YSaC, Vol. 1759: ALT!
2014 September 22
old – $20
Just to be clear – I haven’t redacted anything here. The text of the ad is, in fact, the word “text.” If brevity is the soul of wit, then this guy is clearly Stephen Hawking and Oscar Wilde’s illegitimate love child.
Thanks for the post, SD.
Is the old new or used?
Perhaps it is certified pre-owned.
Is this better or worse than Vogon poetry?
How old does a text have to be before it’s antique or vintage?
Back from when all webs were made by spiders.
Edit: I mean redacted.
Tsk. This is obviously code for TEXas Tea. Sparky struck oil in his back yard, and will sell it to you for $50. Everyone knows crude oil is old, otherwise it’s still a dinosaur.
I wanted to say something about dinosweets, but there are slim pickings on the web.
Well, baby oil is young, but you might get arrested if you strike a baby oil.
[corey] Actually, oil is metamorphosed algae; just pond scum put through a crock pot. Where the fauna content exceses the flora, and is in fully saturated sediment, then the material transmogrifies into coal.
That latter process is actually somewhat more rare–in rude abuse of the word–than the former. In a reasonably equipped laboratory, algae can be rendered into crude–just not without an energy deficient (more BTU in than gained). Our German friends have even built some solar-powered stills which will crank out a light crude radiliy enough. In fact, almost too successfully.
So, our oil is the stuff of weeds and phytoplankton rather than saurian humors.
M2N2, This is your eviction notice. Punchity Punch Punch! Don’t forget your lovely, old parting gift.
Good Morning, Legal Briefs!
Don’t worry dan, I’ll do it for you.
If this isn’t quite right, I’ve got some premium bird seed standing by for Mama Windy if she needs to fix it.
Some people shouldn’t be allowed to use the interwebz.
That’s right. We spend all day building webz, then some yahoo comes along, not looking where he’s going, and walks right through the connection cables. Then he freaks out trying to get them off his face and winds up pulling out all he stops. Then some Sparky uses all he stops in his craigslist ad like in YSaC Vol. 644 (related post), and doesn’t leave any for this guy.
OK, so Sparky has an old $20 bill, and wants you to text him.
I’d offer $10 if it’s in good condition; $5 if it’s all wrinkled.
I thought CraigsList had banned escort ads……
I wonder if he would trade for a new, freshly printed $9, $8 and $3?
for me this has Zen qualities. Or it’s the starter for a word association game with a $20 prize.
Please email my winnings.
Oh look, an email from a Nigerian prince telling me I’m owed some money. That must be my winnings.
I got a hundred dollars.
Hey, I got arrested!
I got a rock.
I got some
Yes, I know I am. I don’t need to pay $20 for you to tell me that, or to teach me how to text. I already know how to do that…… well, sort of…… if I could just find my glasses…. and my fingers weren’t so stiff….. aww, the heck with it. Where’s a rotary phone?