YSaC, Vol. 375: The starch helps you stay up.

2009 July 27
by drmk

Not sure what these are

Not sure what these are, they are too heavy to float, but they look like surf boards. They have legs under them like a very tall table. I think they are some sort of surf training tool. If you would like one or both of them, please let me know if you would like them.


This was posted in Boise, Idaho, which is well-known as the second surf capital of the USA. (Second only, of course, to Casper, Wyoming.)

My mother — who to this day still irons her sheets — would have an apoplectic fit if she saw this.

179 Responses leave one →
  1. 2009 July 27
    Clovis Sangrail permalink

    They’re party boards. Spluh.

    Adores: 21
    • 2009 July 27
      Mary permalink

      Yeah: way to cite Futurama, Clovis!

      Adores: 3
      • 2009 August 6
        Peach permalink

        Way to do the same thing while inexplicably acting smug about it!

        Adores: 11
    • 2009 July 27
      Count Blah permalink

      Marry me. <3

      Adores: 0
      • 2009 July 27
        drmk permalink

        I wanna be invited to the wedding!

        Adores: 4
        • 2009 July 28
          Huh permalink

          But…. you’re a camel.

          Adores: 4
        • 2009 July 28
          drmk permalink

          I’m a llama!

          Adores: 6
        • 2009 July 29
          corn flakes permalink

          Llamas can attend weddings.
          I plan on having a 2:1 llama-people ratio at mine.

          Adores: 5
        • 2009 July 29
          Igor The Vigorous permalink

          I call being the flowerboy.

          Adores: 3
  2. 2009 July 27

    the stupidity – it burns!

    Adores: 7
  3. 2009 July 27
    flying fish permalink

    ad poster is obviously a fan of YSAC!!

    Adores: 0
  4. 2009 July 27
    Stephanie permalink

    Technically, it’s CaspEr, Wyoming. It was changed in the early 1900’s because of a typo that was never fixed. Just thought you’d like to know 🙂

    Adores: 0
    • 2009 July 27

      I interned in the 1990s at Fort Caspar in Casper. Caspar was the spelling of the name of Caspar Collins, who the fort and town is named after. (Fort Collins was already named, after his dad, which is why they used his first name.)

      Adores: 0
    • 2009 July 27
      drmk permalink

      Thanks! I fixed it, and I fired my research department (myself).

      Adores: 2
      • 2009 July 28

        Now that you’re an unemployed bum, maybe you’d like to learn to surf?

        Adores: 28
  5. 2009 July 27

    “Pick them up today and I’ll throw in this awesome 8-setting electric grilled-cheese-maker: http://bit.ly/XlGgy .”

    Adores: 10
  6. 2009 July 27
    Dan permalink

    How is it that THIS person can actually spell and use punctuation?

    Adores: 5
    • 2009 July 27
      jackie31337 permalink

      I was astonished by that too. They even got to/too right! They were doing great until the last sentence, when it turned into the department of redundancy department.

      Adores: 6
    • 2009 July 29
      Canaduck permalink

      I’m pretty sure it’s because it’s a joke.

      Adores: 4
  7. 2009 July 27
    Colleen in MA permalink

    I really need few photos of these surf training tools in use before I purchase them.

    Adores: 5
  8. 2009 July 27
    Zayrina permalink

    Actually I am sure they are having a good laugh at you for thinking they were serious with this.

    Adores: 0
    • 2009 July 27
      drmk permalink

      That’s okay, I’m having a good laugh at them, too. I don’t care whether they’re serious or not.

      Adores: 6
  9. 2009 July 27
    D / DM permalink

    I’m pretty sure it’s a joke. There’s no way anyone with the authority to dispose of ironing boards wouldn’t know what they are.

    Adores: 5
    • 2009 July 27
      Linnee permalink

      “…anyone with the authority to dispose of ironing boards…”

      Don’t mess with the authorities!

      Adores: 9
    • 2009 July 30
      iwn2000 permalink

      If it’s a joke, does that make them Irony Boards?

      Adores: 28
      • 2009 August 3
        D / DM permalink

        Steamcerity? Or starchasm?

        (Crickets chirping.)

        Adores: 4
  10. 2009 July 27

    Ironing boards?

    Adores: 2
    • 2009 July 28
      drmk permalink

      Well done.

      Adores: 9
      • 2009 July 29
        Igor The Vigorous permalink

        -Claps for “special people”-

        Adores: 4
  11. 2009 July 27
    Jimakaphil permalink

    My God I hope this is a joke.

    Adores: 3
    • 2009 July 28

      My thoughts exactly!

      Adores: 0
      • 2009 July 28
        No.. permalink

        No…I hope it’s a joke and that you’re not actually captain obvious. We already knew what they were.

        Adores: 0
        • 2009 July 28
          Amy H. permalink

          My thoughts exactly!

          Adores: 0
      • 2009 August 3
        D / DM permalink


        Check your keyboard. I think your “My thoughts exactly!” key is stuck.

        Adores: 18
  12. 2009 July 27
    Lola permalink

    Just as when velcro shoes were decried as leading our country’s children to lives where they wouldn’t know how to tie a knot, here now we see the fruits of that product of Satan, wrinkle releaser.

    Someone is either having a laugh or they are a youngish male whose mother never ironed, either because she couldn’t be arsed or because she sent everything out to be washed and pressed.

    Adores: 2
    • 2009 July 27
      jackie31337 permalink

      I just realized that my 6-year-old would probably have no idea what an iron or an ironing board are for. I generally avoid any clothing that needs to be ironed, and on the off chance I ever do need to iron something, I usually do it after she’s asleep.

      When I first came to Finland 10 years ago, I was an au pair for people who requested that I not only iron their sheets, but also iron their underwear. On an unrelated note, they were a little unclear on the au pair concept and thought it meant live-in maid. Their kids went to all-day daycare.

      Adores: 0
      • 2009 July 28

        Just like my kid came back from China with a (genuine?) Chairman Mao watch, and was crestfallen when it wasn’t ticking when she took it out to give to me – she (and many of her gen) didn’t know that in the ancient days (the 50’s, e.g.) you had to wind a watch to get it to tick. i wound it, it worked, happy ending. Till it broke a month later.

        Adores: 2
      • 2009 September 2
        Addicted Reader permalink

        I don’t have kids yet, but probably the only way they’d recognize these is if they found the one in my parents’ house hidden behind the laundry room door. My mother irons occasionally. I iron never. I thought about buying an iron or steamer when I moved out, but can’t be bothered. My husband gets his nicer clothes dry-cleaned anyway, and I find that taking things out of the dryer while still slightly damp or folding as soon as dry is good enough for the rest of it. When I care.

        Adores: 1
        • 2013 May 12
          nojazzhere permalink

          Thanks for the laundry lesson.

          Adores: 2
  13. 2009 July 27
    abc permalink

    Dear YSAC: I’m pretty YOU suck at telling when someone is MAKING A JOKE. Jeez. A person tries to add a little flavor to what would otherwise be a boring CL ad for ironing boards and you reward them by putting them on this site as if they were really too dumb to know what an ironing board is? Who’s really the dumb one? … Just like when you were too dumb to recognize the (awesome!) “I love lamp” reference — and then when someone pointed it out to you, you made some lame-ass comment to cover yourself, like “Oh, well it’s still a bad way to sell a lamp, har har.” No. It was a cool way to sell a lamp. And this is a cooler than the boring usual way to get rid of ironing boards. Sheesh!

    Adores: 1
    • 2009 July 27
      Josie permalink

      Are you sure these people don’t know what an ironing board is? I’ve learned never to discount the stupidity of some people, especially in an age where a lot of people don’t know or don’t care about ironing.

      This is why the internet can’t have nice things.

      Adores: 8
      • 2009 July 28
        jackie31337 permalink

        I think abc is the Craigslist poster and is annoyed that his joke was not praised for its obvious brilliance… and also nobody is interested in his ironing boards.

        Adores: 13
        • 2009 July 28
          Lola permalink

          abc misses the point that the seller missed the point. How is a person who wants to buy an ironing board supposed to search for a listing that never, ever mentions the phrase? Guessing? You’re not going to sell something if nobody knows how to search for it.

          Seller = communication fail
          abc = grasp of concept of communication fail

          Adores: 12
        • 2009 July 28
          abc permalink

          No, not a troll. Just a random person who read YSAC and made a comment. Sheesh. On a separate note, thanks for being presumptuous about my gender. I was not aware that “abc” was so clearly a masculine name. Who knew?

          Adores: 0
      • 2009 August 3
        D / DM permalink

        @Josie: “This is why the internet can’t have nice things.” Brilliant.

        @abc: No one was being “presumptuous” about your gender. You may recall from high school English that the masculine includes the feminine. The pronoun “he” is the proper way to refer to a person of indeterminate gender.

        Adores: 11
      • 2010 October 21
        NotMyName permalink

        I’ve learned never to discount the stupidity of some people.

        Amen to that.

        Adores: 0
    • 2009 July 27
      woofless permalink

      Wow. Somebody sure has their panties in a knot.

      Y’know, I happen to know somebody who is selling a couple of ironing boards. Those, coupled with an iron, will help get those panty knots & any accompanying wrinkles smoothed right out. Just be careful not to add too much starch, because starched panties tend to chafe.

      Yeah, the ad could be a joke- but judging from other examples seen on this site and elsewhere, it could also very easily be *quite* serious. The Internet is fun that way.

      And for what it’s worth, I didn’t get the “I love lamp” reference either, despite having seen Anchorman. Once. Apparently it wasn’t nearly as memorable or life-changing for me as it was for you & several others. Either way, not “getting” a pop culture reference connected to a somewhat forgotten-about summer comedy is hardly a reason to call somebody “dumb”.

      Don’t like the blog? Don’t read it. There are plenty of others out there that I’m sure meet with your lofty intellectual standards. But no sense in getting all worked up about it.

      Adores: 12
      • 2009 July 29
        candace permalink

        ….Yeah!….what woofless said!….

        I had a long day and have no inspired words for grouches. Just lighten up, abc. I saw an ad on craigslist the other day, someone selling a sense of humor for a buck. Go check it out.

        Toodles! =)

        Adores: 4
      • 2009 August 3
        D / DM permalink

        @woofless: How do you know abc doesn’t like YSaC? This could be HIS attempt at humor, and maybe HE just doesn’t see the line until HE has crossed over it. Famous comedians have made similar mistakes.

        Adores: 1
        • 2013 May 12
          nojazzhere permalink

          Are you saying God doesn’t have a sense of humor? He may not take that lightly…. Oh dear, did I just make your point? This is fun… commenting four years later.

          Adores: 1
    • 2009 July 27
      drmk permalink

      They can’t all be winners, I guess. *shrugs*

      Sorry you didn’t like it, abc. Feel free to send in any listings you find that you think are more appropriate.

      Adores: 4
      • 2009 July 27

        abc = troll

        Adores: 5
        • 2009 July 29
          corn flakes permalink

          abc = d-bag

          Adores: 5
    • 2009 July 27
      marlo permalink

      This blog is awesome, and you’re a douchebag.

      Adores: 2
      • 2009 July 27
        Pianodan permalink

        This is what I love about this blog. Even the commenters accusing others of being douchebags still manage to produce the correct form of “you’re.”

        Adores: 14
        • 2009 July 27
          drmk permalink

          Not to mention “douchebag”!

          Adores: 0
    • 2009 July 27
      Count Blah permalink

      I figure it’s probably a joke, too–and it’s hilarious. But the ad’s “extra flavour” isn’t going to help the poster actually unload the ironing boards. Why? Because a person looking for an ironing board would probably do a keyword search and the phrase “ironing board” doesn’t occur anywhere in the ad.

      Adores: 3
      • 2009 July 28
        Colleen in MA permalink

        Exactly – what Count Blah says. What’s the point of going thru all that effort just for a joke if you really do want to unload the items? The purpose of CL is to facilitate mutually beneficial transactions. So, ad = SUCK. Now go away.

        Adores: 0
        • 2009 August 3
          D / DM permalink

          Maybe it’s just COMPLETELY a joke. Maybe the poster wasn’t even actually trying to get rid of the ironing boards at all, but just got bored and wanted to get some laughs.

          Here’s hoping.

          Adores: 0
    • 2009 July 27

      Dear ABC,

      I’m pretty sure you suck at irony.

      And, I’m pretty SUCK, too.

      Adores: 2
      • 2009 July 29

        to quote my charming husband…”you say SUCK like its a BAD thing”

        Adores: 5
    • 2009 July 28
      dogface permalink

      Oooh, the first official troll! (I think.) YSaC has reached the big leagues! 😀

      Adores: 0
      • 2009 July 28
        abc permalink

        Actually, dogface, everyone who disagrees with you or the majority or a website is not a “troll”. In fact, I know this might blow your mind, but, a person could even be a HUGE fan of a website but still make ONE critical comment about it. Now, here, that’s not the case, because a friend just introduced me to this site and I immediately noticed that it wasn’t that great. However, I’m an extremely devoted fan of Failblog.org yet I *did* post a comment there once saying that what they had labeled a “Fail” I actually thought was a wonderful “Win”. Oh my god! Everyone in the world doesn’t have to agree with everyone else in the world! Holy shit! Sorry dude – I know I just shattered your universe.

        Adores: 0
        • 2009 July 28
          drmk permalink

          Sorry you’re not a big fan, abc. Again, if you can find better material, please feel free to send it along.

          Adores: 7
        • 2009 July 29
          corn flakes permalink

          The amazing thing about the internet is that if there is something that you dont like, you can go to one of the other billions of websites and find something more to your choosing.
          It works better than being a giant dick and ranting like a petulant child in an attempt to ruin other people’s day. We’re sorry you were not hugged enough as a kid. No need to lash out at anything that may bring people joy.

          Adores: 6
        • 2009 July 29
          Igor The Vigorous permalink

          Failblog is for the newbies.
          Branch out into PK political debates and I’ll be impressed, and/or be there waiting for you to enter the arena.
          However, we already have an “ABCD” troll, so you’ll fit in perfect in our alphabet troll listing.

          Adores: 3
        • 2009 July 29
          dogface permalink

          Simply disagreeing is one thing. Throwing a net tantrum, making repeated visits to a blog you say you don’t like, and insulting the person who runs the blog is another.

          Also, one million points to drmk for being so awesomely diplomatic.

          P.S. I don’t have a mind to blow. Not anymore, anyway….

          Adores: 7
        • 2009 July 29

          Poor ABC, you’re just misunderstood, right? Those mean commenters just pounced on you with no provocation, right? The audacity of running a blog that you Just. Don’t. Like!


          Adores: 4
        • 2009 August 1
          Em M. permalink

          Oh, well then, abc. You certainly showed me. I was all set to label you a troll along with everyone else, but now that you’ve posted this reply, I suddenly see your point of view! My universe has been utterly shattered.

          In case you can’t tell, I’m being sarcastic. Douchetroll.

          Adores: 6
        • 2009 August 3
          D / DM permalink

          YSaC “isn’t that great” but you’re “an extremely devoted fan of Failblog.org”?

          So your unique sense of humor includes a deep appreciation for the beating of dead horses. It all makes sense now.

          Adores: 4
        • 2013 May 12
          Francois Tremblay permalink

          Methinks the troll doth protest too much.

          Adores: 1
  14. 2009 July 27

    I think it’s a joke.

    Adores: 2
  15. 2009 July 27
    Sherri permalink

    Joke or not, there is a real danger someone will see those things and think “Oh, hey, surf trainers! Cool!” and try one out. While the resulting injuries will amuse the ER staff, it’s kind of a bad karma thing.

    And complete sentences make excessive indignation so much more palatable.

    Adores: 6
    • 2010 February 10
      Steph permalink

      I’ve learned one piece of wisdom from the Internet: Never do anything you wouldn’t want to have to explain to the paramedics.

      Adores: 5
  16. 2009 July 27
    Count Blah permalink

    On the subject of people not recognizing basic, everyday objects: my friend’s 9 year old needed money for a school trip and when she gave him a $20 bill he was like “Nooooooooo, Mommy! I need REAL money.” He’d never seen paper money before and didn’t know what it was.

    Adores: 3
    • 2009 July 29

      my 2 yr. old grandson stood in front of a (manual, old fashioned)door waiting for it to open…c’mon now…THAT’S FUNNY! we are raising a nation of kids with little to no understanding of REAL life. MALL RATS as it were…doors open without pushing, stairs go up or down so you don’t have to step but once to get on,once to get off.. swipe a card to pay instead of counting cash (saves the poor girl at the register from having to learn how to count back change though…)…sad really…

      Adores: 5
  17. 2009 July 28
    somedude permalink

    The one on the right looks like a squid!

    Adores: 2
  18. 2009 July 28
    Idiots permalink

    These are ironing boards, idiots!

    Adores: 0
    • 2009 July 28
      Count Blah permalink

      Do you always talk to yourself in public? o.O

      Adores: 4
    • 2009 July 28
      drmk permalink

      Thanks … we were all so flummoxed!

      Adores: 6
      • 2009 July 29

        FLUMMOXED!! drmk said FLUMMOXED!!! roflmao…haven’t heard that in YEARS!!

        Adores: 2
  19. 2009 July 28

    My mother would have a fit because the legs are metal. “You can’t iron on a METAL ironing board! What’s the matter with WOOD? They don’t make WOODEN ironing boards any more? What is this world coming to, already? First with the ELECTRIC irons, like maybe you don’t need to iron when the electric goes out, and now these new-fangled modern metal . . .”

    Adores: 3
  20. 2009 July 28
    LOL permalink

    u know theres a website somewhere with a screenshot of this post and mad people laughing at all of you who think the OP is serious.

    Adores: 0
    • 2009 July 28
      antoinette jeanine permalink

      I think I just went down the rabbit hole. So…meta…pretty colors…ooooo…

      By the way, can you provide a link to this “You Suck at Pointing Out People that Suck at Craigslist” site?

      Adores: 5
  21. 2009 July 28
    Jamie permalink

    Wait… so, if the guy’s joking, and we’re laughing at the joke, there’s something wrong with us? I guess it’s only okay to laugh at the joke if we’re laughing ironically?

    Adores: 5
    • 2009 July 28
      Kerrin permalink

      Does he still suck at craigslist? Yup.

      Adores: 3
  22. 2009 July 28
    Billy Bobb Johnsson permalink

    Those are berka mannequins, right?

    Adores: 5
  23. 2009 July 28

    I laughed so hard I couldn’t see straight! Honestly? A surf training tool? What type of life would one have to have? They are able to take a picture of it, upload it to their computer, quite possibly by what this person believes to be magic, and then proceed to sell it. Yet they have never come across an ironing board. Astonishing!

    Adores: 2
    • 2009 August 3
      D / DM permalink

      I think your character sketch is off a little. I would classify ironing as peripheral to personal hygiene, and based on some World of Warcraft players I’ve met, I’d say one can be rather computer savvy and have little appreciation for personal hygiene.

      Adores: 2
  24. 2009 July 28
    Capt. Obvious permalink

    Its ironing boards you idiots!

    Adores: 1
    • 2009 July 28
      drmk permalink

      Thanks, Capt. Obvious. We would never have figured that out without your help.

      Reading comprehension fail. Sigh.

      Adores: 4
      • 2009 August 3
        D / DM permalink

        Was gonna write something snarky about the irony of the phrase “reading comprehension fail” here, but I think I’ve already commented on this post enough.

        Adores: 1
  25. 2009 July 28

    I just had a cuppa tea meet monitor moment reading this. heh :o)

    Adores: 1
  26. 2009 July 28

    Uh yeah clearly the person that wrote the ad was joking..but let’s all believe it anyway for the sqake of a weak joke..

    Adores: 0
    • 2009 July 28
      jackie31337 permalink

      You should really see a professional about that.

      Adores: 0
      • 2009 July 28
        drmk permalink

        You mean the fact that he’s alternately Max and Brad on his “make money online” sites, and that all of his photos are from stockphoto.com? Yeah, he probably should. 😉

        Adores: 2
    • 2009 July 30
      Dumbledorfer permalink

      What is a sqake?

      Adores: 0
      • 2009 August 3
        D / DM permalink

        It’s a gardening tool that was invented after the spork really took off. It picks up leaves and waters flowers simultaneously.

        Adores: 11
  27. 2009 July 28

    This ad just illustrates my Age of Post-irony Theory of the Internet (and even refers back to it in the form of a really bad pun!)

    See, even if this particular ad is not intended to be taken seriously, there are now enough people on the Internet that somewhere, someone is saying this exact same thing with complete sincerity. This means that you can never, at any point, for any reason, assume someone is not serious about something they say (unless you know them well enough to walk over to them and ask) because they may well be that person who is serious.

    Not that you need to know this, but this theory works particularly well with weird sexual fetishes. In fact, it’s the natural, logical extension of Rule 34. So you think that that website devoted to RealDolls having sex with inflatable dolphins is a joke? Maybe it is. But somewhere, someone is drawing erotic fan art of that exact situation (and probably intending to sell it on Craigslist.)

    Adores: 8
    • 2009 August 3
      Sherri permalink

      Andre, I think I love you. Non-ironically and most likely temporarily, but take it for what it’s worth.

      Adores: 3
  28. 2009 July 28
    d00d permalink

    Funny post, and funny thread. *claps*

    Adores: 0
  29. 2009 July 28

    Weapons of mass destruction, obviously.

    Adores: 0
  30. 2009 July 28

    Ironing boards.

    Adores: 0
  31. 2009 July 28
    klang permalink

    I *think* those are used for this Extreme Sport:



    Adores: 1
  32. 2009 July 28
    Gene permalink

    its for ironing.

    Adores: 0
    • 2009 July 28
      drmk permalink


      Adores: 8
    • 2009 August 3
      D / DM permalink

      Gene, I WANT to believe you, I really do. But… can you cite your references?

      Adores: 16
  33. 2009 July 28
    Stacy permalink

    I just like the fact that people keep referring to the *irony* of the subject.


    Adores: 2
  34. 2009 July 28
    hey man permalink

    thats a ironing board dumbfuck

    Adores: 1
    • 2009 July 28
      drmk permalink

      Hey, thanks.

      Reading comprehension fail. Again. Sigh.

      Adores: 7
    • 2009 July 29

      I find it interesting that so many people make it all the way to the comment section completely ignorant of the concept of this website.

      P.S. This posting was on the front page of Digg or something today, I found it on POPurls.com…

      …thoroughly entertained.

      Adores: 1
  35. 2009 July 28

    I’m pretty sure people are just reading the title of the CL ad, drmk. They’re trying to be helpful by answering, thinking it’s an actual question you’re puzzled by!

    Which is funny in its own way.

    Adores: 3
    • 2009 July 28
      drmk permalink

      I know. It’s kind of meta, actually. They are, in fact, sucking at You Suck at Craigslist, which is simultaneously funny and sad.

      Adores: 9
    • 2009 August 3
      Sherri permalink

      Of course, there are always plenty of people around the Interwebinet just looking for a chance to demonstrate to the world how much smarter they are than anyone else. They serve a purpose as bad examples.

      drmk should keep a running score of how many people feel overwhelmingly driven to tell us all those ironing boards are ironing boards and post it at the top of the entry as

      ” [X] number of people have already informed us these are ironing boards. Thank you for your attention.”

      Somehow, I think at least two or three thought they were being hysterically funny (in an ironic way) by pointing out what had been well discussed before. “OH, you said IRONING BOARDS! Oh, ha! I thought you say ironing boards. Completely different!”

      Adores: 2
      • 2009 August 3
        D / DM permalink

        “Of course, there are always plenty of people around the Interwebinet just looking for a chance to demonstrate to the world how much smarter they are than anyone else.”

        Indeed. I’m glad none of US fall into this category. 🙂

        Adores: 4
  36. 2009 July 28
    Milla permalink

    30 years ago I roomed with a woman 10 or so years younger who had never seen an ironing board until I moved mine in. Seriously. Her mother was a nurse in the 1960s and didn’t have time to iron her (5) kids’ clothes. The kids were in charge of emptying the dryer. If she didn’t get it out of the dryer in time, she wore it wrinkled — even as an adult. It was a good joke and a good memory prodder.

    Adores: 1
    • 2009 July 29
      jackie31337 permalink

      That’s generally my approach to clothing too, except I usually line dry my laundry. It comes out slightly less wrinkled that way.

      Adores: 1
  37. 2009 July 29
    corn flakes permalink

    I wish all these helpful people were around 8 years ago.
    I’m from south of Boise. It is common misinformation in Idaho that those ARE surfing equipment.
    I had 3 brothers drown is surfing related accidents.

    Adores: 7
  38. 2009 July 29

    Wow. 100+ comments. DRMK, you do NOT suck at YSACL.

    Adores: 0
  39. 2009 August 1
    Jamie permalink

    It’s an irony board. 😉

    Adores: 4
  40. 2009 August 3
    Cathy D permalink

    It’s an ironing board! Do I win the car? Seriously, I just love seeing the camel sigh 🙂 Do I have to throw in an insult or a swear to make that happen? Thanks for the great site and the seriously painful laughs.

    Adores: 1
    • 2009 August 3
      drmk permalink



      (Happy? 😉 )

      Adores: 2
      • 2009 August 3
        Cathy D permalink

        Sorry, drmk. Llama. I am not camelid savvy. I am happy though!

        Adores: 1
  41. 2009 August 3
    D / DM permalink

    So, all jokes aside, what are those things, really?

    Adores: 13
    • 2009 November 1
      Ha! permalink

      Funniest comment so far.

      Adores: 1
  42. 2009 August 8
    HaileyHorror permalink


    I have read every comment on here & now have a headache due to all the complete idiots that seem to either think their being funny, or think NO ONE ELSE KNOWS IT’S AN IRONING BOARD.

    Good God we are all going to Hell.

    & Poor drmk, apparently no one has seen a llama before 🙁

    I love this post though 🙂 I heard about it on 91.x, during their “What’s On The Interenet” feature, and the whole station was laughing at this poor soul who’s never seen an Ironing Board before.

    I do hope it is just a joke, but…I’m thinking not. Usually the person really is just that stupid in these cases…

    Adores: 0
    • 2013 May 12
      nojazzhere permalink

      Of course it’s a joke! We just don’t know if it’s an INTENTIONAL joke.

      Adores: 3
  43. 2009 August 8

    I remember when that got posted here. What followed were quite a few posts explaining what they are.

    Adores: 0
  44. 2009 September 10
    AestheticQuietus permalink

    How the hell am I supposed to stop procrastinating on my project, which is due tomorrow I might add, with all your deliciously humorous content!
    It’s not fair, I demand that you stop being so funny this instant.

    Adores: 0
    • 2009 September 16
      Procrastinator permalink

      Just stumbled on YSaC and love it!

      BTW, those are ironing boards. Just wanted to let you know, so you know.

      Adores: 2
  45. 2009 September 22
    heather permalink

    aren’t there triangular things that come with these odd looking boards? I think they get hot. Not sure what they are used for….lol

    Adores: 1
  46. 2009 October 14
    Tori permalink

    YAY Casper!! We sand surf.

    Adores: 0
  47. 2009 November 9
    Geigergirl permalink

    Does this make them ironic boards?
    Can I let you know that I don’t want them, even if I do in fact want them? Or Can I refrain from letting you know that I don’t want them? Hey, I know where you could trade the training boards for a box or two of stuffe….. NOWWWWWW!

    Adores: 4
  48. 2010 February 10
    Steph permalink

    Ooh, ooh, I know what those are! They’re shelves! They’re temporary, movable shelves! What? Haven’t any of you ever seen those things in someone’s bedroom stacked high with books/magazines/freshly folded laundry/dirty dishes/etc.?

    *sigh* Gosh, people. I can say with complete sincerity* that those are NOT ironing boards.

    *and a bit of sarcasm

    Adores: 4
  49. 2010 July 16
    Moira permalink

    Gotta say I am SO glad most of these folks didn’t stick around. They fail at the snark and the funny. They do, however, remind me why I love it here but ignore comments on most *other* blogs.

    Adores: 1
    • 2010 July 16
      TacoMagic permalink

      Yeah, many of these earlier commenters would have been stigmatized as coreys in todays more hip, snarky posts.

      It’s amazing to think that things have changed so drastically in the past year on the snarking scene.

      Nowadays everyone has these fancy gravatars, the memes flow like Milwaukee’s Best at a frat party, and nobody knows what the hell is going on most of the time. Ahh, sweet, sweet confusion.

      You know, thinking back… I have no idea when I first commented *goes to peruse the posts*

      Adores: 1
    • 2010 July 16
      LurkRealClose permalink

      I also rarely read comments on “other” blogs, for this very reason.

      On an unrelated note, those things in the picture kind of look like ironing boards. Will a camel spit at me, now?

      Adores: 1
      • 2010 July 16
        TacoMagic permalink

        I’ve tried commenting on other blogs (Specifically I spent a while over at Lovely Listing, even got loveliest comment a few times), but this is the only one I’ve continued to post on.

        Frankly there is just no comparison to the quality of the postings and commentary. And beyond that, even with such quality there is also quantity! A mixture I’ve not seen on any other site. 200+ daily comments of hearty, intelligent snark is a hard show to top.

        Adores: 0
      • 2010 August 2
        Windrose permalink

        Llama, not a camel! Llama, say it with me, Lla-ma. May bees be upon you.

        Adores: 0
    • 2010 July 16

      This post happened to get picked up by Reddit, so a lot of the people reading this particular post had never read the blog before. The site DID get over 150,000 hits in one day, though, which was kind of awesome.

      Adores: 2
      • 2010 July 16
        LurkRealClose permalink

        That’s very awesome!

        Adores: 0
  50. 2010 August 1

    they’re ironing boards to iron your clothes

    Adores: 1
    • 2010 August 1

      Hey, Bob.
      Gimme back all the apples you took from my washtub!

      Adores: 2
  51. 2010 October 21

    great post

    Adores: 0
  52. 2010 October 21

    Keep up the good work. It looks like there’s more depth here for future posts.

    Adores: 0
  53. 2010 November 3
    Austin Kendall permalink

    -_- Wow srsly? Those are two nice things that us intelligent people call “IRONING BOARDS.” They’re for ironing your clothes when they are wrinkly or need to be flat in certain areas.

    Adores: 2
    • 2010 November 3
      NotMyName permalink

      Wow, I thought they were boogie boards.*

      *Not actually true.

      Adores: 1
  54. 2011 January 19

    I am speechless. This can be a excellent blog and really engaging too. Nice paintings! That’s no longer actually much coming from an newbie writer like me, but it surely’s all I may just say after diving into your posts. Nice grammar and vocabulary. Not like different blogs. You in reality recognise what you?re talking approximately too. Such a lot that you simply made me wish to explore more. Your blog has grow to be a stepping stone for me, my friend.

    Adores: 0
    • 2013 May 12
      CapnMac permalink

      ↑↑ O_o ↑↑

      Adores: 0
      • 2013 May 13
        Windrose permalink

        Shhh, it’s old spam, you don’t want to wake it up.

        Adores: 1
  55. 2011 April 20

    Well, this is clearly the postmodern version of the penultimate episode in Homer’s Odyssey.

    To wiki-quote: “Odysseus is instructed by Tiresias to take an oar from his ship and to walk inland until he finds a “land that knows nothing of the sea”, where the oar would be mistaken for a winnowing fan. At this point, he is to offer a sacrifice to Poseidon, and then at last his journeys would be over.”

    These ironing boards have come in from the coast to a land that knows nothing of the surf…. oh, wait….. why, yes, this IS irony!

    Adores: 0
  56. 2013 May 12

    Okay, I give up. What are those things? (puts on rumpled flannel shirt and bundles up dress shirts for the shirt laundry)

    Adores: 2
    • 2013 May 12

      I have no idea. Might have to do a Google Image Search to find out.

      Adores: 0
    • 2013 May 12
      limelolly permalink

      I’m confused too. They look like surf boards.

      Adores: 1
  57. 2013 May 12

    I can’t believe this is the most read post! It’s boardering on boring. 8) Love all the unintentional coreys here.

    Adores: 0
    • 2013 May 12
      Demon Duck of Doom permalink

      From back before we didn’t suck at commenting, apparently. These days everyone knows a camel board when they see one.

      Adores: 3
  58. 2013 May 13

    That’s a lot of animosity there.

    Adores: 2
  59. 2013 May 13
    Windrose permalink

    Dagnab it! I forgot to punch the Saturday Crew before turning them loose! I don’t even remember who the culprits are. I am so going to get fired.

    Adores: 0
    • 2013 May 13
      limelolly permalink

      I think you were in the baux, Windy. 🙂 Don’t you remember? I’m pretty sure I saw you there, and if not, I’m still going to insist that it was you. 8)

      Adores: 1
      • 2013 May 14

        Not it! I do keep notes, I just can’t access them from work. 8) It was you, ghosty, Oxford Comma, and Dave. Minus the Oxford Comma. I think Ducky went on a picnic or something. Some snuggling may have been involved. So Punchity Punch Punch on you!

        Adores: 0

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