YSaC, Vol. 680: I’d probably only walk about 38 feet for this.
“CLYDE” the Camel table.. Unique
This has to be the most unique item on Cragslist today, it is a table made to look like a Camel. If you have a love for Camels, and room for this, it is different. I hate to tell what the price on this was when I bought it, but for $500.00 OBO it can be yours. It is to big or it would be on ebay. Has 2 heavy swivel chairs with it. Make a great thing to have in a sun room or breakfast nook, it’s just to big for my house. Stands aprox 4 foot to the top of his head, 6 foot long and 30″ wide. The chairs are steel frame and heavy, the Camel is some king of plastic or composit material. If interested and want to see it, call Fred at 1-xxx-xxx-xxxx. Want to have something different? Heres your chance.
We’ve seen some really ugly tables here on YSaC before. There was the red table for sale! take it for free!! (although that one was more sort of a gedankentable, since we never actually saw it), the blech table, the custom pink table, and the bronze lady coffee table (that last is not safe for work, I promise, and it STILL makes me say, “What the hell?”).
But you know what all of those tables were missing? CAMELS. I mean, this is giving even THE table a run for its money. It certainly wins if you’re counting the number of camels. I mean, look at this table. It has a camel. Look at THE table. It does not have any camels! I know, because I counted them. Twice. There is a complete lack of camels there. But here? Here we have a camel. And that’s better.
Thanks for the camel table, Chris!
I guess
SparkyFred is tired of all those “nice camel toe!” jokes when the fellas come over.Well, who wouldn’t be? Camels in tight pants cannot be unseen. That is like a hippo in a bikini. Elves in tutus. Not.a.lions in pink camouflage. The horrors.
*Fred is tired of all those “nice camel toe!” jokes *
Or maybe Fred’s tired of explaining to his doctor how he keeps hurting his ankle by banging his foot in the camel toes.
I mean, they do stand out a little.
500 obos? Damn…I have 300 obos, and a red table for free…wonder if we could work out a deal…
I only have one obo, and I’m not allowed to play it in the house.
I have one too. Maybe if we all pool our obos we can get this lovely table?
Pool of Obos would be a cool band name.
I see your obo and raise an engrish horne.
Ooh! An Engrish Horne!
It plays in the Key of Q, just like a Franche Horne!
Franche Horne.. isn’t she a blues singer?
Or as the manicure signs in my neighborhood read, “Frensh Horn.”
It looks like if you lifted the table off the camel, you’d have two ready-for-use bongo drums for any lively party that was going on.
I’m going to have to table my snark until I return from work. Assuming I can save any. It may desert me. YSaC is an oasis for a nomad like me. Baba, Ali!
I now have Disney’s ‘Aladdin’ theme song as an earworm. Thanks for that.
Prince Ali! Fabulous he!
This table and chair set is more like Ali G’s taste, however.
“And now for something completely different…a camel.”
Midnight at the oasis!
Send your table to bed.
I’m sensing a disturbance in the (Spelling)Force. Let’s just take out the ol’ Spelling-o-Matic Detector…
*Turns on Spelling-o-Matic, it promptly explodes.*
Okay, then.
Thanks. I needed that.
“If you have a love for camels,…it is different.”
One hopes.
Having a love for camels will get you arrested in all 50 states and D.C. And Camille, I am using “camel” in the generic sense – don’t care if they have one hump or two – camel-love is sick, sick, sick. Not like domestic farm animals, right, Taco?
I’m wondering, how does one pronounce “Camille”, anyway?
[corey] Dramaderry [/ corey]
*just teasing, dear Camille :)*
Innana – yeah, like I never heard that one in childhood… But no, it’s pronounced more like the beginning of my other offensive childhood nickname, Chameleon.
Sorry! Wouldn’t have gone there but for the subject of today’s post.
That’s OK, I’m not oversensitive (much)…
I can’t decide if I know how to pronounce “Camille” because I know someone (else) named Camille, or because I speak French….
People have a hard time with the missing “T” (or extra “E”, depending on your perspective) with my name. They think it means it’s pronounced differently, so I’ve gotten everything from Brigitte to Brigita. And then when someone forgets my name, I inevitably become Britney.
[corey] Dromedary. [/corey]
Only if you are not dramatic
Sold. I wanna hump under the table.
There’s probably camel poop under that table.
Does a camel poop in the desert?
… and if it does, but only the camel is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
Only Osama bin-bigfoot would know.
This one will get you two humps under the table.
Two humps for $500 OBO – I’m not up on the street value, but $250 obos per hump seems a bit steep.
Well, I was trying to keep it a surprise, but what the hell?
It’s a few weeks early, but Happy Father’s Day, Grampdaddy! I know you and Grampmommy are going to just love having Clyde on display in your home. It is something different, that’s for sure.
What do you mean you don’t want it? It was the most unique item on Cragslist that day!!!!
I’d hate to tell you how much I paid for it, but for $500 I can make it go away.
Whoopee! – a place to put our ‘Major Award’ lamp. All the neighbors will be jealous.
Do me a favor, don’t tell your mother – I want her to be surprised.
If she woke up tomorrow morning with her head sewn to the carpet she wouldn’t be more surprised.
Hey, you could do that. Then when the table shows up, you can be all, “Yeah, but it’s still not as bad as having your head sewn to the carpet, right?” Just imagine the crap you can justify with that as your threshhold comparison! 8)
Lola –
I’ve got a friend who was a film student. For ages, he was trying to get around to getting a film made called “A Poke in the Eye with a Sharp Stick” just so there would then be a valid comparison.
I did that once. (The poking-a-stick-in-your-eye thing, not the-making-a-movie-about-being-poked-in-the-eye-with-a-stick thing.) Not as much fun as you might imagine.
Why am I alone in my adores to this thread? You’re making me spit my breakfast sandwich! It’s harder than you’d think to get homemade biscuit out of a keyboard.
The Sparky-approved procedure is thus;
1. Grasp keyboard firmly.
2. Lean backward in chair, the farther the better.
3. Invert keyboard over body and shake vigorously, keeping eyes open to make sure all large lumps are dislodged.
4. Lower keyboard until keys almost touch nose. Blow hard, sweeping keyboard from side to side.
5. Repeat steps 1-4 as required.
Still waiting for someone to catch the head sewn to the carpet movie reference…
I’ll oblige you Manda…
‘You surprised to see me?’
or the ever famous
‘Grace? Ohhh…She passed away thirty years ago…’
(I’ve been avoiding it because this is a movie I’m stuck watching at least 15 times every December. Thanks, dear hubby)
It’s right there at the edge of my brain but I just…
‘I dedicate this house to the Griswold Family Christmas’
Grampdaddy: My dad has one of those. On Christmas of last year(yes, we celebrate it, because it’s no longer a religious holiday in our opinion. It began as a get the kids gifts so they’d shut up holiday, and has morphed into much, much more) my Great Aunt (the one who lives in Monkey Junction) got him a replica of the Major Award from A Christmas Story, as well as a nightlight version (for our hall bathroom) and a string of little ones that go around a Christmas tree. Our draped outside our house over the bay window (if my mom would let him).
Uncle’s Christmas gift: check.
(A couple of years ago it was the A Christmas Story Monopoly game.)
Jean Shepherd, RIP. When he first wrote about that lamp, he likely had no idea it would become a pop-culture reference …
Astro – the Major Award lamp he speaks of is that of Christmas Story fame and one that my siblings and I gave them a few years back as a Christmas gift. Our family has a long and storied tradition of giving gag gifts…meaning gifts that make you gag. The leg lamp is one of the classiest that has ever been given.
Help me out here, Grampdaddy – we have the legendary panther, the rare quality green monkey, the concrete chicken, the monkey humping tree clock, the Major Award… what am I forgetting?
Actually, there are three panthers – the “black” original, the “Pea Soup” (or Sea Poop) green, and the “Pea Soup” combination panther/planter. I discovered today that all three are currently in my possession – this is unacceptable, so all children are hereby warned.
There also is the Family Fantasy Baseball League Award – “The Silver Painted Hard Cup” plaque.
I think that may be it….
Astro – the lamp is in the front window, overlooking the main street through town – seems only fitting to share it with everyone driving by.
I noticed it’s not been advertised as “pet and smoke free”. The fact that Fred has decided that camel is a proper noun, tells me he bought the table because of the cigarette brand. “Clyde” must be a spy name for “Joe”.
…and those chairs are falafel crap. I expect elevated ottoms to go with my middle eastern theme.
In Soviet Russia, ottoms elevate you!
You know, if it’s hollow you can remove all doubt about the “smoke-free” part. All you need is the proper tools, some tubing, and an air pump.
Clyde is the name of Ahab The Arab’s camel. per Ray Stevens.
Is this a non-smoking table? Is a non-smoking camel table an oxymoron? Is Fred a moron for buying the table in the first place? If Fred cleans the table with that oxygenated cleanser, is he an oxy-moron?
Should I go away now, breathe deeply and think happy thoughts, and come back later when I can interact with other humans?
If Fred has emphysema his portable oxygen tank makes him an oxy-moron.
What? Too abrasive for the Friday of a holiday weekend?
“I hate to tell you what the price was on this” – Why? Because you think we’ll think less of you for paying a lot? Too late – we’ve seen examples of your taste.
I am imaging the awesomely aweful house interior that can be decorated by this terrible furniture. This table/chairs, not.a.lion rugs and paintings, those green elephant thingies from a while ago … I’m just waiting for the lamp that looks like a giraffe with a shade on its head.
I just want a giraffe-leg lamp—sporting some fishnets.
Silly Mudsy – giraffe don’t fish. Why would they need nets?
Don’t forget the bedazzled deer hooves. Those are must haves…
No, Lola likes those!
*Aweful =awful.
“This is your brain … this is your brain on Friday without caffeine. Any qu … what was I talking about?”
Only you would see that, Lola… don’t be so hard on yourself.
If Taco ever shows up, we can blame him and steal his snark. Or shark, or bark..it’s FRIDAY!
Lola – I totally thought you spelled it “aweful” intentionally. Made it funnier for me, like you’re an awe of the amazing awfulness.
There was that as well, KYouell – I wish “aweful” could mean that. However, as these ads show, our language is apparently difficult enough already …
When I saw “I hate to tell you what the price was on this” my first thought was, “because it was five dollars at a garage sale and I’m hoping to con you people out of more.” But I may just be cynical.
I was thinking that any proper self-respecting landfill would charge him to get rid of it. Sell it to some other schmuck… next month, it’ll be free. Just be patient.
Don’t forget the sheep heads chair or deer or moose feet.
You could have a whole “Dead Herbivore” theme! It could start a trend – Inanimate Decor a la Norman Bates.
You know, like “The Jungle Room” from one of those skeevy motels catering to honeymooners, but infinitely more creepifying.
Je l’adore! C’est très sheik.
It’s a Valentino? Why didn’t they say so?
It’s from his Safariniture Collection.
Very Rudy of them not to mention that detail.
And, here I was hoping he meant it had a protective coating . . .
I need a Chelsea the Camel table. I heard they were much gentler and easier to tame. Plus, they could hold more water. ??
The irregularly-shaped top is interesting. Too bad it’s not a round table. Then this guy could start a camel lot.
I don’t think this guy is the right author for that.
So instead of “I am Arthur, King of the Britons,” we have “I am Camel, some King of Plastic.”
that’s Sofa King Plastic!
Live, for one night only –
Camel, The Some King of Plastic; with special guests, The CompoSits!
No, thanks. It clashes with my Sheep Chair.
In keeping with the camel lot theme:
A law was made a minty moon ago here:
A poster’s spelling cannot be too hot.
And there’s a legal limit to math skills here
On Craiglist.
Commas are forbidden where they should be,
But show up randomly where they should not.
By order, octagons have six sides.
On Craiglist.
Craiglist! Craiglist!
I know it sounds a bit bizarre,
But on Craiglist, Craiglist
That’s how conditions are.
Vintage cereals are legal tender.
And all the pickup trucks are filled with bees.
In short, there’s simply not
A more bedazzled spot
For snarking at the somewhat dim than here
On Craigslist.
Tra la! It’s May, the sparky time of May!
That lovely month when capitals go blissfully astray.
When lions have stripes, and dollies stay up nights.
Yuprobalti will whaterpomp and snakes will eat the mice!
I just belatedly noticed that I misspelled Craigslist throughout. More caffeine!
I always figure that ads like this are preceded by this statement: “It’s me or the ___________, Sparky!”
It’s me or the Camel Table, Sparky!
It’s me or the Melting Skeleton Waste Basket, Sparky!
It’s me or the Bedazzled Deer Hoof Coat Hooks, Sparky!
It’s me or the Half A Boat Sand Box, Sparky!
It’s me or the Sheep Throne, Sparky!
Six months later:
Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today…
Pssssst as can of cheap beer is opened mid ceremony
(Yes, this is based on a true story.)
I think I recognize it! PBR, correct?
I’ve got a can of Silly String … please refrain from bic-ing that cigarette you’re getting ready to light there, Sparky. This stuff is incendiary!
Carry on with the eulogy……
I couldn’t attend the funeral, but I sent a nice note saying I approve of it.
PBR… peanut butter raisins? (Would that just be ants in mud?)
Pabst Blue Ribbon. An inexpensive variety of quaff preferred by some for cost, and others for faux-blue collar connection (e.g., weirdly and inexplicably popular among Williamsburg hipsters and other trying-really-hard-to-be-ironic folk).
Lola wins the prize*!
*a splendid table shaped to resemble a domesticated beast of burden
Lola, I think you can get $500 OBO for that prize.. not from me of course, but someone out there in internetlandia must want it.
You really have to feel for Mrs. Sparky. (If indeed there is a Mrs. Sparky and not an amazingly life-like facsimile) There’s nothing like the cold vacant stare of a some-king-of-plastic-or-composit-materials camel to ruin the mood during “Happy Time”.
(Of course, if Mrs. Sparky is the amazingly life-like facsimile, he’s probably used to the cold, vacant stare by now.)
I think I’ll buy it for my mother-in-law, who smokes too much.
Wouldn’t this make her drink too much??
Ah.. I understand the plan now!
With all of the bad Craigslist news going around, this is one of those people I would bring a large friend to meet. What kind of person would buy this in the first place?
*presses buzzer*
What is “a drunk person”,Alex?
Perfectly insane
Hey, that’s what my admissions papers said! You’ve been peeking!
*wanders off to make foil beanie*
Time to take your medicine, Sarajean.
The ones that taste like rainbows are my favorites.
What is a revert-wanting stalker, Alex?
I’ve got to get my eyes checked.
I read that as ‘revert-wanking’.
Or maybe I just need to get out of the gutter.
Oh, stay!
The filthy hippies are passing out brownies again.
Wank! I’m gonna live forever!
Oops…sorry…different inside joke.
Ummm… someone with more money than sense and/or good taste?
“Should I pose that in the form of a question, Alex? Okay. WHO is someone with more money than sense and/or good taste?”
Apparently, Fred.
I’m not surprised he doesn’t want to tell us what the price was on this when he bought it. He can’t have paid anywhere near $500. My guess is that it was about $50 and 2500 Camel Bucks or whatever they called those coupons that came in the cigarettes.
As a camel lover myself, my only desire is to put the poor thing out of its misery – and out of everyone else’s. ~shudder~
Um, hi! …?
Are you going to have to change your name now, Lola #1? If so, might I suggest Bianchi Sound? 😉
Good idea! I’m not using it.
Foolishly, I did not see that coming! It caused water out the nose!
This site should have a disclaimer that reads: “Drinking while reading this site is not advised. Not responsible for computer damage or public humiliation due to sudden site-induced spit take.”
Or perhaps, more simply: “Back away from the coffee mug, Sparky!”
I keep my keyboard in a desk drawer to prevent such mishaps. So far, so good.
The monitor’s not looking that great, though.
This is funny. It’s like today, when the school went to watch the Senior Awards thing, we have two seniors named Matt Williams: a big guy of African descent, who is our student body president, and a big guy of European descent, who is the star of the football team. Our principal announced that Matt Williams had one a scholarship or something (It was long and boring. I didn’t pay much attention) and they both stood up, look at each other confusedly, and started laughing.
I went to school with a girl whose first name and surname prefix were the same as mine. In college, I roomed across from another girl I grew up with who had the same name as I, and her roommate, who had – you guessed it – the same name. Then I moved out and had an apartment-mate with the same first name … and then a coworker who is still a friend (we began referring to each other by surnames, as if male). There were others as well. I started going by initials.
I changed it when I started posting online. In fact, there are posters on here with the same first name. I’m actually kind of amused that it took this long for another Lo to show up!
*waves at new person*
Sorry about that – I’ll become Lila. Or something.
No bother, and you don’t have to change it, though fwiw I find “Lila or something” amusing.
Ooo, is this one of those “evil twin” things?
‘Cause I’m gonna wanna get some popcorn if it is.
I was going to point out what seemed to be a positive note, that the creature used to model the table was a camel, and not a dromedary.
That is until I considered the two factors of how hard a time the average Sparky would have with spelling dromedary; and the utter lack of animal identification far too many Sparkies demonstrate.
” ‘Modern Frustrations of the Literate’ for $200, Alex.”
“The answer is “Dromedary’. ”
“What the average Sparky could not identify even with google and a wiki article printed out in front of them.”
Ugh, been one of those days. A day far too much like reading sub-atomic particle physics to a cat. With similar levels of comprehension and annoyance. Really need to converse with people who “get” me–but, that seems unlikely today. Too many Sr Panzas about and I apparently appear a windmill to them all.
Swab those scratches and never mind those Don Quixotes.
It’s Friday, and that means ‘brains have left the building’. If it can’t wait until Tuesday, it’s not worth a response. 😉
It’s a Friday for the employed, not for me.
It’s a weekend of memories and Service ignored by the Sparkies, except for just long enough between lite beers to slur “U-S-A!Whoo!” and go back to hazarding their peers on land and water.
Will be another day of retreating to the sullen cave which is my living room, alone, wondering what next clamity the phone will bring. O the pinnacle which is Command is a lonely aerie of scant comfort and even less company. And my day is marked well by the fact I cannot cite that properly.
Yeah, it’s hard to fly with eagles when you work with a bunch of pidgeons. Or maybe it’s doves… aren’t they dumber and more apt to get eaten?
You can be my Don Quixote, Capn.
For some reason I’m hearing that to the tune of BNL’s “Be My Yoko Ono.”
MS, I am touched, but probably cannot reach that. I have no aspirations to the alleged priveldges of nobility, which leaves being raised a Don unlikely. Further, the weather today does not make the thought of being accomplished in plate and mail very attractive either.
And cardboard and duct tape sticks to your skin.
A day far too much like reading sub-atomic particle physics to a cat.
This may actually be one of Dan’s favorite hobbies.*
*This may not actually be true.**
**Or maybe that isn’t. Hard to tell.
I’m pretty certain it’s Sparky McSchrödinger’s favorite hobby.
He has to keep reading, because he can’t figure out how to open boxes.
TS Eliot’s Old Possum is better to read to cats, especially if you “do” the voices.
Physics seldom has a meter suitable for sight reading. The subject matter is not very engaging for either cats or people; so barring a need for physics recitations, all one does is waste breath and annoy the cat.
While legal CASES are not much better, practicing your oral arguments (either for trial court or appeals court) with the cat is actually quite useful.
Time to break out the agave juice, Cap’n.
Not alone, it’s not.
All hail Clyde, the King of Plastic!
*pulls Benjamin Braddock aside*
See what you could have been, Ben? If only you’d listened to advice!
Nailing Mrs. R. probably didn’t help, either.
I’ve been trying to sort this out for a while now…
What the dickens does
SparkyFred mean by “It is to big or it would be on ebay”?To big, or not to big—that is the question:
Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous ebay,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
And, by opposing, end them. To die, to sleep
To sleep, perchance to suck at Craigslist*.
Ay, there’s the rub.
*I won’t have to pay for/hassle with shipping. I can have a local swing by and pick it up.
Dickens and Shakespeare…in the same thread! Or Chuck and Bill to close friends .
Just look at that thing! It’s way too big to shove through an ethernet cable. Even an old-school phone modem wouldn’t be able to handle it.
That’s “to big” to you, Miss Scrabble.
But I have all these extra “O”s left!
And that damn “Q” is just sitting there, mocking me.
I think you’re bogarting a couple of “Z”s too. And anyone knows that a “Q” isn’t worth diddly unless you’ve got some “U”s up your sleeve.
You gotta get up pretty early in the morning to beat me at Scrababble.
Oh…a Q isn’t worth diddly without any Us, huh? What about QI, QAT, and QATAR, huh? You have to get up even earlier to beat me!*
*Seriously. I’m actually looking for a challenge. I beat everyone I play with unless I’m having really terribly luck…and even then, it has to be in conjunction with a few lucky plays for them.
Hmm. Terribly luck? I guess the…um…7 glasses of champagne after commencement really got to me.
Bridge…. I think you just made those words up… did you say 7? Oh yeah, I challenge! 🙂
Also kharmic pennance for not sharing champagne with rfd & penguin
LimeLolly – Check the Scrabble dictionary. And I accept your challenge!
CapnMac – The champagne was free at the reception, and no one was checking to make sure those partaking had actually ATTENDED commencement. So…I was sharing!
You have the monopoly on useful information-aren’t monopolies illgael? 😉
I think it means he’s not smart enough to know you can specify local buyers only/pick-up only; he’s afraid of shipping it, or shipping in general.
Damn, maybe someone will come up with funny. Half-caf apparently was not enough for me to be funny.
(Edit: Ooh, 3 funnies while I was typing. Yippee!)
At least he shouldn’t have to worry about watering it for a very long time.
See above.
If I bought the table, would that mean I would have to drink all my beverages straight from the glass? I wouldn’t want to hurt the camel’s back.
Is it just me, or does the tabletop vaguely resembled one of these?
(I’ll give anyone who knows what that is a gold star.)
Please tell me it’s not a reusable maxi-pad.
Okay… it’s not.
Not saying you’re wrong… just obliging you.
What makes it funnier is that Dan’s a guy!
Not that I know anything about the subject, but…
would that be a… “feminine hygiene” product?
Why, yes; yes, it is.
Please proceed directly to “GO” to collect your gold star.
300 points for correct employment of a euphemism.
In pink, though?
I mean, really. If you’re going to go so far as to go with organic wool, why in the world would you dye it?
And if you’re going to dye it anyway, umm, given the use… pink?
I found other colors, but this was the closest in shape to the tabletop.
EDIT: Oooh, this one’s better! And also more disturbing.
Pretty sure I saw that Pokemon one on Regretsy. The only thing better/worse are the Twilight-themed ones, because blood and vamps – um.
I don’t think I will finish that thought.
Twilight themed? I shall worry no more that the link is blocked by my company… blech.
Etsy and Regretsy are rife with the things, there’s even a pattern available so you can crochet your own.
(For those unfamiliar with crochet – there are holes, lots of them.)
At least one doesn’t have to worry about bleaching out stains.. O.o.
I thought they were pepto-abyssmal flavored gingerbread man cookies.
From the makers of Always brand feminine products. Have a happy camel.
That wins you an adore x 7 from me, and elebenty internets.
*A YSaC limerickish parade of tables, no fables*
We begin with the table that’s red.
You can take it for free that was said.
Forever in lore.
It’s never a bore.
Our mostest famous table instead.
And then there’s the table the coloer of blech.
Which really didn’t seem that much of a wreck.
Good shap and four chars.
Oh yes, and no SARS.
But certainly don’t want that blech on my deck.
And then came the custom table of pink.
At only five bucks can make one just think.
Lower rack and wheels.
The picture reveals.
That custom pink paint did reek with a stink.
Next on the list, a lady of bronze.
Now this one has just sooo many wrongs.
Though some fool may drool.
To me it’s plain cruel.
Please make it wear some panties or thongs.
And today we get a table-like camel.
Where one could go underneath for a ramble.
One hump or two.
Either will do.
But no-one can spin a camel like Hamill.
Dorothy Hamill reference FTW. +’76* internetz
*because of the Olympics
Who knew that the camel was king of plastic?
And not just king, but some king!
I’ll take the “OBO” please.
Operators standing by.
*lolls around in a corner, kicking the ground* *does a bit of a Morris dance* *has been absent from YSaC due to temporary loss of brain* *continues Morris dance*
For a Morris dance.. you can have your spot back!
*Looks up Morris dance.*
*Is saddened that it does not include Morris the Cat or Morris Day.*
*Calls it a day.*
lost_compass is in the box, well deserved, here comes the Punchity Punch Punch!
G’Night, Winston-Salem!
Thanks, Windrose… there were many more snarktastic comments than mine, so this was a surprise.
I guess drmk just woke up in a romantic mood.
somebody paid 500 bucks for that even when new, even as the king of plastic? I think not. would be nice for someone to buy it, and a sledgehammer…
Oooh, I’ll go get the Sarcasm Stick!
That’ll put it out of it’s misery.