy theorists – proof there’s a sucker born every minute.
Confession: my hippie dippie brother and his wife are two such.
I just realized I know waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many people who are, too.
You know, when you seed the ground, you fertilize the seeds with horse hockey.
When you seed the clouds, you fertilize the seeds with air hockey.
They just want us to have rich, fertile air and rain water.
Hey! I a tell you what they a spraying. They a spraying for invisible aliens so we can a see ‘um. They aluminum so we can a seeum, then we can a killum, them we a barium.
Whuts a matter? You don’t a believe me?
You been-a listening to the Popa?
No, the pope was a talking about those Martians. They no good. Always wanting a toad fillets on a there pizzas and a wanting the delivery in 20 minutes or a less. You know how long it takes to make a toad fillet?
Let us spray.
I can’t wait to see what Jesse Ventura has to say about this one!
I can wait, Miss Mommy……I.Can.Wait.
But, but, but, they ain’t a spaying nothin’ Spakles, that’s what I’m a splainin’.
It’s a secret message from — Writers in the Sky!
It says, “If you can read this…. duck!”
This has nothing to do with this post, but does anyone have that song that was made from YSaC, Vol. 827? I just read that post… I have to hear it in song.
Did I not fulfill the Snark Quota today?
Did you mean this song by HamCan?
By: Scary Dickons
But pity pity pity But pity ay
But pity pity pity But pity ay
Even though the sound of it
Is something quite obnoxious
If you say it loud enough
You’ll always sound Bipolar
But pity pity pity But pity ay
But pity pity pity But pity ay
Because I was a crazy freak
When I was just a lad
My father was a tweaker
And told me I was bad
But then one day I learned a word
That saved me aching ass
The biggest word I ever heard
And this is how it goes:
Oh, Predegogginnaniessienniueccieessence!
Even though the sound of it
Is something quite obnoxious
If you say it loud enough
You’ll always sound Bipolar
But pity pity pity But pity ay
But pity pity pity But pity ay
So when the crack has you wagging your tongue
There’s a need for total disarray
Just summon up this word
And then you’ve got a lot crap to say
But better use it carefully
Or it may change your life
One night I said it to my girl
And now the girl’s my husband!
It’s Predegogginnaniessienniueccieessence!
If so, it is from “Mary Poppins”: “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”
I was pretty funny in 827…
Yep, that was a good year. You must be a very old puppy.
Yeah, I remeber it well, my buddy Pope Eugene II died…
On the upside you should see the size of my 401k!
I bet you have a vintage sprayer.
Once upon a time, we had forums here. We had so much fun. Sigh. I’ll look for the song version for my sanity.
Vapor, vapor in the sky.
From a jet plane way up high.
Do you spray to kill a fly?
Will you barium when he die?